VieuxQueb , to Work Reform in All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds avatar

Someone in another thread said something that resonated in me. Helps show how big a billion is…

One million seconds is a bit more that 11 days, One billion seconds is over 31 YEARS !

Patches , (edited )

TIL: Everyone who has been alive less than 1 Billion Seconds and has over 1 Billion Dollars needs to have their wealth forcibly redistributed because you can’t even pretend they “worked for it”.

L3mmyW1nks ,

You didn’t earn a dollar a second, 3600 dollars an hour, starting the second you were born?

Patches ,


Showroom7561 ,

And the top 5 have over a trillion dollars combined. Wealth hoarding is likely one of the worst human traits to have.

damnedfurry ,

Yeah, this is meaningless though.

Net worths are guessed (you literally can’t perfectly accurately audit total net worth in any practical way) price tags. When it comes to individual assets like stocks, that price tag is dictated by the market (basically, everyone other than the owner) that essentially assert “if you sold this, I’d be willing to pay $X to buy it from you”.

A price tag is not cash. An asset becoming more valuable is not equivalent to the mint printing bills. And owning shares in businesses that are actively involved in the economy is literally the opposite of “hoarding”.

The wealth gap between the very top and the destitute was MUCH smaller 100 years ago. But poverty was MUCH more common then, too. So then why do so many act like that gap widening is at fault for the poverty that still exists?

Shadywack , to Work Reform in All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds avatar

I wonder where all that wealth would go if they suddenly died from accidents, and any potential heirs or next of kin also died.

Kir , avatar

Let’s give it a try

Patches ,

Only one way to find out.

AtariDump ,
damnedfurry ,

It would literally vanish. Wealth is not cash. If Amazon disappeared one day, not a single person’s (poor or not) bank account would get bigger as a result.

Murderous envy is all that’s thinly-veiled here.

Shadywack , avatar

not a single person’s (poor or not) bank account would get bigger as a result

Likely not, but I’d like to think the social reforms with an attack on the wealthy would bring some of our rights back and help with our standards of living issues our poor currently face thanks to the wealthy systematically disabling the things that brought prosperity and protected people. While you call it murderous envy, others might call it true social justice.

damnedfurry ,

Killing people because you decided their stuff is valued too highly is not any kind of justice, no matter what kind of spin you put on it.

Shadywack , avatar

It’s not their stuff that’s wanted overall, to me it seems like hope is what’s in question here. They stand in the way of hope, voting doesn’t work, so I wonder if violent removal would.

damnedfurry ,

They stand in the way of hope

Literally a nonsensical statement. Stuff overall worldwide is way better now than it was 100 years ago, and there were way fewer billionaires (even when adjusting for inflation) back then.

Stop making excuses. Nothing’s in your way other than your victim mentality.

Shadywack , avatar

Oh so medical bankruptcy isn’t a thing? Decline of ownership isn’t a thing? The unwinding of worker protections isn’t a thing? Shove off, bootlicker.

damnedfurry , (edited )

Is poverty worse or better today than 100 years ago?

EDIT: Deafening silence, lol.

Shadywack , avatar

How do those boots taste? That kind of shit right there is exactly how we backslide. Life expectancy is also higher than it was 1000 years ago. The only reason we left the first gilded age was a whole lot of legislation that’s been dismantled in the last 40 years, that if we go uncorrected we’ll be more impoverished than we were in that time period you referenced. “LOL” - as if to say it’s great that two generations can’t own a home, pay for healthcare, or retire. Real funny shit, asshole.

damnedfurry ,

Me: There is less worldwide poverty than there was 100 years ago.
You: bOoTlIcKeR

It really is sad how emotionally-charged tantrums are the go-to response to the simple questions that interfere with your preconceived narratives.

P.S. Just because I had it handy, I’ll quickly debunk one of your lies: the home ownership rate is literally higher today than it was 40 years ago, lol. So much for “two generations can’t own a home” after those ‘40 years of dismantling’. If every time one of you dopes accused someone of being a “bootlicker”, you spent that time acquiring an actual fact, you’d be much better off.

Shadywack , avatar

Maybe if you weren’t dismissive of facts and cherry picked timeframes that support a narrow point of view, you wouldn’t be such an unpopular ass. (Oh shit I can link stuff too, oh man, fuck, that means you might have to look at information too). Also, you’re a piece of shit scumbag that’s now on the block list. Fuck off and have a shitty life.

Kedly ,

Envy and Anger arent the same thing, and tbh, thats as much as I want to contribute to a conversation as violently charged as this

sunoc , to Work Reform in All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds avatar

Yet another reminder that a billion dollar is an obsene amount of money and no one should own that much wealth and power.

Chariotwheel , to Work Reform in All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds

I mean, yeah. Most people don't even come close to that when adding up everything they earn in a lifetime. So to get a billion before 30, where more than half of your life was in school and growing up. Not much to generate wealth for investments. Building companies takes time and money too and you're not going to be a billionaire from working enough regular jobs.

IsoSpandy , to Work Reform in All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds

Also in latest news… Research shows humans need oxygen to survive.

waterSticksToMyBalls , to Seattle in Officer acquitted in death of Manuel Ellis hired by neighboring sheriff’s office

Gotta love police unions. Just remember your local FOP headquarters is flammable so keep open flames at a safe distance.

Zworf , to U.S. News in Alabama town that hasn’t held elections in decades sued to allow voting

This is not news at all. In fact it was sent every single time until something broke in Apple’s validation servers and nobody could launch any app a few years ago. That brought this whole phenomenon to light and Apple changed it to reporting once per week. Edit: Ah I see this is also an old article. That makes sense now.

However they should just send a blacklist to each system obviously. That’s a much more privacy-conscious method. Their stated goal is to be able to block malware, but there can’t be that many.

Predalien ,

I think you hit the wrong thread lol

Zworf ,

Oops yes. Sorry.

ninjaphysics , to U.S. News in Alabama town that hasn’t held elections in decades sued to allow voting

At a time, white supremacy tactics thrived in elected positions, from local to Fed. No longer are we going to allow this to continue.

Keep educating citizens on their rights to hold office, in school boards, state positions, and the presidency, and this kind of shit will finally die like it should have ages ago.

jarfil , to U.S. News in Alabama town that hasn’t held elections in decades sued to allow voting avatar

Newbern is about 80% Black and 20% white

Many residents did not know they were allowed to have elections.

[checks year] …WTF?

ConstableJelly ,

Braxton assumed office by default in 2020 when he filed for office and no one else, including the incumbent, did the same.

The defendants, listed as former mayor Haywood “Woody” Stokes III and his town council, held a secret, special election, preventing Braxton from appointing his town council. During their special election, the previous town council re-elected themselves, and ultimately reappointed the previous town mayor.

[Rechecks the year] …WTF??

jarfil , avatar

Hm… I think I’m more shocked by people not realizing they have a right to vote. Secret cabals, nepotism, corruption, etc. in politics are more like “water is wet”, or “creek water may be full of dung”.

The_Che_Banana , avatar

Double secret special election: SEE, IT’S ALL ABOVE BOARD AND LEGAL-LIKE…don’t get uppity 'bout it, now.

Tiltinyall ,

It sucks to slog through voter suppression efforts every day online and then find an entire town being suppressed. THIS… THIS…THIS… POST is the cumulative result of the efforts of ANYONE who tells SOMEONE else to withhold their vote for a political stance. You ARE a vote suppressionist! 👈👈👈

jarfil , avatar

Who’s a what now?

Tiltinyall ,

If you are online supporting the idea of withholding ones vote in order to advance a political agenda, you are enacting voter suppression. Layed out pretty simply for you.

jarfil , avatar

Art thou talking about us, or is that a “generic you” like a “royal we”?

(because if thou are talking about me in particular, we hold no wish to keep up with thine baseless misplaced accusations)

Tiltinyall ,

I don’t get it, you trolling?

jarfil , (edited ) avatar

No, I was being funny… but now I’ll be crystal clear:

  • IF you were referring to a generic group, THEN say so and we’re fine, but you could have made it more clear.
  • IF you were accusing me of being a vote suppressionist, THEN explain precisely what lead you to that idea, and we can see where the misunderstanding came from.
  • ELSE, I will assume you’re not discussing in good faith (trolling as you say) and hit the block button.

No hard feelings. 🕊

Phroon , (edited )

You replied to jarfil with the words “this post”, it isn’t clear if “this post” refers to jarfil’s comment or to the article itself. Also, the use of “You” leads the reader to imply that the “You” is jarfil, rather than “You” meaning ‘anyone who tells someone to withhold their vote for a political stance’.

jarfil , avatar


Please, no… 🤦

(rant)I’ve kept this nick since back in the 1990s, when I had to spell it over the phone while creating an account, because client support said “Oh, like Garfield?” and I found it funny… since I also liked cats, the comic strip, hated Mondays, and loved lasagna… a couple decades later Google decided that “Did you mean: jar file”, and since becoming a brony, the full jar thing has become a very unfortunate coincidence. But I refuse to change it, I was there first!..

Phroon ,

Sincere apologies, I typed it correctly 2/3 times and messed up on number 3. Corrected.

jarfil , avatar

Np. I’m kind of used/resigned to it… 🙂

Tiltinyall ,

Yeah, I understand now, I wasn’t arguing.

Zworf ,

Withholding votes no, but IMO the American voting system (at least at a national level) seems pretty broken to me. FPTP, the weird bias to rural areas etc.

Really it should be changed so that it doesn’t always result in this eternal standoff between the two major parties.

Ireland, Australia and New Zealand dumped FPTP and were better for it. It’s just that the US has this kind of romantic idealism about the original founders, as if they were always right and their ideas still hold as much merit in this day and age of voter influencing through digital means, so I don’t really see it happening there. But it should, in my opinion.

Right now it seems like every major election is choosing between bad and worse there and voting for an outsider is just a lost vote.

In that sense I can understand the reluctance of voters to actually show up. Especially in states that aren’t swing states.

core ,

I’ve been told my vote won’t matter if I don’t vote for the right candidate. that’s voter suppression if I’ve ever seen it

ConstableJelly ,

The common thread with any definition of voter suppression is that it reduces voting. Being encouraged to vote and in such a way as to increase its power is as close to the opposite of voter suppression as you can get.

Call it something else if you like, but it ain’t voter suppression.

CableMonster ,

The town is 133 people, I would also be suprised that they would have elections, I wouldnt have thought they even need a government.

jarfil , (edited ) avatar

If they are an incorporated plece, and they get the whole shebang of taxes, funding, elections, etc., then they need someone to run it, or a “government”.

Guess it sometimes could be hard to tell, with all the varying rules, but people who live there… are there places in the “deep US”, where people live in anarchy?

(sometimes it might also be the case where an incorporated town, through depopulation, ends up with nobody willing to act as mayor, but that’s different)

CableMonster ,

Sounds like the first vote I would want is to unincorporate, I dont want some small town good ol boys telling me what to do.

jarfil , avatar

I might be wrong, but it seems to me like unincorporated places would depend on county level, or some larger place, good boys telling you what to do. I’m guessing it also comes with a budget, taken out of the residents taxes, for stuff like services, police… elected official’s pay… and similar.

At a population of 133, it sounds more like a HOA, but dunno.

CableMonster ,

You are right, but I would prefer good ol boys in a different town that tend to not know I exist and let me and my neighbors do our own thing.

spider , (edited ) to U.S. News in Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted

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  • mozz OP , avatar

    I bet he won't be facing 5 years

    spider , (edited )

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  • mozz OP , avatar

    Jesus Christ

    I expected it to be corrupt, but I didn't expect it to be that corrupt.

    dylanmorgan , to Texas in Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted

    Congratulations to my adopted home state for managing to not be a complete embarrassment for five fucking minutes.

    homesweethomeMrL , to Texas in Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted

    Many saw it as a thinly veiled effort to intimidate Black voters.

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Nooooooooooooooooooo. No, no. Clearly Texas judge Reuben Gonzales Jr. was simply following the law damning a black woman to prison for five years because she was told she could vote provisionally.

    The story yesterday about the Georgia Republican who knowingly illegally voted NINE TIMES and received a handshake and a copy of the home game is just a feel-good story they put in there to distract from the important things like stock market and how old Biden is.

    ptz , to U.S. News in Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted avatar

    Happy for the outcome, but she never should have had to go through that.

    some_guy , to Texas in Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted

    The GOP fuck who voted nine times got probation. But all those eight extra votes were votes he thought were legitimate, so it’s fine.

    TheDarksteel94 , to Texas in Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but 5 years seems way too high for voting when you’re not allowed to. There’s real criminals out there with less jail time. If anything, a fine or some community service would’ve done it.

    snooggums , avatar

    No citizen should have the right to vote taken away, ever, for any reason.

    Th3D3k0y ,

    Seeing as how that dude from Florida got a 5k fine for 9 times the votes, yeah this is extreme

    Carvex ,

    But you haven’t considered yet that she’s non white and not rich, that’s always something they consider when issuing prison sentences.

    shinratdr , avatar

    You’re not wrong. The penalties are wildly out of touch with reality because the issue is wildly out of touch with reality, for two reasons.

    1. Post-Trump, Republicans need to make voting penalties harsh because it creates the impression that it’s a real issue that needs to be tackled, instead of what it actually is, a statistical aberration. Then when they cry fraud about any election they lose, they can point to these cases to act like it’s a real thing.
    2. The pre-Trump reason, it creates a chilling effect on voting among the most at risk and the least educated. Now anyone who reads this article and even theoretically might be voting illegally because of a prior conviction, will simply not vote as it’s safer. Those voters are more likely to be poor, black, or from cities, which are all groups more likely to vote Democrat.

    It’s classic voter disenfranchisement, goes hand in hand with tough voter ID laws, gerrymandering and rolls purges. The goal is simply to have less people voting and for their vote to mean less, because less voter turnout means less Democrat votes.

    Remember this when people try to make you apathetic about your vote. If it really didn’t mean anything, they wouldn’t try so hard to stop you.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    You’re not wrong, and you’re not racist.

    Now - try it again, this time in Texas.

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