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penquin , avatar

Plasma is actually pretty light. It's right in line with XFCE.

Fix for the capslock slow response

This is an issue that I know for a fact that is not specific to plasma, but I came here to ask for help since I run Plasma and I'm hoping that there is something I can change on the DE to fix it. Caps-lock is very slow and causes THis ISsue, and it is driving me crazy. I'm the person who can never learn how to use the shift to...

penquin OP , avatar

Lol. I've learned how to touch type and I do it very well, but I can never get used to using shift. I just can't. I really tried so much.

penquin OP , avatar

It's not hatred, but I grew up in a 3rd world country where computer teaching didn't exist until I got to college, and even then, it was one 30 minutes class a week. I didn't even know many shortcuts and key combinations until I got to the US back in 2010. I'd never known that a shift key would do such things. All I knew was capslock is to make letters caps. I guess my brain was wired differently in this regard. I'm 42 now and I'm still catching up on a lot of things I've missed out on in my young days. I've just now gotten a job as a programmer literally 2 weeks ago (the irony of not knowing how to use the shift key, right?) I'm still learning about computers. I started using Linux back in 2018 and I'm still learning about it. Thanks to Linux, my learning process has been sped up a lot. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, and I hope that that answers your question. Lol

penquin OP , (edited ) avatar

Thank you. I’ll update it. I never use discover to update, I only use it to see what updates I have.

How do I reset plasma 6 to defaults?

I have recently upgraded to Plasma 6. It’s has been riddled with issues. One major issue is that when I let the PC sit for a while, the screen turns off (as it should), then the pc just either freezes indefinitely, or wakes up, but nothing is responsive. I can’t even enter my password to log in. For now, I have disabled auto...

penquin OP , (edited ) avatar

I’ll try that. Thank you. I’m having issues on Wayland and some apps I use daily don’t work there unfortunately :/


I ran this command sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)and it removed over 1GB of crap. Made a backup before doing that. I’ll reboot and see if it killed my system. Lol

penquin OP , avatar

I have all AMD. Done with Nvidia for life until they open source their shit and straight up support Linux. Running that orphaned packages cleaning command seems to help a little. I’ll test it for a while and see. It did remove a bunch of Qt5/kde5 stuff

penquin OP , avatar

I have reported 3 or 4 major bugs so far, haven’t reported this one yet. So much shit broke on plasma 6. Not sure if it’s just me, but this release is an absolute mess. I don’t want to reinstall

penquin OP , avatar

I have the QT_USE_PLASMA_SCALING=1 set and it’s been working no problem. Could if have been removed by the update? But that would also make the menu icons look like shit.

penquin OP , avatar

The Arch wiki thing fixed it. Thank you

Is it possible to disable the auto lock when entering password wrong on lock screen

There is this useless feature where the lock screen tells you that the account is locked for 10 minutes because of three failed attempts to log in, but then I can just bypass it by forcing my computer off then powering it back on. Then what’s the point of having it? I just got a new mechanical keyboard and I don’t know if it...

penquin OP , avatar

How do I disable it? That link doesn’t show where to disable it. It just did it again and it’s driving my fucking insane. I literally didn’t do anything. I just locked my PC from the menu and went back to it to wake it up. I need this off my PC :/

penquin OP , avatar

Ok, I figured it out. Looks like this new mechanical keyboard I got does something when I wake the PC up that causes those 3 attempts to be triggered. So I just set deny = 0 in /etc/security/faillock.conf. And to be more sure, I set the unlock time to 0. Lol That was very stressful. Thank you for bringing up faillock.

penquin OP , avatar

I wasn’t asking why I can bypass it, I wanted to get rid of it because it’s useless to me since my PC is physically in my basement and I’m right there trying to use it, not trying to access it remotely. Anyway, I got rid of it.

penquin , avatar

Marcan reverse-engineered Apple’s M1/2 silicon using only Kate and konsole.

penquin , (edited ) avatar

He is the developer who reverse-engineered the whole apple silicon thing, and he did it with kate and konsole. lol. I have watched so many of his live streams on youtube, the dude even uses Gentoo with KDE. He is a genius.

penquin , avatar

Here is the last one he did.

kde , to KDE avatar

Draw some inspiration for your desktop with the boldly monochromatic Graphite, the second global theme in the Off-Theme series.


An animation of the Graphite theme on Plasma, showing the light and dark variants.

penquin , avatar

Thanks for the reminder. I loved this theme. Gonna install it

I tested KDE 6 a bit last night

Let me preface this with I was reinstalling my Arch system when Linux 6.6.1 killed the computer’s boot cycle. (Dell Optiplex 990 i7) system. Anyway, I needed to get this back up and running and since I couldn’t even get it to boot, I did a reinstall relying on my backups and on the Linux LTS for now. I am an early adopter...

penquin , avatar

I’ve tried it in a VM. Installed kde neon unstable. I did NOT like how they changed the settings. Ooofff, I was clicking instinctly on the wrong places. I kept repeating the same mistakes I was getting mad. lol. It IS more sane if makes more sense, thought, but we do need a lot of muscle memory to get used it. It does look a little different, but I removed it pretty quick, as I didn’t want to ruin the excitement of the official release.

penquin , avatar

no more frames within frames! Instead Breeze-themed apps adopt the clean design of modern Kirigami apps, with views separated from one another with single-pixel lines!

Does this talk about that little blue square that is inside of dolphin where the folders reside?

penquin , avatar

Man, that little square drives me nuts. I never understood why it was there in the first place. lol

penquin , avatar

I’ve tried it in a VM and it was very buggy, so, I doubt it would reach any distro in this stage anytime soon

Wayland: Font is blurry with fractional scaling

This is now the only thing standing between me and using Wayland as my daily driver. I have an all AMD PC running on two 27" 4k monitors. Setting them up to 200% is good, but too big. Setting them to 175% causes the font to be blurry. Not too blurry, but I can tell and it’s not comfortable to look at for too long. Also, other...

penquin OP , avatar

That makes absolutely no sense and you should have kept it to yourself.

penquin OP , avatar

Thank you so much.

penquin OP , avatar

I like the 27" size. They’re both 60 hz unfortunately :/ I’m thinking of either one of those really long monitors or two with high refresh rate. I need at least 90 hz. I freaking love 4k and can never have anything else.

penquin , avatar

Damn, that happened to me the other day. I don’t see it, so I just ignored it. Lol. So weird.

To whomever made Dolphin's "Extract here, autodetect subfolder" feature - I love you ( )

I hope this doesn’t violate the low-quality rule. For those who don’t know, when you right click an archive in Dolphin, the extract menu has a “Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder” option and its absolutely brilliant! If you’ve ever extracted a zip, tar, etc and ended up with files splattered everywhere this...

penquin , avatar

Funny enough, I discovered this a couple of weeks ago when I extracted a zip file with the top option and I had like 100 files all over my downloads directory. I was so pissed I had to delete them all one by one and make sure that I don’t delete the files that I actually want there. It was so painful. Then looked at the bottom one and it made sense and it was an “aha I fucking love kde” moment.

penquin , avatar

I get this all the time, but mine always bitches about a network error. Closing the whole settings window and reopening always fixes it

export PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING=1 no longer works

I’m trying to get the scaling right on my 4k monitors, but icons look wonky, and the whole thing doesn’t look right. I used to just throw export PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING=1 in /etc/environment or ~/profile, log out and log back in, and I’m good, but now this doesn’t do anything. I can’t be on wayland 100% since not...

penquin OP , avatar

I am using systemd. I’ll try that and report back. Thank you so much

penquin OP , avatar

Where do I find plasma-plasmashell.service?

penquin OP , avatar

That killed the whole xorg session. It logs into a black screen with only the cursor. I’ve been messing with it for about 3 days. So, I just went ahead nuked my whole system, including my home drive and reinstalled from scratch. All good now. It was painful to restore all of my home files from server, but we are all good now.

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