HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip

Having read the article again, I'm commenting twice.

What strikes me in the article is the discussion surrounding Fled Cruz running off to Cancun. The Dem strategists say that Cruz was able to repair his image on that by pointing to a lifetime of career public service, so it seems like the Cancun trip is untouchable.

Why not go after Cruz on the fact that he proposed legislation for term limits for senators, and this upcoming term for him would exceed the term limit he proposed? You can't backpedal out of that. Do you or do you not believe in the strength of your own ideas in proposal? If you do, then why are you running again? If you don't, then why should anyone vote for someone governing from insincere positions?

admiralteal ,

"I still think it would be the right move, but so long as it isn't the rules for the Dems I am not going to hamstring my base by following it" - some version of what he will say to handwave the hypocricy.

Going after conservatives for being hypocrites is not a winning strategy. The movement is about social hierarchies and identity politics. It just doesn't care about hypocrisy in service of the tribe and is totally credulous to any justification, no matter how tenuous.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I anticipate the hand-waving would actually be "term limits are the best option, but with corrupt pedophiles on the democrats' side, I have to stay in the game to save America. To save the children."

Honestly, I don't know if there is any logos or ethos argument that could ever away someone completely ruled by pathos.

Generic-Disposable ,

He campaigned for Trump after Trump called his wife ugly.

reddit_sux , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

Customer pays for the wages of the server when he pays the bill period.

millie , to U.S. News in Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families

Good. I'm not usually one for wanting to see someone lose everything, but if anyone deserves it it's this asshole. Imagine knowingly lying about dead children for a decade.

How the hell do these kinds of people live with themselves?

theangriestbird OP , avatar

How the hell do these kinds of people live with themselves?

The cold comfort of sociopathy and narcissism, usually.

Senal ,

Also money

downpunxx , avatar

yeah ... about that ...

Senal ,

In this one instance they are actually losing their money, maybe, nearly a decade after the fact.
Up until now he's been living it relatively large.

I'd also put money on him still having a significantly higher amount of money to throw around, even assuming he loses the string of appeals and other legal bullshit he's undoubtedly going to pull for probably the next decade.

gmtom , to Work Reform in U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs avatar

Don't get too excited, it's already being challenged in court and will almost certainly get struck down.

memfree , to U.S. News in "It feels like I'm not crazy." Gardeners aren't surprised as USDA updates key map.
douglasg14b , avatar

The interactive map doesn’t seem to exist at that link for me 🤔

There’s a zip code search but it doesn’t appear to work I’ve tried a good dozen zip codes around me with no results unfortunately.

memfree ,

By chance are you using adblockers? I noticed it loads scripts from,, and so on, so I bet there are some hooks in there. What I don’t understand is why a .GOV site includes commercial junk that the citizenry might opt to block.

Brunbrun6766 , to Politics in Here's what House Republicans are alleging in their impeachment inquiry against Biden avatar

Direct evidence? They haven’t even shown Direct Evidence’s 4th cousin twice removed. They’ve shown absolutely nothing. It’s just a bunch of old white men grandstanding and whining like petulant toddlers while the clock ticks on real issues like a fucking looming shutdown

relative_iterator , to Politics in House Republicans are holding the first impeachment inquiry hearing into Biden avatar

Definitely the most pressing issue for them to focus on right now /s

FartsWithAnAccent , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal avatar

What a bunch of half-assed bullshit, thanks I guess?

timbuck2themoon ,

That’s like a 66% increase. In what world do you think that’ll be any higher in one swoop?

You guys seriously need to not let perfect be the enemy of good.

audaxdreik , to U.S. News in Universal Studios might have invoked the wrath of California's Tree Law

You really love to see yet another unsuspecting victim accidentally invoke the wrath of tree law. Really makes that old episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force (S1E2) hit different. Ain’t no joke!

termus , avatar


BarrelAgedBoredom ,

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reddit; it’s that tree law is the only thing the us legal system takes seriously

nutsack , to Politics in Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long history

Why the fuck would non-citizens want to vote so badly that they would risk their situation to do it? It makes no sense at all

Bytemeister ,

The point is to rile up their chuds enough to go out and harass citizens who look like they may not be citizens (racial minorities) in order to scare them away from legally voting.

Avg ,

I pointed this out to a conservative coworker years ago . He asked me if illegal immigrants voted since I am an immigrant. I told him “if American’s don’t vote what makes you think immigrants would”, he just replied with “right, that makes sense”.

Sanctus , to Politics in Negotiators release $118 billion border bill as GOP leaders call it dead in the House avatar

Why is all this shit allowed to be tied to one bill? Politicians just use it to shoehorn their own shit in there

Chainweasel ,

It’s specifically designed that way so they can use it to shut down the government, there’s also no reason why we need a debt ceiling. We could completely eliminate the concept tomorrow if we wanted to, but that’s one less thing the Republicans can use to hold our country hostage with

Pronell , to Politics in The UAW endorsed Biden — and panned Republican frontrunner Trump as a 'scab'

Trump is no scab - he’d never walk across a picket line.

Drive across in a golf cart, however…

Jaysyn , to Politics in A federal judge says Georgia's political maps must be redrawn for the 2024 election avatar

Not actually mentioned in the NPR article for some reason but:

Jones ordered Georgia’s Republican majority General Assembly and governor to take action before Dec. 8, saying he would redraw districts if lawmakers did not, and that he would not allow the 2024 elections to be conducted using districts he has found to be “unlawful.”

108 , to Literature in LeVar Burton to replace Drew Barrymore as host of National Book Awards avatar

How was he not already?

burntbutterbiscuits , (edited ) to Work Reform in UAW strike Day 4: GM threatens to send 2,000 workers home, Ford cuts 600 jobs

Biden is the biggest do nothing President. He is right of center politically.

People keep acting like the mf is FDR. Lol, more like freaky deaky Reagan than fdr.

Biden shit on the rail workers because he could. He did not fight for the workers AT ALL.

He isn’t shitting on UAW workers, because he does not have the authority

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