
Enterprise era new trek show?

I’m not sure if this is the right community or not, but I’m curious what y’all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of...

Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I'm gonna start out by saying that I promise I'm not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I'm fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I did...

can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?

the colleague in question feels that only her way of doing things is the right one and expects me to adapt to her way of thinking and her logic. This is tiring and burdensome because I have to force me to stop doing things automatically and efficiently, but think how she wants it done and do it her way. I work worse when this...

In a way, Tasha Yar's fate actually worked out really well for the series

I don’t know whether this is an unpopular opinion or not but I actually think that the way Tasha Yar died gave the show much higher stakes throughout it’s entire run. Here is the chief security officer, main bridge crew, tragic back story, potential love interest for the robot character just slapped down by the monster of...

What if solving interstellar travel isn't about figuring out faster than light propulsion, but how to extend our own lives?

So I was day dreaming and I caught a thought. What if what we understand about physics is actually all there is to understand? What if you objectively cannot move faster than the speed of light because you can’t do the time traveling things necessary. This would mean that the only way to travel amongst the stars would be to...

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