sparseMatrix , to Politics in Trump Judge Effectively Names Himself President avatar


This guy is a fucking idiot. His ruling essentially reads 'no one is allowed to govern but republicans'

These assholes are like the kid who would fight you on the playground over a swing, and then never swing in it

Drewski , to Politics in Trump Judge Effectively Names Himself President

Title is a bit disingenuous, the ruling actually says they are prohibited

from even talking to social media companies with “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”

Government should not be cohering social media companies to silence speech, this seems fine to me.

Itty53 , avatar

So for instance a politician saying, "hey Facebook maybe should stop promoting ISIS" would be strictly forbidden.

Got it.

Drewski ,

ISIS probably isn't the best example, because promoting terrorism and advocating violence isn't protected free speech. Regardless, I don't think this would apply to a politician making a general statement like this, but government agencies working behind closed doors to suppress legal content.

meat_popsicle ,

It actually is protected free speech in the USA to promote violence. It is not protected free speech to promote or incite violence with the imminent threat of harm.

The American Nazi Party and the KKK won their SCOTUS fight over that, thanks in part to the ACLU.

admiralteal ,

"Free speech" is doing a lot of work there. As always.

For example, I think deliberate misinformation should be treated the same as harassment, fraud, and incitement. That is, a kind of speech that is not protected free speech. Just like defamation, you should have to reach an actual malice standard. But unlike defamation, there is not a clear "victim" to act as the plaintiff, so the state would need to step in on behalf of the people to act as one.

Hairyblue , to Politics in Trump Judge Effectively Names Himself President avatar

Misinformation about vaccines and lies about the Covid virus was asked to be removed. I think Facebook/meta helped kill many right wingers because of these lying memes.

Republicans want to be able to lie on these platforms. And they love the uneducated. I know someone who died believing their lies. I know another who ended up in the hospital because of these lies. She almost died. And now has a hospital bill she can't pay.

Stop voting for republicans, they don't want to help you. They have no policies but cut taxes on the rich and hating on people.

BurnTheRight ,

I'm really conflicted here. If conservatives insist on killing themselves by being anti-science, I should support their right to die as they insist.

ignirtoq ,

But I don't support their burden on shared resources (hospitals) on their way out. So many people who don't subscribe to those conspiracy theorist views died as collateral damage during the pandemic because the hospitals didn't have the resources to support all of their usual burdens plus the wave of COVID-ill vaccine deniers.

Yewb ,

Let people opt out of services for a very small tax incentive, it will be hilarious schadenfreude.

admiralteal ,

No no no no no nope not even as a joke.

If you can financially gain from opting out, very poor people will have no choice but to opt out and risk it. Proven time and time again. People should not be allowed to waive their rights for petty personal gains. Your rights are unwaivable, that's what makes them rights.

elscallr , avatar

Your rights are absolutely able to be waived, they just can't be taken away. It's a subtle but meaningful difference.

admiralteal ,

If you're being compensated to waive them, you aren't waiving them freely. So it's being taken away.

elscallr , avatar

That's a fair point.

Itty53 , avatar

That's entirely valid but not the same as "your rights are unwaivable".

Itty53 , avatar

Agreed on the whole thing up until "your rights are unwaivable". If that were the case then those are not your rights to begin with. Freedom includes the freedom to abstain.

TheDemonBuer , to Work Reform in Suicide Mission - What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane avatar

Just one of the many, many examples of what you get when you build an entire society around the idea that making a profit is more important than anything else.

Th4tGuyII , to Work Reform in Suicide Mission - What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane avatar

So let's get this straight, after years of being relentlessly threatened, harassed, and retaliated against for attempting to hold up what little safety standards and quality assurance remained in their department, this Swampy guy finally gets a chance to deposition against Boeing, his moment to finally have Boeing see consequences for what they put him through, and he suddenly turns suicidal and shoots himself in the head?

Tell you what, if Boeing were expecting literally anyone to believe no foul play is involved here, then their heads must be put together as well as their planes are nowadays

4am ,

The fact alone that leadership came in, declared that experienced staff were “phenomenally talented assholes”, forced them all out, and pushed LITERAL DEFECTIVE PLANES into the sky should be the goddamn electric chair.

And anyone who owns Boeing stock should have to pay any profit they’ve made back into a public fund to go to public education in America.

The rich are done with this place and they’re squeezing it dry before they let it rot. Happening everywhere.

gravitas_deficiency ,

As someone who has worked in safety-critical aerospace in the past, and who works in biotech nowadays on projects that fall under FDA purview: the flagrant and willful violation of safety regulations that is abundantly apparent here - let alone the gross engineering ethics violations - simply beggars belief.

Fucking beancounters are killing everything. I just want to build cool shit that works good, helps people, and (I thought this part went without saying) doesn’t accidentally kill people. Please let me just do that.

Serinus ,

Before the 80s the top marginal tax rate was obscene, so as a CEO or exec the way you’d extract value from your company was to make sure it’d last a hundred years and keep paying you the whole time. Reputation was of the utmost importance.

Now it makes more sense to just cash out whenever you can. We’ve changed the incentive structure. Who the duck cares if the planes stay in the sky six years from now, you’ll be out by then and it’ll be someone else’s problem. There’s so much money to be made by taking existing reputation and cashing it in.

The best part is that in many industries, especially in software, you can fire people now and won’t really feel the effects for years. You can take the money now, and maybe try to deal with the problems caused when they come up.

dalekcaan ,

I’m not sure they expected no one to think it was foul play, but I’ll bet they expected not to see any consequences, which historically has been a very safe bet for them to make.

Rentlar , to Work Reform in Suicide Mission - What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane

Yep. Boeing and other big companies that place money over everything need to start facing material consequences for their failures. The courts need to stop babying the rich and powerful. The fact that these issues are cropping up is being over decades Boeing has rejected quality over doing the bare minimum, this is the result and people are going to start feeling very unsafe in planes if they don’t start relearning their old ways.

Pilferjinx ,

I don’t understand the faith people place in the courts. No judge is going destroy their career and social status by actually handing out meaningful punishments.

4am ,

So we should start with the judges. Got it.

zarcher , to Work Reform in Suicide Mission - What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane

Pretty decent article, thanks for posting it

Looks like optimizing value for shareholders is not compatible with quality, safety, or decent working conditions. There is too much control from these useless bloodsuckers in wall street.

Jake_Farm , avatar

They optimize value over safety and wind up loosing both.

floofloof ,

Enshittification of the skies. Unfortunately, it kills people.

proper , to Work Reform in Suicide Mission - What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane avatar

i thought from the headline this was about the guy they murdered.

elrac , avatar

it is

JoBo , to Politics in The Neglected History of the State of Israel

Important article, given the tendency to treat Jews as a homogeneous lump of identity. The Amalek reference is worth following up too.

Donjuanme , to Work Reform in Kaiser Workers Say They Want the Old Kaiser Back

I know their feeling. Enshitification for maximizing CEO/executives profits has been hammering so many businesses in California. We really need to kill this trend, and I think us Californians are the ones being screwed hard enough to be the first to take action.

whitecapstromgard , to Work Reform in Kaiser Workers Say They Want the Old Kaiser Back
Viking_Hippie , to Work Reform in Can the UAW Strike Help It Expand to Non-Union Plants?

I love it when the answer to a headline question is a sound “Idunno! Impossible to tell at this time 🤷”

Rentlar ,

Think about the prospect!

sumofchemicals , to Work Reform in NLRB Complaint Calls a Noncompete Agreement an Unfair Labor Practice

Good news. They mention that the law doesn’t apply to managers, I wonder how they define that? As an example, I have “director” in my title, but don’t have any direct reports, and have kind of dotted line people who have different official supervisors.

Xune531 , (edited )

It’s clearly laid out in the National Labor Relations Act as what a “supervisor” is. If you do any of the activities you are a supervisor. As a director you probably have the “responsibility to direct” employees, which would make you a supervisor.

NLRA Section 2.11

Rykzon , to Work Reform in Biden’s NLRB Brings Workers’ Rights Back From the Dead

Unrelated comment, is it normal for US media or politic discussion to attribute everything to the current president? It’s kind of weird to me as a European because here this is mostly done by oppositional media and even then mostly by right leaning ones to discredit.

tintory OP Mod ,

Pretty much

tobybencollaghduff , to Work Reform in Biden’s NLRB Brings Workers’ Rights Back From the Dead

Starbucks, you’re next!

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