
We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week to afford a basic life. We do because our currency is constantly losing value. This is by design.

There's a lot of talk about inflation and its causes. Is it corporate greed? Supply chain issues? One clear base cause of inflation less talked about is having an inflationary currency supply. Any other inflation caused by supply chain issues, corporate greed, lack of market competition, etc is just added on top of that. Fiat...

Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I'm gonna start out by saying that I promise I'm not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I'm fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I did...

Any suggestions for how to get good sports photos?

Most of my photography has been of relatively stationary subjects, where I just use single-servo AF and either focus & recompose or move the single focus point to where in the frame I want the subject, or largely-individual sports like triathlon. But I've struggled getting sharp shots in team sports photography with a large...

If you ever worked shifts and transitioned to a 9 to 5 job, how difficult was the change?

I’m a nurse working shifts and sometimes 5 days without a pause and I still don’t know if I’m gonna take one of the 2 9 to 5 jobs my hospital system has offered. I’d earn less money, but I’m already 45 years old and I don’t know if I should call it quits and settle for a regular job 5 days a week and free weekends...

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