
@[email protected]

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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klemptor ,

Wait, what? I'm late Gen X, was raised by boomers as a free range, ride my bike everywhere latchkey kid, never got helicoptered. All my friends were the same.

klemptor ,

Of course, but I know no Gen Xers who were raised how you describe. Maybe it's regional?

klemptor ,

I am from Jersey (New) too, and we love our our glottal stops. Once I was telling someone from out-of-state that I was from Trenton, and even after I said it three times, they still said they'd never heard of it. And I realized it's because we pronounce it almost like "chre'in". I don't really pronounce the "nt" in the middle, it's just a gap.

klemptor ,

She is super adorable, old dogs are the best 🩶

klemptor ,

All doggos belong here, especially yours!!

klemptor ,

The Sound of Her Voice was heartbreaking!

Me at age six, at Star Trek: The Experience ( startrek.website )

Here is me at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Hilton. This was 1997 (spring or summer). I got to go on The Klingon Encounter (which may have been the only ride-type attraction at the time). The line to enter was lined with status of Borg (First Contact had just come out the previous November)....

klemptor OP ,

Oh she is L O M G T H Y

klemptor OP ,

I think the flower knew my pup was all it needed to look great! ;)

klemptor ,

All the leaves are green

But I still got my touque

'Cause I can't forego style

When I'm posing for youuuuuu

(To the tune of California Dreamin')

Hope this makes sense I'm a little bit high

klemptor ,

Not always. On DS9, when the Defiant was departing the station, the heading was given as 180 mark zero - meaning, traveling exactly backward from their current position. This made sense because when docked, the Defiant's nose is buried in the docking ring.

klemptor ,

A fuzzy bee fren! 🥰💛🖤💛🖤🐝

Nice pic :)

klemptor ,

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!

klemptor ,

He would be quick to clarify that it's a motorcoach, not an RV.

klemptor OP ,

Aww what a sweet friendship! And I love that Daisy calls the shots haha

klemptor OP ,

Oh my lord, sighthounds are so silly - all twig legs and radar ears! And such sweet little pointy snooters! Good luck to Louie with his surgery, I’m sure Ollie will cheer him up. Are they greys or whippets? I can’t quite tell from the angle of the pic.

Surgery is the reason Greta is in the hospital right now. She’s 13.5 years old and had a soft tissue sarcoma removed from her back right leg last week. With the antibiotics she developed really awful diarrhea, and then she tore her stitches last night when she was struggling to get up from her bed. My poor baby!

klemptor OP ,

Look at those lil curled up arms on your doofus!! 😍

klemptor OP ,

Tell Buford I said “thanks, handsome dude!”

klemptor OP ,

Those EARZ!

klemptor OP ,

Heck yes! Is this fluffy lady a saluki?

klemptor OP ,

Awww look at those cute eyes!!

klemptor OP ,

Haha that’s because they’re all elbows and twig legz!

Your Sci-Fi suggestions

I haven’t had any luck in finding sci-fi books recently. I’m looking for a longer story that takes its time to establish the world/universe and the characters living in it. I like the idea of exploring space or futuristic cities/landscapes and being on a journey together with the protagonist. The story doesn’t have to have...

klemptor ,

You should check out Arkady Martine’s A Memory Called Empire and Ann Leckie’s Ancillary trilogy.

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