kriz , to Politics in What issues motivate voters who support neither Biden nor Trump?

A: Gazan genocide

Zachariah , avatar

Well that seems misguided. If both candidates will let the genocide happen, but one will also fuck everything else up, it seems like an easy choice.

queermunist , avatar

Wrong. Both candidates will do genocide. They aren't just letting it happen. This is active participation.

The main difference is the one that will fuck everything else up will fuck up the genocide too, because he's horrible for the US's international relationships. It'd be a lot easier for the ICC and ICJ to do their jobs if the US alienated all of Israel's other support.

Even better, blue-no-matter-who's would join the campus occupation instead of siding with the cops cracking down on them.

protist ,

I'm voting blue no matter who when the opponent is a Republican every damn time. I also don't support the police actions against protesters, am against the US's ongoing support for Israel, and want the genocide to stop. I'm still voting for Biden and every Democrat up and down my ballot in November. I've got another chance to vote for more progressive candidates when the next primary happens, but until then I've got a ton of progressive candidates in local races on my ballot this November and Biden being in the White House is better in literally every way than Trump being there.

queermunist , avatar

You are the reason Biden is ignoring the uncommitted movement. He knows he can rely on blue-no-matter-who voters and he doesn't need to listen to voters. You undermine every attempt to push Biden on every issue. This is all your fault.

protist ,

This is all your fault.

And if Trump is elected, it will be your fault. Then you can have even more indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian civilians, plus the gutting of our entire federal government, the end of federal protections for workers, the environment, and protected classes, and a couple more Christian Nationalist Supreme Court justices to further erode your rights.

This election is not like 2012, 2008, 2004, or 2000, when protest votes mattered and happened but both major party candidates respected the rule of law. Hell, I voted for Ralph Nader. This is not the same my friend. Donald Trump must be kept out of office.

queermunist , avatar

Then you can have even more indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian civilians

There might not even be any Palestinians alive in Gaza by the election if Biden doesn't stop this genocide, and if he doesn't stop it is your fault. You are undoing the work of all those campus occupiers that are being beaten and arrested. If you don't force Biden to stop there won't be anyone left for Trump to kill.

And when I say it's your fault I mean that literally. You are directly responsible by directly supporting genocide.

I'm not supporting Trump, except by your tortured logic of "everyone who isn't with us is with the enemy" bullshit.

and a couple more Christian Nationalist Supreme Court justices to further erode your rights.

There's already a 7-3 majority, we're fucked until Democrats expand the Court and Biden won't do that either so whatever. I'll vote Dem down ticket to hinder Trump if he wins, but I will not vote for genocide and you can only blame Biden for forcing me.

Out of curiosity, did Aaron Bushnell vote for Trump by self-immolating?

protist ,

And when I say it's your fault I mean that literally. You are directly responsible by directly supporting genocide

I'm not supporting Trump, except by your tortured logic of "everyone who isn't with us is with the enemy" bullshit

The lack of coherence between these two statements is stunning

queermunist , avatar

You're voting for genocide, it's not a metaphor or abstraction in your case. You are directly voting for genocide.

Deal with it.

cultsuperstar , to Politics in Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long history

What about the registered Republican voters that have voted twice for Trump in 2020 and got busted? That’s not a myth.

yesman , to Politics in Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long history

This is older than than NPR admits. The threat of foreign others “ruining the country” by voting goes back to 1865 and emancipated black men getting the franchise.

themeatbridge , to Politics in Why don't GOP voters care about electability this year?

Voters and the political narratives are an ourobouros of bullshit. Voters are fickle and their priorities are ephemeral. One voter can respond to four polls in one day and give four different answers as to why they are voting for their candidate. We internalize the news articles that tell us one candidate is more likeable or has a stronger connection with certain demographics.

There are also ten ways to spin any result, and humans are really bad at being objective when it comes to their own thinking. You could say Trump beat Haley by double digits, or you could say Haley outperformed her expectations, getting almost half the votes. Or you could say New Hampshire is barely relevant and hardly a representation of national Republicans. What voters will believe and what voters want to be true usually overlap.

Haley’s pitch is that she’s a conservative who isn’t Trump. But she can’t attack him too hard for being Trump, because his followers are absolutely devoted to supporting him. If Haley is going to win, she needs Trump supporters as well as her own. But Trump is deeply unpopular in a lot of states. Haley could actually win a few states in the primaries.

And Trump could be disqualified for supporting an insurrection. The SCOTUS will rule in February, and while I’m not holding my breath, anything is possible.

And Trump could die. The man is old and in poor health. He also owes a lot of money to oligarchs who might decide he’s more of a liability than an asset.

So, if you’re asking why people are supporting Haley, like the one Koch who is bankrolling her campaign, you can ignore what they actually say and assume it’s because they want a contender in fighting shape just in case Trump isn’t available for one reason or another. That, or they just despise Trump and will vote for any other conservative.

keeb420 , to Politics in Trump tests the tolerance of judges and even his own lawyers

and so far theyve done fuck all about it happening. lock this walking crime spree up already. hes a flight risk and hes attacking judges and intimidating witnesses.

sanguinepar , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar


Zombiepirate , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar

Antifa wins another one!

Vodik_VDK , to Work Reform in The Big 3 automakers now have record offers on the table. UAW says they can do more

That’s what I like to hear.

This man’s a heckin’ chief.

wintermute_oregon ,

He’s been very strategic. It’s been interesting to watch compared to the strikes in the 80’s and 90’s.

Either he’s going to go down in history as a great leader who won workers more or the person who destroyed the UAW.

btaf45 , to Politics in House Republicans reject Rep. Jim Jordan for speaker of the House, again

I bet if Dems started voting for Liz Cheney (after private negotiations with her), they could get at least 5 GOP members to go along. And just like that, Cheney would be the new Speaker of the House and Convicted Rapist Treason Trump would be fucked.

Rapidcreek , (edited ) to Politics in Here's what House Republicans are alleging in their impeachment inquiry against Biden

Evidence? None so far.

Said one senior GOP aid to CNN: “Picking witnesses that refute House Republicans’ arguments for impeachment is mind-blowing. This is an unmitigated disaster.”

LallyLuckFarm , to U.S. News in Tractor Supply cuts DEI, climate goals after conservative outcry avatar

We get asked by one of our nearby tractor supplies to participate in their market days during the summer, along with several other small businesses around us. I can think of several, besides us, that will tell them to pound sand and won't lend our credibility to their outreach programs - especially if that outreach is only for the benefit of some of our neighbors.

Eff that ish

watson387 , to Politics in Senate GOP split threatens bipartisan border deal as Trump looms large avatar

It must be nice to just refuse to do your job with no consequence.

Curious_Canid , avatar

Only their constituents can really impose consequences. That desperately needs to happen.

DreamAccountant , to Politics in The Trump campaign embraces Jan. 6 rioters with money and pardon promises

No it doesn’t. They’re all still traitors, and the courts are reflecting that with hundreds of convictions.

DigitalTraveler42 ,

Your comment doesn’t match the content, nobody is trying to let him lie in this article, it’s just pointing out that Trump and the GOP are pretending these traitors are “political prisoners” and he’s lying to them about pardons and money, he’s not going to give AF about any of these idiots even if ue takes power, unless of course it suits him somehow, like if they have a million bucks they want to trade for their freedom, like how Lil Wayne, Kodak Black and others paid Trump for pardons in Trump’s first term in office.

teh_shame , to Politics in U.S. House pauses for the night before another attempt to elect a speaker

So much winning

Dressedlikeapenguin ,
marv99 , to Politics in Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs sentenced to 17 years for Jan. 6 riot

17 years is a good duration! Enough time to grow up and become decent humans for most of us.

CanadianCorhen ,

Yea, I’m good with 17 years. He won’t see the light of day for a long time.

LibertyLizard , avatar

He will get out before then. The next fascist president will pardon him.

marv99 ,

I think it could be a splendid idea to not let the fascists take over then.

echodot ,

Look at you with your lofty goals.

LibertyLizard , avatar

I’m gonna try but I don’t have a lot of faith. The two party system makes it hard because sooner or later America gets sick of the democrats or the economy tanks or whatever. And unless republicans have moved beyond whatever anti-democratic phase they’re going through by then, it will be very bad.

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