
NegativeLookBehind , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years
@NegativeLookBehind@lemmy.world avatar

TIL doing pointless shit makes you a power user

Carighan ,
@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Power User is if you don't actually know how to close tabs, aye.

Spaghetti_Hitchens , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?

I absolutely adore kbin. It gets better every day!

illi ,

Any app for it yet?

00 ,
@00@kbin.social avatar

Artemis should enter open beta in a few days.

Correction: It is in public beta!

illi ,


livus ,
@livus@kbin.social avatar

Omg cool!!!

smallaubergine ,

Very cool! I installed it but it looks like custom instances are disabled for a bit. I don't feel like setting up an account on the Artemis instance so I'll wait. Exciting to see progress though

00 ,
@00@kbin.social avatar

but it looks like custom instances are disabled for a bit

I think its because the API the app uses isnt officially in the kbin code yet, so only the developers server supports it. Thats another great thing that only the fediverse can offer, spinning up your own server for your own versions.

theinspectorst ,
@theinspectorst@kbin.social avatar

It's been available to install as a progressive web app for some time. Other apps are coming.

DarkThoughts ,

That's just a frameless browser window. Not exactly the same.

dukethorion , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years
@dukethorion@lemmy.world avatar

Firefox user with 2TB of RAM forgets what the X button does.

Stopkilling0 , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?
@Stopkilling0@kbin.social avatar

Every article or thread I read comparing kbin vs lemmy, kbin always comes out on top and yet lemmy has way more users and I just can't figure out why.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I wonder if it’s as simple as the name - lemmy is easy to remember and say, and kbin isn’t.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I was initially put off by the UI of Lemmy that I encountered when I first went to the Lemmy site. I was a little confused as to which instance to join. That's when I stumbled upon kbin.social and that's where I landed my new account. Overall I am most comfortable here.

Since joining, I've encountered Lemmy posts that take me to their instances proper, and the formatting looked different, more like here just with a different colored background. Overall, Lemmy instances seem okay, I just like it here better.

Maybe it's the overall familiarity with the instance, calling main topic pages "magazines," the microblogging option, etc. Lemmy's resemblance is a little closer to Reddit, so that might account for why people decided to go there instead of a kbin instance.

Eggyhead ,
@Eggyhead@artemis.camp avatar

Head start, probably. Kbin was still in relative early development when the migration hit and couldn’t perform well in those first few days.

livus ,
@livus@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, the reddit refugees who ended up on kbin are the select few who could withstand multiple 404s and barages of Cloudflare.

I say this with affection and gratitude. It was worth it, and I love it here.

Nepenthe ,
@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

And those who were stubborn enough to keep looking at all options despite what could easily feel overwhelming to a non-tech user.

I am not very tech-inclined, so trying to understand the fediverse as a whole felt like deep water and lemmy really didn't do any job at all at explaining what it was I was committing to by choosing an instance, when I didn't even know what instances were and had trouble finding out.

Since Lemmy was and is by far the most mentioned alternative and I found it too anxiety-inducing, it's mostly stubborn desperation that brought me to kbin. Which says nothing to how much I'm genuinely enjoying it here, to be clear, I was just relieved to have a simple option at that point.

Being made anxious by a new platform isn't great and I would guess that most people who didn't like the experience they had with Lemmy didn't bother clicking other links that would take them to the same fediverse. They're likely to assume they won't enjoy that one either, and resign themselves elsewhere.

So kbin naturally got fewer users just by word of mouth, and then the necessary brief isolation didn't help either when people were still getting comfortable here. I don't particularly mind it other than those rare times I'm accidentally excluded, either by a question addressed only to Lemmy or their recent version of r/place disappointingly being incompatible with kbin.


livus , (edited )
@livus@kbin.social avatar

Good point. Kbin feels more intuitive to me.

Hypx ,
@Hypx@kbin.social avatar

Kbin is about 3 months old whereas Lemmy is about 3 years old. Kbin simply wasn't ready for growth, and still has a few major feature shortfalls. Lack of API access is a big one.

McBinary ,
@McBinary@kbin.social avatar

Because they have like 15 mobile apps.

DarkThoughts ,

Because Lemmy is older and already has a lot of established communities. Kbin saw the larger growth rates though (in the context of the recent Reddit drama). Kbin also currently lacks native mobile apps, and a lot of people browse this type of media form their phones.

maltasoron ,

Regarding the articles: tech journalists all use microblogging sites like Mastodon, so for them Kbin’s microblogging integration is a major advantage. Also, IIRC Kbin made it easier to follow certain people, like industry leaders, while Lemmy is more focused on communities.

Personally, I really dislike microblogging, so for me it was a major reason not to use Kbin. I think there may be a large silent group that feels the same way, but I haven’t seen any statistics on this.

Generic-Disposable ,

It's because kbin has a lot of local content and users.

Candelestine , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?

A thorough, consumer-facing breakdown by a major tech news site? I think we’re moving up in the world…

Though I wish they would’ve added a couple more paragraphs going into the data privacy/security concerns that some people have. I guess the average consumer isn’t particularly bothered these days, kinda gotten used to it. Would’ve been nice though.

livus , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?
@livus@kbin.social avatar

Good article, this person federates.

I don't get why the author seems to be saying we can't see lists of lemmy communities from kbin, though.

czech ,
@czech@no.faux.moe avatar

From kbin- how do you see a list of communities on lemmy.world? I've been navigating to https://lemmy.world/communities in a separate browser window to discover communities to individually search/subscribe to from kbin.

livus ,
@livus@kbin.social avatar

Go to https://kbin.social/magazines and turn on local and federated, then hit the search button. For some reason all the top "hot" are kbin but the "new" and "active" are various.

Then if you specifically want, say, lemmy.world, type that into the search field and hit search again. It will all show.

czech ,
@czech@no.faux.moe avatar

This shows the lemmy.world communities that are already federated to my instance. Its not a full list.

Teppic ,
@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

True, but searching from a Lemmy instance will still only show you the ones which that one instance knows about. (I think?)

czech ,
@czech@no.faux.moe avatar

Yea, a lemmy instance will show the same kinds of results for federated communities but there is no substitute for viewing the local communities from that instance.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Right. I usually use lemmyverse.net to search for communities.

Niello ,

Click on the tab Magazines at the top, select local and federate, put lemmy.world in the search box to see all lemmy.world communities. If you want to check for community with certain keywords you can try putting [keyword]@lemmy.world. It can search for the keyword in both the name and description, but not extensive as if you'd search on lemmy.world.

This can use some improvement, but it's not a Kbin problem though, since Lemmy is even worse when it comes to searching for communities outside each instance.

czech ,
@czech@no.faux.moe avatar

Edit: this just shows me the lemmy.world magazines that are federated to my instance

Niello ,

Ah, I see what you mean now. In that case I don't think you can do it on Kbin natively rn. There is this website though, which might help a bit. At least imo it's easier to use. https://lemmyverse.net/communities

You can just filter for only lemmy.world. When you find a community you want to join you'll have to type the handle of the community in the search icon to the right rather than in the Magazine tab for communities that doesn't already have a copy on your instance.

Teppic ,
@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

The article specifically says you can't search federated communities from kbin, but you can from Lemmy. This is just incorrect, both allow you to search local or local and federated.

czech ,
@czech@no.faux.moe avatar

Oh, right on then.

blargerer , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years

Sometimes I see people complaining about firefox crashing or being low performance, and I'm always like, I've been using firefox for 20 years its always been fine. Then I see this and I'm like okay, I guess me topping out at 20-30 tabs when researching something new isn't enough for some people? Use book marks.

Bonesince1997 , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years

All these haters up in here. Here's to opening another tab brah! Digital power ✊

over_clox , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years

If one needs 7400+ tabs open, they shouldn't be allowed access to the internet.

largess ,
@largess@mastodon.au avatar

Exactly, what insanity sees you needing more then 7000 tabs open?
@yoasif @firefox

noodlejetski , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years

Internet Websie Calls A Person Who Doesn't Know How To Manage Bookmarks A "Power User"

larouxn , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years
@larouxn@beehaw.org avatar

As interesting as this is, the thought that one wouldn't patch and restart their system for two years is a bit terrifying from a security perspective.

xc2215x , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?

Best by far.

Sinnerman , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?

A fair-minded article. This sounded off though:

a big attraction of Reddit—that its main page is a kind of greatest hits of an enormous community.

No, r/all was the lowest common denominator, full of karmafarming, ragebait, and reposts. Every time I looked at r/all I regretted it, so I mostly stuck to subreddits.

DarkThoughts ,

It wasn't too bad when you started to filter out some specific subreddits. But I feel since they applied a lot more content moderation to /r/all, causing a lot of potentially interesting things to not even show up there, it's been kind of garbage for a while now. Something similar can be said about kbins "all" page at the moment too though. I rather wish they'd give the users the tools to tailor their feeds according to their own preferences instead of interfering themselves. "All" should be all, excluding whatever my personal filters & settings get rid of.

Nepenthe , (edited )
@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

Something similar can be said about kbins "all" page at the moment too though. I rather wish they'd give the users the tools to tailor their feeds according to their own preferences instead of interfering themselves. "All" should be all, excluding whatever my personal filters & settings get rid of.

Is it....not that? Am I misunderstanding or mistaken. My experience has been a very "All" experience, I thought, only playing an endless whack-a-mole with porn, sports, and whatever really good sub is sadly dominating the rest of the feed.

What would you mean by tailoring?

DarkThoughts ,

There's maybe 1% porn. If you browse Lemmy on new vs kbin on new you'd see the difference.

melroy , to Fediverse in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?
@melroy@mastodon.melroy.org avatar
staticlifetime ,
@staticlifetime@kbin.social avatar

Glad people are not letting that die. That's why I'm here too, despite being on Lemmy long before.

Roundcat ,
@Roundcat@mastodon.social avatar

@melroy @Hairyblue This is one of the reasons I use kbin over lemmy. The devs don't seem to have the same problematic beliefs as the lemmy devs. Also from my experience, the majority of the lemmy user base don't seem to share in their beliefs either.

blindsight , to Firefox in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years

Maybe it's just my ADHD, but I can't even imagine managing that many tabs.

In my workflow, I start a project, then keep opening new tabs as I need to look things up, frequently moving tabs between multiple browsers spanning my 32" monitor. So long as I'm working on that problem, I just keep opening new tabs.

Then, when I've finally squared away the section of the project I was working on, I usually just close the browser entirely and start fresh.

Needing to manually sift through the 80+ tabs I chaotically opened in the last hour or so to figure out what's worth keeping? Hell no. That's what browser history is for. It's Etch-a-Sketch time! Shake it clean and start fresh.

lvxferre ,
@lvxferre@mander.xyz avatar

I follow a "rule of seven" with tabs: once I open the 8th tab, I check the other 7 to see if

  • I don't need it any more - close it down
  • I'll need it in a near future - keep it open
  • I'll need it in a far future - bookmark it, close it down

Seven is small enough to keep track of them, but large enough to be flexible.

Tower ,

Whereas my ADHD has me keeping huge numbers of tabs open (although my record is only ~350) because once it's closed, it's completely gone from my mind. Bookmarks are a burial ground, and history has all the other stuff that I don't need to reference anymore. With tabs, I can go through them and remember why I kept it around, and close it once I've actually done something with it.

douglasg14b ,
@douglasg14b@beehaw.org avatar

Pretty sure it's me ADHD that causes me to accumulate tabs like this...

I'll have dozens and dozens of windows full of tabs.

I recently did a tab clean out before moving. And had tabs up from ideas or to do's or items that interested me from 4+ years ago.

Every time I restart my computer or close Firefox I always restore my previous session and get all those tabs back.

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