Synthead , to Work Reform in Burger King gave candy to a worker who never called in sick. The internet gave $400K

This is a weird interpretation of workers rights

stopthatgirl7 OP , (edited ) avatar

And if you read the article, you’ll see that he talks about how terrible it was to have had to work so much and how much he regrets it.

ttmrichter , avatar

You expect people to read past the headline before responding?

You’re new to the Internet, right?

stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

I want people on here to be better than on Reddit. Just call me a dreamer.

ttmrichter , avatar

OK. You’re a dreamer!


Tangent5280 ,

I saw this comment and went back and read the whole article.

stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

Yay! Thank you!

Guy_Fieris_Hair , to Politics in 5 takeaways from the first Republican primary debate

We’re going to end up with President Pence aren’t we? 😔 I hate this country. And the DNC for deciding to stick with a senile sock puppet.

queermunist , avatar

Optimistic of you!

I think Trump is going to somehow fucking win again lol

BassTurd ,

You mean, the incumbent? Like every other party always does because if the huge voting advantage it gives? It’s election suicide to run someone else.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , to Politics in 5 takeaways from the first Republican primary debate avatar

Republicans are doing the same thing in this primary that they did in 2016 which led to Trump's nomination: There's a huge field of candidates, all splitting the vote, so the winner will have a plurality and not a majority. Trump doesn't need to convince half+1 of the Republicans to vote for him, he just needs about 20%, which will be more than all the rest of the candidates.

KiwiProle , to Politics in 5 takeaways from the first Republican primary debate

5 takeaways and none of them were fish and chips. Won’t be shopping there again

nocturne213 , to U.S. News in Longtime 'Price Is Right' host Bob Barker dies at 99

I am more surprised that he was alive yesterday, than i am surprised that he died today. I really thought he had already died after he left the Price is Right.

storksforlegs , avatar

Same here, I thought that was why Drew Carey was brought in years back. RIP, I think I watched Price is Right every day of every summer growing up.

dark_stang , to U.S. News in Longtime 'Price Is Right' host Bob Barker dies at 99 avatar

I will forever remember him beating the hell out of Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore.

monty , to U.S. News in Longtime 'Price Is Right' host Bob Barker dies at 99

Please everyone spay or neuter a pet in remembrance.

Xariphon , to U.S. News in Longtime 'Price Is Right' host Bob Barker dies at 99

He got as close as he could to 100

Without going over.

(Kidding aside, his hosting was a part of my childhood fondly remembered. 99 years is a hell of a run.)

wintermute_oregon , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

Good start but really should be higher.

I would think at lease 80k

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I agree. A third of my engineering team were former teachers with bachelor’s/master degrees. They’re amazing people who would be teaching the future.

wintermute_oregon ,

Except in a few states, teaching high school doesn’t pay. College can pay but it takes years to get there.

My high school science teacher was amazing. He loved teaching. Had to work a second job to pay for his lifestyle which was very basic. He was the teacher of the year many times and still had to work a second job.

If you are salary, the position should pay more. It is often used to work with someone without paying them fairly.

I think wages are often between the worker and the employer but I do think regulations should stop abuse. While fast food places are not highly profitable, they shouldn’t screw people to make a profit.

BassaForte , avatar

Nah, 200k. Then as inflation increases and wages inevitably go up, we’ll be good for at least a couple decades.

FartsWithAnAccent , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal avatar

What a bunch of half-assed bullshit, thanks I guess?

timbuck2themoon ,

That’s like a 66% increase. In what world do you think that’ll be any higher in one swoop?

You guys seriously need to not let perfect be the enemy of good.

Maximilious , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal avatar

This is great for teachers. Overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated!

TyrionsNose ,

You’re not wrong, but that only applies to teachers in low cost of living areas. High cost of living teachers start at $55k these days.

I also wonder how it would work. My wife clocks in when she gets to school and clocks out when she leaves, but she still lesson plans and grades papers at home.

three ,

she isn’t salaried?

_Sc00ter ,

Not a teacher, but I’m salaried and have to log every hour each day. Ours is for contract and project costing purposes though

CrayonRosary ,

They meant that the salary cutoff is too low for some teachers to benefit.

donut4ever , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

Although, this is a great thing, I personally think it should be for everyone. Overtime is overtime no matter how much you make. I guess better than nothing.

cmbabul ,

Yeah I’m happy for the folks that benefit, and I ain’t complaining that Ive been more fortunate than them financially, but realistically salaried positions have gone from being desirable because it was consistent and favorable to those who can finish their duties in under 40 hours to a way for companies to squeeze more work out of people without having to compensate them for work done in excess of those 40 hours.

0110010001100010 ,

I'm probably well in the minority here but I'm curious how true that statement is across the board. Or maybe I just work for a great team, lol. I rarely put in more than about 30-35 a week with exceptions of crunch-time deadlines. I do pull some odd hours because we have a team in India but can just take comp time later in the day or week to offset that. I'm paid (by most standards I know) quite well too.

That said, this is great for the folks that will benefit! I really hope this helps push for a larger reform. Far too many people are getting screwed over by shit jobs, shit hours, shit pay, shit benefits, etc...

cmbabul ,

I’ve worked in salaried positions that were truly great and I had weeks where I barely put in 20 hours, but more recently I’ve seen a trend in ensuring that 40 hours of work is getting done. Both at jobs I’ve worked and from things I’ve heard from friends at other employers. Glad you have a good team and position though

0110010001100010 ,

Gotcha, yeah I don't have a ton of data which is why I said I was likely in the minority. I do appreciate the insights though as my current position is only guaranteed through 2026 because of our project. Hopefully we get more projects and it continues but it's good to know that the industry is (unsurprisingly) screwing over more and more salaried employees.

cmbabul ,

This is just more anecdotal evidence but prior to my current job, my prior two roles were in technical consulting, which when I started was an incredible position for both work/life and to a lesser extent compensation. I left the first one because they were starting to tighten things and demanded a return to office(which we didn’t do before the pandemic) and excessively documented timesheets, down to quarter hours. The next was straight up exploitative. The age of a chill tech job is drawing to a close because the tropes have become known to management

0110010001100010 ,

I do appreciate it. I'll call my role technical consulting too to keep things rather vague. My boss, and his boss, and his boss are VERY in-tune to the work/life balance. And the company as a whole has zero plans to get people into offices as they were very remote-first well before the pandemic. Hell my team is spread out across the US so it's not like I would be able to see any of them in-person anyway. When I took this position in May I had to make a list of where everyone was located to keep track of timezones, lol.

cmbabul ,

That’s really close to how my role used to be, glad to know there still roles out there, I’ll have to get to searching again. Happy for you!

0110010001100010 ,

It's a rather niche role which is why I kept things vague since I wouldn't be hard to dox if I got into specifics, but yeah they do still exist. Hope your search goes well! And thanks!!

wintermute_oregon ,

I mean I’m paid kick ass money. I also don’t work much but this issue here is the Arby’s manager and not us.

They’ll make them a “manager” and then work them 80 hours a week.

That’s unfair and that’s abusive. Workers should be paid fairly and in most cases 40 hours should be the cap.

Salary should not be an excuse to work someone to death. It should be used to avoid tracking hours and making pay easier

SinningStromgald , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

It’s a good start. Not perfect, but a start.

const_void , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

I’d be fine if we could just keep working from home

AdamEatsAss , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

People should be paid for the work they perform. If someone is hired for a 40hr a week job but it takes 80 hrs a week to do the job the company needs to hire someone else or pay the one employee more. Companies are stealing time.

SheeEttin ,

If it takes 80h/wk then that means half the work just isn’t going to get done. My personal time is more valuable than any amount of money.

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