drwho , to U.S. News in Washington Senate bill aims to prohibit use of hostile architecture preventing homeless camps avatar

Just remember: Two sets of hex wrenches (USian and metric) will run you about $15us at the hardware store.

pineapplelover ,

Would those get the rocks out?

drwho , avatar

They’re great for un-doing the bolts used to hold lots of stuff in place. Including rocks.

chloyster , to U.S. News in Washington Senate bill aims to prohibit use of hostile architecture preventing homeless camps avatar

A good move that is in pretty stark contrast to the current Seattle leadership’s goals. Glad people on the state level are trying something here though

Vodulas ,

Harrell is super anti-homeless. Sadly that sentiment is spilling over into neighboring cities. I am in Burien and it is the same here. They hired a encampment sweeping company with some sketchy contracts and everything

MrAlex ,

Hello fellow Burienite! Don’t forget they also made a second dog park to retroactively justify sweeping the encampment. “We would like, totally help you by offering resources, but we really need a place for our dogs to shit. Sorry about not having a roof over your head or whatever…” And in the next breath “hey everyone, we need this park sooooo bad but we can’t afford to build it. Can you spare some change?” Fucking disgusting.

Vodulas ,

Hello fellow Burienite!

Waves There are like 3 of us here!

But yup, the director of Burien CARES is super corrupt

jarfil , to U.S. News in Washington Senate bill aims to prohibit use of hostile architecture preventing homeless camps avatar

individuals experiencing homelessness

Geez, that sounds like such an interesting life experience… 😒

Kiosade , (edited )

What? Experiences can be both good and bad…

Edit: I see what you’re getting at now.

DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited ) avatar

I think they’re trying to say that the language in reference is just pandering.

In my experience, a homeless guy doesn’t give a single fuck if you call him homeless, unhoused, temporarily displaced, or a person experiencing homelessness. The bill itself is also quite tepid. While it does address some of the resultant effects of cruelty to the homeless, the actual cruelty itself remains, as well as the system that produced and perpetuates the conditions of homelessness in the first place.

Some will say “take wins where you can get them,” but I would not call this a win at all. Might actually cause a backlash against the homeless population over there.

Edit: I no longer think my anxiety about backlash was justified in this instance. Abhorrent > Tepid

alyaza OP Mod , avatar

Some will say “take wins where you can get them,” but I would not call this a win at all. Might actually cause a backlash against the homeless population over there.

being homeless is criminalized de facto in most Washington cities and if you polled the public on Hitlerite solutions to the problem a majority would likely agree with them. taking “this might cause a backlash” into consideration here is accordingly pointless; the backlash already exists and already actively informs policy for the worse. it’s incumbent on people to fight back against that by pursuing better policy, of which this is one.

DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

the backlash already exists and already informs policy

I think you and I agree on this point, this is pretty much what I was saying with “the actual cruelty itself remains, as well as the system that produced and perpetuates the conditions of homelessness in the first place.” I also re-read the bill to find “owned/operated by the city/county” where I previously misread something to the effect “within the city/county,” and the correct reading does reduce my anxiety about backlash. And you’re right, this would improve the sort-of “right to exist” in public spaces. Abhorrent was much too strong a word… More like… tepid.

I maintain the bill does not go nearly far enough, doing precisely nothing to address fundamental causes, but it might relieve some of the immense stress on those poor bastards, which is incontestably a good thing. I was wrong a moment ago, this is a “take your wins where you can get them” moment.

DarkNightoftheSoul , to U.S. News in Washington Senate bill aims to prohibit use of hostile architecture preventing homeless camps avatar

“No, your honor, we weren’t trying to stop anyone from sitting or lying at street level, we have just become infatuated with neoarchitectural design, including spikes, cemented rocks, barbed wire, and other very-legitimate hyper-modern artistic design elements. We even paid an artist. The internal emails you subpoenaed will confirm all of this.”

NoLifeKing , to U.S. News in Washington Senate bill aims to prohibit use of hostile architecture preventing homeless camps

I mean how about making affordable living places and homeless shelters?

alyaza OP Mod , avatar

well, these aren’t mutually exclusive—and anti-homeless architecture is very harmful to everyone, not just the homeless. it often strips public spaces of amenities like benches, bathrooms, or even just any space in which you could conceivably loiter for fear that that they’ll be used by the “undeserving”

NoLifeKing ,

Yes shure but we all know that they decide that and won’t change anything regarding the actual problem.

Rediphile , to U.S. News in Washington Senate bill aims to prohibit use of hostile architecture preventing homeless camps

Can we ban ‘skate stoppers’ intended to physically injure skaters who attempt the feature too?

Like, if it’s designed from the start to not be super skateable that’s fine. But adding things after the spot is already established that will cause people to ‘catch’ and fall seems a bit messed up.

kirklennon , to washington in Could a 10-cent bottle deposit system be in the state’s future?

I'm sympathetic to the goal of trying to recycle more bottles but here's my problem: Like more than 10% of the population of the state, I live in Seattle. I have a giant blue recycle bin that's included for free with garbage service. The cheapest, laziest thing I can do with a plastic bottle is throw it in my recycling bin for efficient, high-volume pickup and recycling. The proposed deposit system adds a lot of administrative hassle, inconvenience, and waste (in the form of recycling return bags). Or I do what's easiest and the most environmentally friendly but accept an extra expense. Would our resources not be better spent encouraging or subsidizing recycling programs in communities with difficult, expensive, or non-existent recycling programs? We don't even have to hit every tiny town in the middle of nowhere to make a big difference. There has to be a good amount of low-hanging fruit out there where we could get a lot more recycling done, without making recycling worse in the places where it already has high participation.

kirklennon , to washington in Trump remains on Wash. GOP primary ballot after judge’s ruling

It's bad in principle because he obviously engaged in insurrection and is ineligible but from a practical standpoint it's great news for democracy. A toxic Republican candidate who by the election will most likely be a convicted felon and quite possibly already in prison is pretty much a best-case scenario for the country. Turnout matters and nothing is going to dampen Republican turnout like the top of their ticket being a convicted loser. We could very well be looking at a historic blue wave this year.

Drusas ,

I'm not sure I can agree that ignoring the Constitution is good for democracy. Especially when it comes to disqualifying insurrectionists. But hopefully you're right about the outcome.

JackDark , to Seattle in Protestors block I-5 in downtown Seattle at Pine St

Saved you a click: anti-Israeli war protesters.

SpaceNoodle ,

I wonder if I can see my buddies in there if I zoom in

weariedfae ,

Thank you

Odelay42 , to Seattle in Seattle-area electric bills are about to go way up

The best time to invest in solar was last year. The second best time is now.

Even in Seattle weather, I cover 10 months a year of my electric bill with an 8kw array.

When it’s hot, it’s sunny, and I love knowing I can run my AC cold and still send back a ton of electricity to the grid for future bill credits.

kinther OP , avatar

I put a 9kw array on my house in 2017. When I factor in the federal and state incentives it ended up costing $12k. I will easily save that over the life of the panels. My only concern is the inverter needing replacement before the 20 year mark.

Absolutely worth it over the long run.

SeaJ ,

Wish it was doable for me. I kind of laughed at the door to door salesmen for suggesting my roof would be good for it. I have a South facing roof but there is also a 60 year fir tree next door that shades damn near all of the roof. I humored them and had one of their guys schedule an appointment for a quote. It was cheaper than I figured (only about $10k) but it would only cover about 20% of my energy usage and would take about 17 years to pay back with the assumption that SCL will be raising rates by 4% each year. I honestly do not even recall the last price hike. Yeah, it sucks that there will be a 10% jump in cost but considering how rare those hikes are compared to PSE, I’ll take it.

jordanlund , to Seattle in Seattle-area electric bills are about to go way up avatar

Something is going on, it’s +18% in Portland starting 1/1.…/portland-general-electric-hikes-residen…

kinther OP , avatar

Low snowpack in the mountains due to el nino and a solar cycle maximum and climate crisis heat. We get most of our energy from hydroelectric, so it’s a supply and demand thing I think.

pelespirit , to Seattle in Denny Blaine Park plan tossed: Kid area won't go near nude beach - or "We have a nude beach?" avatar

Why is apple maps showing Kurt Cobaine’s house on there, is it a museum or something?

Tb0n3 , to Seattle in Students walk out of Chief Sealth High to protest texts with sexual violence, harassment

Any chance to skip school. Honestly it’s other students. Not a reason to walk out.

kinther OP , avatar

I disagree. The school obviously wasn’t taking it seriously and it is creating an atmosphere of anxiety for the women there. Lets assume for a moment you had a daughter who was the target of such harassment. Would you want the school to do something?

Uranium3006 , avatar

I was sexually harassed in school and no one cared. Students deserve better

detalferous , to Seattle in Students walk out of Chief Sealth High to protest texts with sexual violence, harassment

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  • kinther OP , avatar

    How has he solved this problem?

    detalferous ,

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  • kinther OP , avatar

    That wouldn’t solve the problem of bad behavior directed toward women.

    superduperenigma ,

    High School girl: Receives unsolicited pictures of a guy’s penis.

    Deltaferous: Don’t worry Ron DeSantis banned “Carnegie Learning FL Foundational Skills in Mathematics 6-8” for being too woke, so your problem is officially solved.

    Uranium3006 , avatar

    I hope you're joking

    falsem ,

    Texts as in text messages not books.

    magnetosphere , to Seattle in Report: Amazon tells its employees it is monitoring badge swipes avatar

    I would have assumed they were already collecting this information.

    Bonus - the funniest example of euphemistic corpspeak bullshit I’ve seen in a while:

    “The information will help guide conversations as needed between employees and managers about coming into the office with their colleagues.”

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