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Candelestine ,


Whole and spherical, not particularly tasty. Changing their shape via grinding, however, unlocks fought-wars-over-the-stuff levels of tastiness.

Please explain.

Candelestine ,

Mike Johnson, the leader of our lower legislative house, is blocking all votes on Ukraine aid. He won’t allow it to come to a vote. So, as a way to pressure him, it has been linked to something he ostensibly supports so that he has a harder time unilaterally blocking it.

He can still probably block it, but its harder to justify to his voters.

Ukraine aid on its own is a flat no, though, for as long as he occupies his position, which he got fairly recently.

Candelestine ,

So, this is a basic misunderstanding of gravity and acceleration. The measure of Gs is the exact measure of how fast the acceleration is.

This is just like asking if it would be comfortable to survive 100 C if the temperature was cold enough.

There is no difference between acceleration and gravity. If locked into an elevator, you wouldn’t be able to tell with certainty if the elevator started going up, or someone had just turned the gravity of the planet up to make you heavier somehow. If the elevator suddenly dropped in freefall, you would not be able to tell if it was the elevator moving down, or someone had simply turned gravity off somehow. This is part of Einstein’s Special Relativity.

Does everyone learn the same gravity in school or is it different everywhere?

So, I learned in physics class at school in the UK that the value of acceleration due to gravity is a constant called g and that it was 9.81m/s^2. I knew that this value is not a true constant as it is affected by terrain and location. However I didn’t know that it can be so significantly different as to be 9.776 m/s^2 in...

Candelestine ,

I also learned 9.8.

This reminds me of the story of magnetic detonators for torpedos they tried to use in the early days of WW2. They detect the slight disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by a gigantic hunk of floating metal, and that triggers the detonation.

However, they did not yet know that the Earth’s magnetic field is not consistent over the whole planet, so while they calibrated it to the local field, it functioned very badly in other regions with different field strengths. Torpedo would either detonate far too early, doing minimal damage, or not detonate at all, just hitting the target ship with a loud thunk.

This was largely responsible for the ineffectiveness of American submarines in the early days of our WW2 involvement. Took us a couple years to sort too.

It was called the Mk 42 in case anyone wanted to read a little more. It’s an amusing story. They never wanted to actually properly test them, because they were so damn expensive. So they just didn’t. lol It wasn’t until enough sailors complained and got a high ranking admiral on their side that it got sorted.

Candelestine ,

You forgot the something something unions causing trouble something.

Candelestine ,

Can, but this is badly overblown imo.

Water alone cannot grow bacteria. They need a food source too, an energy source. Sunlight is probably not getting in, so where does the food come from? How do they fuel metabolism? Just like you, they need food and water.

“Dirty” water can grow bacteria, because there’s more than just a bunch of H2O molecules in it. Something like distilled cannot.

So, depending on the source of your water, you can be fine. Like, a lot of people use RO, and that’s pretty clean water.

Candelestine ,

Nah, that doesn’t sound like them. They like the word “traitor” okay, but the word “class” is to be avoided at all costs.

Why do trees stems grow new "parts" inside and not outside i.e. why is the oldest part of the stem the innermost "ring" and not the outermost?

Wouldn’t grow something from the inside require a very strong force to “move” the already present one? Instead growing from the last “layer” towards the outside would require a lot less force, but perhaps a lot more matter....

Candelestine ,

So, the inner rings are actually the oldest. I’m no botanist, but I know that with your average deciduous tree, you have a layer right between the bark and first wood layers, and that thin layer is where the cell division for growth is mostly occuring. So, it actually is the exterior, just right beneath the bark.

Other kinds of plants are probably different, and again, I’m no botanist. Just have some basic biology study.

What if the quantum uncertainty suddenly became significantly larger on macroscopic scales?

Let’s say the quantum uncertainty which is currently quite small and doesn’t affect our life on macroscopic scale suddenly increased. Magically we are still living in this weird rule of physics. How would we see daily stuff? like how would I see a ball rolling in my sight?

Candelestine ,

We already have that. They’re called toddlers.

Candelestine ,

Now post a secretary bird, a gorilla and a red panda.

Candelestine ,

A thorough, consumer-facing breakdown by a major tech news site? I think we’re moving up in the world…

Though I wish they would’ve added a couple more paragraphs going into the data privacy/security concerns that some people have. I guess the average consumer isn’t particularly bothered these days, kinda gotten used to it. Would’ve been nice though.

Candelestine ,

From a brief perusal, yes, it looks okay. It’s a wiki though, so proceed with the standard caution.

Candelestine ,

Can try clearing your cache, see if that helps.

We’ve been having some technical issues on World this weekend though. Your best bet is to go for a smaller Instance and set up there as your main. Then you’ll be able to access the content from world and kbin from there, without having to deal with any of the bigger Instance problems.

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. ( )

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....

Candelestine ,

I mean, you’re right, but it’s pretty inevitable. There will be a natural wave of creations, inactivity and reclaimings that will take place over the coming couple of years.

For now though, this is wild west internet, so trying to control it would be similar to trying to herd cats with firecrackers.

happyspark , to Fediverse avatar

So glad that stupid meme-of-the-week trends are finding their way over here from Reddit, too. I just love reading 50+ instances of the same unfunny joke in a row.

Candelestine ,

If you don’t like meme culture, your problem is much bigger I’m afraid…

Candelestine ,

So the incentive to make the best spambots won’t just be some project for influence, but an actual financial reward? Truly, reddit will be at the forefront of innovation.

Candelestine ,

The youngest at any given time is probably a diatom, I’d think. They just exist in such great numbers, that’s all. They’re even harvested up and sold as diatomaceous earth.

Oldest bone is a 400 million year old fishbone, apparently. I had to google it.…/55710/

Candelestine ,

Yeah, fuck those companies. Though I did love back when Grubhub was constantly cranking out these ridiculous offers to lure customers in. That was kinda nice…

If we have such a high field of vision, why can't we focus on everything within the vision simultaneously?

Why is it that I am not able to read a book without moving my eyes if the entirety of the page is within my field of view? Why do I have to center my eyes on an object to observe it fully? And why is it that I am still able to view changes in surroundings in the edges of my field of vision despite there being supposedly no way...

Candelestine ,

A) Brain. You can train yourself to use more of your whole field, but you’ll lose that attentional “spotlight” that you normally aim at things and picks out all the detail.

If you’re ever scanning something like a thick tree, looking for something, hold your arms out and form your fingers into a square frame. Use this to further focus your attention, and scan the tree in a more methodical way by moving the finger frame. You are more likely to find the thing you are looking for this way.

Candelestine ,

Didn’t they say this same thing last week? Maybe the admins are protesting too, and instead of doing their jobs are just looking at porn, memes and John Oliver as much as they can get away with…

Candelestine ,

Only thing you have wrong is that it is inadvertent. Normies are the mentally healthy and socially well adjusted, and the gatekeeping against them is not accidental in the slightest.

And tbf, an outsized amount of the internets truly amazing content does not come from them. It comes from the more ostracized, those that have to spend time here because they’re not well enough to actually be around real people.

It’s not a healthy habit to gatekeep, and they usually already know that. But, when normies invade a space it can change the tone incredibly quickly, so, the inner conflict will always probably remain a little bit.

It’s complicated. Just try to remember if you have things like friends, loving family and a life, some people can just tell and they utterly hate you for it. Even if they try not to be too mean about it. It’s not personal.

Candelestine ,

Yeah, kinda figured the outward chaos probably reflected inner chaos.

Candelestine ,

Just search “road” on all.

I’m waiting for someone to make a sub for Wildbow’s fan community, a la r/parahumans

And we need more game-specific video game subs.

Candelestine ,

I usually criticize these journalists for being a step or two behind the actual news with regards to social media movements. In this case though, at least they clearly state they are simply reviewing the past events.

As a result of that one little disclaimer line, this is actually a decent article and a reasonable bit of reporting. Even managed to be pretty impartial. 8/10.

Candelestine ,

There’s shitloads of secret communities everywhere. Discord is particularly popular. The reason they exist is that average people are only averagely intelligent and averagely interested in most topics, so if you want a higher level of content than average, you have to go where they can’t find you.

When a dance club is cool, nobody knows about it. When everyone finds out about it, those cool people go somewhere else. Being cool, itself, implies being something different enough from normal to necessitate its own word to differentiate it. Think hipster.

Average people made McDonalds the worlds most successful restaurant. Not everybody wants to live on big macs though. But on the internet, where the users control the content, they find your cool burger place and accidentally turn it into a McDonalds because they don’t know the difference.

In my experience, most people outgrow the secret clubs phase eventually. But I’m sure not everyone does. Who doesn’t like feeling special, no matter how unjustified it is?

Candelestine ,

Yeah, the Fediverse is pretty much designed to be able to handle stuff like this. They just get their own Instances, and anyone who does not wish to see that content can defederate with them.

You can’t keep anyone, at all, not porn, not Zuckerberg, not Nazis, nobody, off the Fediverse. It’s actually impossible. All you can do is defederate the things you do not wish to associate with.

This is a non-issue, and hand-wringing about it is largely pointless. If you want to talk about the rightness of defederating different platforms, that’s a different story. But that’s also up to the communities of each individual Instance.

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