@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar


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DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited )
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

This... This is an ad. This is literally a recruitment ad for Russian defectors disguised as a common article in CNN.

Lede very much unburied(exhumed?):

“Disaffection creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us,” said CIA Director Bill Burns last year during a speech in the United Kingdom. “We’re very much open for business.”

“That business is the exchange of information that the asset or agent would provide for something that they want,” said David McCloskey, former CIA officer and author of Moscow X. “We want people who have some sense of what [Russian] leaders’ priorities are – what they’re trying to accomplish.”

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

Cruel and unusual? Extrajudicial? Just another day in paradise.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

Look at all the money we have to pay out for those filthy migrants and drug dealers! All this property damage! What's that? Gun violence? No- Look over here... They cut the poor defenseless fences trying to get in! They slept in this man's barn! Can you imagine?! He had to burn the whole thing down! This is Brandon's fault.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

If I didn't already know better, I'd say this guy wasn't interested in serving the public good at all.

can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?

the colleague in question feels that only her way of doing things is the right one and expects me to adapt to her way of thinking and her logic. This is tiring and burdensome because I have to force me to stop doing things automatically and efficiently, but think how she wants it done and do it her way. I work worse when this...

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

That's good except "Would you mind..." should be "I'm going to do things (this way, according to the needs of the situation, by the book, ...) going forward." It's assertive instead of passive.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

I'm particularly fond of donuts, myself personally. Jelly-filled, with sprinkles ideally.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

No. A company with over a billion dollars in revenue? No, this all seems unlikely: They could easily use all the excess from their profits to support their entire workforce with good wages, and the people in charge of such decisions could still have enough to live in luxury themselves. Why would a company try to suppress the wages of its employees? There's no incentive, and how would they even go about it if, for some strange reason they actually wanted to? It's not like there's a power imbalance between employer and employees.

No, very unlikely, improbable, and doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would or could happen here.

DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited )
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

It’s nice to read several of those musician’s quotes clearly inspired by Bushnell’s self-immolation statement.

I think I’ll be skipping sxsw this year. I mean, I skip it every year, but this year I’m doing it in protest.

DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited )
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

We’d see that in the redshift: one direction would be more redshifted than another. Instead, we see all points in space moving away from all other points (except points mutually within gravitationally bound systems), and the rate of expansion between two points (recessional velocity) is directly proportional to the distance between them: the more distance, the faster they expand.

Edit: To answer the question in the title: Strictly, we don’t. We know, as you pointed out, that our measurements don’t agree. We also have good evidence that the rate of expansion was different in the past (much, much faster) in the early universe.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

Inflation is supposed to explain this: It could provide the initial impulse to kickstart the velocities. I think the general idea is that the fact that everything is moving away from each other to begin with is explained by inflation, and the fact that this expansion is accelerating is explained by dark energy. Take all this with a grain of salt, here we approach the limits of my tenuous understanding, but what I do understand is that none of this is experimentally verified: No “inflaton” has been found, or any other mechanism to otherwise explain inflation theory has ever been produced such that we could test it, and no working model of dark energy has ever been produced (to my limited knowledge) that we could test or detect.

Tl;dr: I’m pretty sure it’s untestable anyway, we basically will never know during our lifetime short of some breakthrough in physics.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

Gravitational attraction is not a relevant factor on the largest scales where dark energy takes over. To be more precise, it’s possible to measure the effects, and to describe a specific distance limit between two bodies where they can no longer become gravitationally bound and are doomed to eventually expand out of each others’ event horizons. That limit is the precise boundary between gravitational dominance and DE dominance.

To be specific, literally everything outside of the Virgo Supercluster (home to Andromeda and Milky Way among others) is outside of this limit, and will eventually become impossible to detect because the light between us and them isn’t moving as fast as the rate of expansion between us and them. Everything within the supercluster is gravitationally bound, and will eventually (iirc, grain of salt on this one) form a supergalaxy.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar
DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited )
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

It’s true-to-life. Any AI could make a “clean” image, I don’t think you should edit out the ugly bits.

For my critique, this POV does not distinguish the boat on which this work is being done from a dock with rails. That boat is at least half the subject of the shot. Only someone who knew what a boom or a mast was to begin with would be able to identify this as a sailboat.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,
@DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

I can’t believe I used to regularly watch television programming with all the clapping and cheering and whooping and laughing and awwwwwing etc.

This would have been much better with just JS speaking into a camera. Playing up for laughs really takes away some of the punch of his points. METO is an unironically good idea on the face of it.

TruthAintEasy , to Politics
@TruthAintEasy@kbin.social avatar

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  • DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    your links are bugged

    jlou , to Politics

    If the Republican Party bans the UBI, what the fuck is their plan?



    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    Why don’t we just eat brioche?

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    It only gets colder over time because of loss of energy due to the redshift you referred to; or at least we’ve seen no reason to believe it gets any warmer. The angular distance at which cmb fluctuations can be observed is approximately one degree.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    Give it to us through a translator. I’m sure we’d all be interested if you have a relevant and especially informed opinion.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    Fair enough.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    I take a perverse sort of a pleasure in sorting by new and playing spambot whak-a-mole.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    “No, your honor, we weren’t trying to stop anyone from sitting or lying at street level, we have just become infatuated with neoarchitectural design, including spikes, cemented rocks, barbed wire, and other very-legitimate hyper-modern artistic design elements. We even paid an artist. The internal emails you subpoenaed will confirm all of this.”

    DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited )
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    I think they’re trying to say that the language in reference is just pandering.

    In my experience, a homeless guy doesn’t give a single fuck if you call him homeless, unhoused, temporarily displaced, or a person experiencing homelessness. The bill itself is also quite tepid. While it does address some of the resultant effects of cruelty to the homeless, the actual cruelty itself remains, as well as the system that produced and perpetuates the conditions of homelessness in the first place.

    Some will say “take wins where you can get them,” but I would not call this a win at all. Might actually cause a backlash against the homeless population over there.

    Edit: I no longer think my anxiety about backlash was justified in this instance. Abhorrent > Tepid

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    the backlash already exists and already informs policy

    I think you and I agree on this point, this is pretty much what I was saying with “the actual cruelty itself remains, as well as the system that produced and perpetuates the conditions of homelessness in the first place.” I also re-read the bill to find “owned/operated by the city/county” where I previously misread something to the effect “within the city/county,” and the correct reading does reduce my anxiety about backlash. And you’re right, this would improve the sort-of “right to exist” in public spaces. Abhorrent was much too strong a word… More like… tepid.

    I maintain the bill does not go nearly far enough, doing precisely nothing to address fundamental causes, but it might relieve some of the immense stress on those poor bastards, which is incontestably a good thing. I was wrong a moment ago, this is a “take your wins where you can get them” moment.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    Why would they face charges? They’re under no obligation to protect the public.

    DarkNightoftheSoul , (edited )
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    That’s actually a common misconception. Protect and serve was never the police motto, it was a slogan written on the side of los angeles police cruisers back in black-and-white television days. People picked it up through shows like Adam-12 and Dragnet. LAPD (no PD in america that I know of, actually) no longer write that slogan on any of their items, specifically to avoid the impression that they might be supposed to protect and serve if they don’t want to.

    Edit: I’m told that some unspecified police departments do keep this “motto” on their vehicles, despite not being beholden to or, generally speaking, acting upon it.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    “The people don’t like it when we harass peaceful, law-abiding* citizens. Message received.”

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    It is weird, we are taught about “pork” bills in our government civics class. I remember distinctly thinking it was stupid and backwards and probably leads to a lot of bullshit slipping through the cracks. My teacher touted it as “an american original.” This was around the time I started refusing to participate in the daily indoctrination pledge every american student is mandated to be subjected to.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    The internet is poisoning our youth, and society does not know how to react.

    DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    I hope you’re right, but I fear this is different.

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  • DarkNightoftheSoul ,
    @DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz avatar

    your website looks like ass and the articles are all rips of better news sites and twitter. chill out with the spam, shill.

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