BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

10 years from now…

Juvenile crime just doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin

Ensign_Crab ,

10 years and one second from now: Buh whubbut all the republicans?

sadbehr , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

That includes the end of Medicaid rules that protected recipients from getting kicked off because of administrative errors

Sorry what

IHaveTwoCows ,

It means your grandma is getting tossed onto Skid Row because of a missing comma

dingus , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

How about we tar and feather him instead of thanking him?

I mean, he loves coal so much, let’s drench him in it’s byproduct.

BurgerPunk , avatar

But what about mah civility and norms?!?!

LEDZeppelin , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.
Schadrach ,

You pick on the yacht, but it’s his DC residence and is essentially a houseboat. He paid $220k for it, so the real question is how that compares to the housing of other Senators while in DC.

There’s lots of great reasons to tear into Manchin, I don’t think the boat is one of them though.

SovietyWoomy , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

There’s absolutely nothing the democrats could have to prevent this. It just wasn’t possible. If they had dared to try instead of talking about the importance of a strong republican party and the importance of compromise the parliamentarian would have immediately impeached Biden.

Make sure you vote blue no matter who. They’ll definitely do something next time football-lucy

usernamesaredifficul ,

the parliamentarian would have immediately impeached Biden

the parliamentarian doesn’t have the authority to do that but still

Ram_The_Manparts , avatar

That’s the joke

Ildsaye ,


Ram_The_Manparts , avatar

We need that emoji

prole , avatar

Nah, the “joke” was “lol Democrats suck amirite.”

Bnova , avatar

Are you sure? I’m pretty sure if they roll a 4 or greater they get to be the president, during which time they may impeach the former president and wear their clothes.

Adkml ,

The parliamentarian doesn’t have the authority to do fucking anything its some unelected beurocrat nobody had ever heard of until liberals needed a fresh excuse to not do anything.

That’s the entire point

who8mydamnoreos , to Politics in How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism

America needs no King.

SpookyUnderwear , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Motherjones? Seriously? This is the best you could do OP? The fox news of the democrats?

IronCorgi ,

Attacking the source rather than defending your position... nothing more conservative than that.

SpookyUnderwear ,

Cool story. But I’m not a conservative, and I have no position. Yes, I’m sure it would be easier for you if I was. Then you could demonize me and take comfort in the fact that once again you’ve attacked your enemy.

I don’t need to attack the source when it’s a left wing rag. You know what I’m saying is correct. But you people are more concerned with winning, and taking a dig at your enemy then unbiased sources.

IronCorgi ,

Jesus even when saying you're not attacking the source you can't help making an ad hominem attack on a source you don't bother to engage with. I hope in the future you can learn to actually read the material before engaging ignprant dismissal.

SpookyUnderwear ,

L take. I never stated I didn’t read the material. An assumption on your part. I’m sure this incident took place, but because of the source, I’m sure it’s riddled with left wing bias and twisted truths. Would you really take an article from fox news about Joe Biden at absolute face value? No, you wouldn’t, and shouldn’t.

dialectical_analysis_of_gock , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

where are my stimulus checks?? the democratic party owes me money

where is my healthcare?

where is my loan cancelation?

why are billions being sent to ukraine?

why are the kids still in cages on the southern border?

why did you say covid is over?

spaceghoti OP ,

Thank you for your trolling. Goodbye.

dialectical_analysis_of_gock , avatar

who opened the cages? Obama

who was president during Roe-Wade restriction? Biden

troll = someone who is left of me and correctly realizes the futility of electoralism.

Go cry to the others in your liberal echochamber

NotErisma , avatar

Bexbear: helthcare pls

Lemmy: soypoint-1 morshupls oh fuck they want us to become republicans

NotErisma , (edited ) avatar

>thanks for trolling, goodbye

Ah yes, silence a genuine grievance with “oh you’re trolling, shut up”

That’s so childish and dismissive it feels like a maybe-later-kiddo skit

grazing7264 , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

As a Liberal I would like to thank Joe Manchin for absorbing all the anger that would be directed at the entire democratic party like a tortured idol from a Dark Souls game.

Thank you Democrats for diffusing public anger the way any adults in the room would, and for protecting my investments in 14,000 empty single family homes in upstate New York.

Please consider my proposal for Green solar powered benches that electrify after 10pm to prevent homeless people from sleeping on them. This would increase our property values even further. We truly are Better Together™

HornyOnMain , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Death to america amerikkka

Ubermeisters ,

Such an intelligent take

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

more like uber loser! lmao!

Ubermeisters ,

Wow you’re really owning me left and right

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

thanks chief

HornyOnMain ,

hating a country for starving its own children isn’t exactly a hard take to arrive at

Ubermeisters ,

Someday you’re going to get tired of the smell of your own anus and pull your head out of there

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

some day you will realize countries 10x poorer than the USA manage to feed everyone without issue

BurgerPunk , avatar
ShimmeringKoi , avatar
NotErisma , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

biden-fall nothing will fundamentally change biden-forgor

biden-harbinger EXCEPT FOR THE AMOUNT OF KIDS I FUCKIN STARVE, JACK biden-harbinger

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Both here and in Afghanistan. Never thought I’d live to see a famine that actually was engineered by a guy named Joe, but here we are.

axont , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Democrats are useless bureaucrats who will never do anything good. Servants of the capitalist class, all of them, including the supposedly good ones like AOC.

Joe Biden owes me another stimulus check. Joe Biden owes me $20,000 in student debt relief.

Abolish the American capitalist class and immediately stop their ruthless destruction of lives and planet Earth hammer-sickle

rubpoll , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

“You’re an idiot if you think Democrats can do anything.” - Democrats, trying to win us over

tripartitegraph , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

You can thank all these dumbfuck democrats. they’ll get whatever scapegoat they need to NOT do something good, and then try to guilt you into voting for them again next time around. and the children will still go hungry. jesus fucking christ

UlyssesT , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I just continued an exhausting comment chain from a “vote blue no matter who” Bidenite liberal who had nothing else to argue but “harm reduction.”


WHERE? big-honk

sovietknuckles , avatar

Bottom goose is massive

JamesConeZone , avatar
nohaybanda ,

It’s getting closer you better run

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