dialectical_analysis_of_gock , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. avatar

where are my stimulus checks?? the democratic party owes me money

where is my healthcare?

where is my loan cancelation?

why are billions being sent to ukraine?

why are the kids still in cages on the southern border?

why did you say covid is over?

spaceghoti OP ,

Thank you for your trolling. Goodbye.

dialectical_analysis_of_gock , avatar

who opened the cages? Obama

who was president during Roe-Wade restriction? Biden

troll = someone who is left of me and correctly realizes the futility of electoralism.

Go cry to the others in your liberal echochamber

NotErisma , avatar

Bexbear: helthcare pls

Lemmy: soypoint-1 morshupls oh fuck they want us to become republicans

NotErisma , (edited ) avatar

>thanks for trolling, goodbye

Ah yes, silence a genuine grievance with “oh you’re trolling, shut up”

That’s so childish and dismissive it feels like a maybe-later-kiddo skit

SlowNPC , to Politics in Radicals took over the Michigan GOP. Now they can’t stop losing. avatar

Once upon a time, Republican leadership were smart but evil people who fed lies to their base but understood that they were lying. Since they weren't actually delusional, they could choose the most politically useful lies and abandon the ones that didn't poll well.

Enough people believed their lies that the new generation of Republicans are True Believers. They've lost the ability to tailor their message to the political climate because it's no longer seen as just a bunch of crap to please the base, but TRUTH. Except that it's not actually true, so their policies fail.

This is the inevitable result of governing through falsehood. Objective reality can not be gaslit, and abandoning it never works out well long-term.

gowan , avatar

Once upon a time the GOP believed in things. Go look at Bob Dole’s 1996 platform for his campaign and you will see they believed in something. Now they are purely reactionary.

captainlezbian ,

Once some of them did. But Nixon didn’t believe in Jack shit. Nixon would’ve ran as a fucking communist if it was what was best for his chances. Same for Reagan. Then you’ve got Goldwater who believed in things, just not good things.

gowan , avatar

Nixon and Reagan did in fact have well thought out platforms and some was reasonable. It’s after 2008 that they gave up in believing in things.

Phoenix3875 , to Work Reform in Being Mean to Scabs Is Working

In the remedy video linked in the article, she said that she only wanted to keep the show going. I can feel that she indeed values the show and the connection it made between people. However, it’s also sad to see how this kind of blissful ignorance turns the creative drive into something that perpetuates inequality and harms the people connected by the show. She hurts people in a way she doesn’t understand. Maybe she’ll learn something this time.

princessnorah , avatar
GopherOwl ,

Agreed. I feel she tried to do the right thing but didn’t. I hope she learns and I don’t really have animosity towards her. People make mistakes. And admitting you’re wrong is a huge thing our society doesn’t value like it should.

Meanwhile Bill Maher tried to do the wrong thing and managed to successfully do the wrong thing, but for the wrong reasons. So… task failed successfully? I have zero expectations for him and yet he always manages to be a disappointment.

qwertyWarlord , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

They don’t believe in anything. They’re vapid narcissists grabbing at power. They will say and do anything for power and approval, that’s what makes them so dangerous. It wasn’t a debate up there, they weren’t debating anything, it was a popularity contest and each and every one of them danced for the crowd in their own way

Elderos , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

As I said again and again, trump is simply following the fascist playbook. You have to at least grant it to him, it is virtually the only thing he’s good at. Do you know which other very popular democratically elected leader skipped presidential debates a few years ago? It’s the guy waging war to Ukraine.

letsgocrazy ,

Putin wasn’t eligible to attend any presidential debates.

duderium , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I forget, is Joe Manchin president, or Joe Biden? Some liberal experts with knowledge of civics and critical thinking, please enlighten me.

GBU_28 , (edited )

I am not a “liberal expert”, but am generally familiar.

The president can’t do anything they want, forever.

Biden used an executive order to enact a bunch of assistance programs during the end portion of covid. Included in that were things related to this topic.

Executive orders are temporary, and exist to allow the president to make fast adjustments to hopefully help people out or protect the country, on lots of topics. For example, if the president believes there is an imminent security risk, they can mobilize the military for a short time without Congressional approval.

If it seems like a topic that should be continued (like this one), Congress takes the issue up for a vote. Only Congress can make longer term budget decisions.

In this case Joe manchin campaigned on being aligned with this type of issue, and being aligned with Democrats on a variety of core positions. On several occasions in his career he has gone against this alignment at critically painful moments, and sided with republicans. Essentially not acting as he advertised. With Congress being closely split, his vote really matters.

So bidens temporary appropriations are now ending, and Congress didn’t continue them when it was expected they should be able to.

If Biden tried to just order it again, it would be struck down in courts due to this vote. This is an example of the balance of power between executive, representative, and judicial.

duderium ,

Biden is literally the most powerless person ever to exist while Trump was a dictator, even though both guys occupied the same political office. I am extremely intelligent.

GBU_28 ,

Dunno about that but you’re just another hb kid, cya

rjs001 , avatar

Awww does baby not understand what was said and that’s why they insult and can’t actually respond to the question?

duderium ,

I’m in my thirties.

BurgerPunk , avatar
spaceghoti OP ,

Today you learned about separation of powers and that in spite of what Donald Trump told you, Presidents aren’t kings.

duderium ,

How did separation of powers apply in 2008 when Obama was president, 60 democrats were in the senate, and the SCOTUS was “moderate”? Why didn’t the democrats pass universal health care and codify Roe during that time? Oh yeah, because they’re controlled by the same white supremacist bourgeoisie that controls the republicans. Now you’ve learned about the existence of class struggle—congratulations! And you’ve also learned that you’ve taken the side of the global 1% versus the global 99%, so pat yourself on the back!

Ubermeisters ,

You do realize using the word bourgeois instantly lets people know that you aren’t to be listened to, right? I’m going to call it a cat whistle because it’s the opposite of a dog whistle.

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

Way to write off an opinion in a way that tells everyone else how cucked you are by your paymasters.

Ubermeisters ,

Lmao ok bub, have a great life

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

thanks its been getting better in the last 5 minutes and its still going

duderium ,


ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Aww you think your beliefs are your own, adorable

Ubermeisters ,

Aw you’re worried about my beliefs at all how inappropriate

asteroidnova , avatar

The person you’re looking for is Joe Lieberman. He took that 60th vote away which kept the filibuster going.


5ublimation , avatar
Grimble ,

Lol fuck your shitty do-nothing government system. You look like a nerd in high suspenders for pretending it can be saved

Ubermeisters ,

Oh wow how unusual, a hexbear user being an absolute useless pile of garbage, how unusual…

duderium ,

Usefulness is when you lick the boots of Nazis, I am extremely intelligent, when has this approach ever failed? Excuse me now while I steal every penny to my name from the global poor!

rjs001 , avatar

Okay boomer

Ubermeisters , (edited )

-posting error-

rjs001 , avatar

Not sure where I mentioned you being young in anyway.

Ubermeisters ,

Tbh my comments seem to be showing up in the wrong areas and idk if it’s a lemmy issue or an app issue but it’s happened in a few spots today. I’ll delete the comment contents because at this point idk where it was supposed to be.

BurgerPunk , avatar
ShimmeringKoi , avatar
volcel_olive_oil , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned avatar

my “not bought and paid for” t-shirt is generating a lot of questions already answered by my t-shirt

Treczoks , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

Wow. It is hard to believe, but they are all as dumb as Trump. Couldn't they have placed just one candidate with an IQ over 90? I mean, just for a change?

donuts , avatar

Being smart doesn't poll well on the right.

Daft_ish , (edited )

Smart? You mean elite snob know it all?

CapgrasDelusion ,

They're not all stupid, but they're all catering to stupid. With the exception of Chris Christie which is why he's so far behind.

timicin , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned

Still, for a party that has spent years ignoring or denying the biggest threat to our planet’s future, tonight’s responses were actually, almost, a little bit refreshing.

setting the bar so low that any response besides outright hostility as refreshing, is not refreshing.

chuckleslord ,

Ah! Finally, after years of being given boiling water to drink, I’ve finally been given horribly scalding water instead. Refreshing! /s

CleverNameAndNumbers , to Politics in Radicals Took Over the Michigan GOP. Now They Can’t Stop Losing.

Absolutely wild. I was prepared for the pettiness and the at best thinly-veiled white supremacy. But the number of GOP candidates in this article that straight up assaulted other GOP members shocked me. I still am flabbergasted at the state of American politics

snooggums , avatar

By "American politics" you mean Republicans.

CleverNameAndNumbers ,

From the outside looking in, it all seems a bit bonkers. Which is especially scary cause Canadian politics tends to follow y’all’s political trends on a 5-7 year delay.

But yeah, the current state of the Republican party is absolutely the king of the heap in terms of crazy bullshit

Bipta ,

They're only assaulting each other until they have power nationally again, then they'll start attacking "the right people."

LEDZeppelin , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.
Schadrach ,

You pick on the yacht, but it’s his DC residence and is essentially a houseboat. He paid $220k for it, so the real question is how that compares to the housing of other Senators while in DC.

There’s lots of great reasons to tear into Manchin, I don’t think the boat is one of them though.

AssortedBiscuits , to Politics in The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned avatar

spoiler to those who were born yesterdayBarring the GOP just straight up blocking Trump from becoming the presidential nominee, Trump is going to become the presidential nominee. If Trump doesn’t become the presidential nominee, the GOP can kiss their chance at the Oval Office goodbye. Either option (Trump becoming the nominee or the GOP forfeiting their chances at getting a Republican president) means the Republican primaries debates are all complete wastes of time. They’re only worth watching if Trump’s there and it’s only because of the dunks.

unconsciousvoidling ,

yea the republican party is an authoritarian movement. there is no debate… there is only trump.

uralsolo ,

I think they do serve a purpose, but not everyone on the stage was aware of what that purpose actually was. The purpose was to audition to be Trump’s new VP pick since he’s definitely not going with Pence again.

BeardedGingerWonder ,

I’m not American, nor a fan of Trump, but holy shit is him not participating in these debates making him look better than the alternatives. Dude literally got arrested for the fourth time in five months, had an insane presidency, suggested shooting up bleach and shining UV lights into people’s lungs as a cure for a virus and somehow still comes across less batshit than those in the debate. Interesting times indeed.

captain_aggravated , avatar

That was a genuine thing they used to do in political primaries. They’d get a bunch of low tier party members on the stage to all fuck up and look like clowns to get the audience members going “Okay could the adults show up now please?” And that’s when the actual candidate joins the race.

brianshatchet , to Politics in One of Louisiana's only pediatric heart transplant doctors is moving because of anti-LGBTQ laws

So...Actions have consequences?!

MystikIncarnate , to Work Reform in Being Mean to Scabs Is Working

Drew Barrymore has a show?

Jakeroxs ,

The only time I’ve ever seen it was mid-day at a dentists office.

Carlo ,

Yeah, I keep seeing articles about shows delayed by the strike that I hadn’t the foggiest clue existed, and never would have watched anyway.

snausagesinablanket , avatar

Apparently, about how to put makeup on a pie plate and slam it on your face,

axont , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Democrats are useless bureaucrats who will never do anything good. Servants of the capitalist class, all of them, including the supposedly good ones like AOC.

Joe Biden owes me another stimulus check. Joe Biden owes me $20,000 in student debt relief.

Abolish the American capitalist class and immediately stop their ruthless destruction of lives and planet Earth hammer-sickle

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