fubarx , to Politics in ‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On


“My blog posts and vitamin enhancement pill business are not doing so well. Let me see if I can goose up outrage and get some attention.”

Host: “All right! Amen!”

golden_zealot , to Politics in ‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On avatar

Can anyone explain how all of these people aren’t being sent to prison for straight up treason? Isn’t blatantly and loudly stating that you’re intending to overthrow the united states government an enormous crime?

FirstCircle OP , avatar

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? People have been locked-away for treason after lesser acts than Jan 6. Treason laws in the United States . If the feds won’t prosecute, I’d hope the state AGs would start to look into these kind of public displays of insurrection.

3425asdfqwer4 , to Politics in ‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On

All conservatives must be dealt with. It's beyond clear that they cannot continue to exist in our society.

JimmyBigSausage , to Politics in ‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On


Sanctus , to Politics in ‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On avatar

Dismantle all super PACS. Disseminate information to uncontrolled civilians. Destroy legalized bribery. If all else fails, become ungovernable.

masquenox , to Politics in Josh Hawley Calls for Ukraine Funding To Be ‘Redirected to Israel Immediately’

Considering that Israel used a lot of that handout money the US gave it to fund Hamas back in the late 80s, why doesn’t Josh Hawley just cut out the middleman and give Ukraine’s support directly to Hamas?

Makes about as much sense as anything else emanating from right-wingers…

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Josh Hawley Calls for Ukraine Funding To Be ‘Redirected to Israel Immediately’

Actual Nazi supports Israel? I didn't see that one coming.

Kalkaline , avatar

Isn’t there an “end times” theory of why Christian conservatives support Israel?

Peaty ,

Yes, the “Left Behind” stories start with a nuclear conflict between Russia and Israel.

i_cant_sports ,

There’s a book series I wish I could forget

masquenox ,

It is something Christo-fascists seems to buy into… but there’s far more to it than just that. Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism, and it has always been a thoroughly antisemitic thing.

JoMiran , avatar

More shocking to me was seeing Israel hold others under a military boot. Like, really?!? That’s the tact they picked?

e_t_ Admin ,

There's a whole trope of abused children growing up to be abusers.

tacosanonymous , to Politics in Josh Hawley Calls for Ukraine Funding To Be ‘Redirected to Israel Immediately’

I would like to propose that we all tell him to go fuck himself.

floofloof ,
unconsciousvoidling , to Politics in Josh Hawley Calls for Ukraine Funding To Be ‘Redirected to Israel Immediately’

GOP is just an extension of Russia.

Xel , avatar

Didn’t a bunch of high profile congressmen or senators go to Russia on the 4th of July?

i_cant_sports ,
unconsciousvoidling , to Politics in Josh Hawley Calls for Ukraine Funding To Be ‘Redirected to Israel Immediately’

I know Rand Paul was one and he is always outspoken about not wanting to help Ukraine. I think we can all put two and two together. I wish there were consequences for being treasonous.

HandsHurtLoL OP , to Politics in [News] 90-Year-Old Dianne Feinstein Cedes Power Of Attorney To Daughter – But Remains In Senate

Dude, someone reported your comment. It's as simple as that.

We are here to maintain community standards set by the community. Don't get it twisted.

Deceptichum , to Politics in [News] 90-Year-Old Dianne Feinstein Cedes Power Of Attorney To Daughter – But Remains In Senate avatar

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  • Drusas ,

    While I understand the sentiment, directly encouraging someone to die like this is not acceptable on this magazine, so your comment has been removed. Please try to keep things civil.

    skellener , to Politics in [News] 90-Year-Old Dianne Feinstein Cedes Power Of Attorney To Daughter – But Remains In Senate avatar


    flipht , to Politics in [News] 90-Year-Old Dianne Feinstein Cedes Power Of Attorney To Daughter – But Remains In Senate

    Power of attorney is a normal thing, and it doesn't actually indicate that she's unable to care for herself.

    It's something all people should seriously consider if they have a responsible adult child.

    It has to be done BEFORE you're actually in need, because you have to be competent to make the decision. It saves families a lot of drama if the person winds up in the hospital and someone needs to pay their bills, or needs to make other financial decisions while they're incapacitated.

    All that said, feinstein is definitely incapable of caring for herself, so she needs to go. But I wish people would stop demonizing this particular thing, since it has nothing to do with the actual issues.

    Itty53 , avatar

    No one is demonizing this particular thing. People are complaining about a senator who needs to give way to a younger, more progressive person.

    Like a 70 year old. /s Jokes aside this highlights things well.

    Seriously though, no one is demonizing the thing. They're pointing out the thing adds strong evidence to the arguments they've been making for the better part of the last 20 years. When W Bush went under the knife he signed over power to Cheney. That's the responsible thing to do. On the same token, Feinstein has indicated the likelihood that she is unable to serve her role in numerous ways, with this just being one more way. If she can no longer speak for herself, how can she speak for Californians? I live here, BTW. I'm affected directly.

    keeb420 , to Politics in [News] 90-Year-Old Dianne Feinstein Cedes Power Of Attorney To Daughter – But Remains In Senate

    if youre no longer fit to make decisions for yourself on a permanent basis, like dementia here, you should be forced to resign. im not calling for someone who needs it for a short term injury or impairment though.

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