nobleshift , to Politics in Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter in ‘final chapter’, ex-president’s grandson says avatar

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  • keeb420 ,

    He might not be the best president but he might be the best person to be president.

    DudeImMacGyver , to Work Reform in US supreme court sides with Starbucks in union case over fired employees


    ChonkyOwlbear , to Men's Liberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights

    I think a lot of good advice could easily get you tarred and feathered as sexist. It’s pretty much inevitable.

    dumples OP , avatar

    I think the article brought that up as a good point. It would have to walk a fine line and would work best as advice column to answer specific questions. I think the generalities can cause sexist issues much more than a specific example

    TheFriar ,

    But generalities are wrong, period. When the subject is described subjectively, then you’re not crossing any lines. When you question your own perception, there’s no way you could really inadvertently cross any sexist line.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Do you have an example?

    ChonkyOwlbear ,

    For example discussions on the difference between what women think they want in a man vs what actually turns them on. Conscious vs unconscious desires. This isn’t a women-only phenomena mind you. It takes most people a lot of experience to figure out the difference. This could obviously come off as infantilising or mansplainy.

    gapbetweenus ,

    For example discussions on the difference between what women think they want in a man vs what actually turns them on.

    I don’t see how this is a good advice, since it’s a giant overgeneralization. In my opinion any good dating advice is rather personal based on the people involved. Sure some people don’t know what they want - no matter the gender and others are pretty well aware of their need. A good dating advice should always start with pay attention to the person across of you and don’t put them into a bucket, since that’s also something one would love for them selfes.

    But now I’m more curious about what you think women and men really need?

    ChonkyOwlbear ,

    Yeah, I was generalizing for the example. I would be less general in a larger piece. Good dating advice starts even before you sit down across from the other person. It starts with yourself. You have to know what you need in a partner and know what you want and to be able to differentiate between the two. Partially that just comes from getting to know a wide variety of people (friends, not just romantic partners).

    You need to pay attention to what society is telling you that you should want vs what your body wants. For example, I grew up in the Midwest US during the Baywatch years where busty blondes were portrayed as the ideal. Over time I learned what really got me going was a slim, small-busted brunette. The same principle applies to non-physical characteristics as well.

    TheFriar ,

    You think? I dunno. It’s 100% about how you actually view women. When you talk about the woman you’re dating in a way that just recognizes them as another person, then there is no problem.

    I believe wholeheartedly I could write this column without issue.

    Nougat , (edited ) to Politics in ‘Full fascist’ Trump condemned after ‘treason’ rant against NBC and MSNBC

    Fascism has been clearly on the rise in the United States for a decade, if not longer. It's been undeniably here for years. It's been seeping into the Supreme Court for years. It's had a solid foothold in Congress for months.

    There have yet to be any real consequences for the leaders of fascism in the United States. Some foot soldiers have been charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced; there are many more ready to fill that vacuum and continue the dirty work. They are being actively recruited by the same people who organized the Jan 6 insurrection.

    Its leader, who is out on bail pending four trials, totalling ninety-one charges, many of which are in relation to an attempted fascist coup. He continues to marshall his followers through stochastic terrorism every day, openly threatening people and institutions which comprise the very foundations of our democracy. This man remains far and away the presumptive nominee for the office of President for the Republican party, and very many of his "challengers" for that nomination are cut from the same fascist cloth.

    The fascist coup is not over. Jan 6 was the right wing's Beer Hall Putsch. Right wing militias are the Sturmabteilung (SA). We know what happens next. This does not get better before it gets a lot worse.

    At this point, it's going to get worse no matter how these fascists are dealt with. The only question is how much worse? If real, binding, and impactful consequences are put in place promptly against all these fascists, including and especially their leaders, there will still be violence. Kicking that can down the road and trying to avoid conflict is only going to make the ultimate conflict worse.

    Judge Chutkan, Judge McAfee: if by some miracle this comment gains your attention, you must know that you two people are in the only position right now to start the prompt application of those consequences. The repercussions of doing so will be violence. This nation can and will recover from that. The repercussions of not doing so promptly will be absolutely dire, and change the trajectory of world history for the worse, severely, and for a very long time.

    Judge Chutkan, Judge McAfee: Do the right thing, and do it for the safety and security of the entire world.

    captainlezbian ,

    I really appreciate this comment. You’re absolutely right, crushing fascism is going to fucking suck. They will make life worse for us. In the aftermath people like me that they’ve been targeting are going to face a hell of a lot more violence in an attempt to force you to stop. Stopping will be the worst decision. Conservatives have been treated with kiddie gloves for a long time and now the fascists are crying persecution when they get the mildest pushback. Keep going. Root it out.

    If you let them continue you may not be next, but you’re on the list. If you want to understand their goals look at the White Terror in Spain under Franco. Franco didn’t make Spain glorious or powerful again but he soaked the soil of his nation in the blood of countless people.

    If you swore an oath to this nation, it’s people, democracy, maybe you thought of it as words or intentions or having reasonable boundaries. I sympathize there, but it didn’t. Good leadership sometimes risks your life.

    Nougat ,

    ... people like me that they’ve been targeting ...

    If you let them continue you may not be next, but you’re on the list.

    Nailed it. Just like First They Came. Anyone who opposes fascism will be its target, it's just a matter of when, and in what order.

    nutandcross ,

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  • Nougat ,

    We must live up to the example of our direct forbears and recognize the moments when we can make an opportune impression and reassert our rightful authority via Integrity–a strength before strength–against the perceived strength of fascism–whatever that means for you.

    My own "'F' for fear" is that "We" does not include either enough people, or the right people (because some people, depending on the circumstances, have more power to effect change than others), to wield just power with Integrity in a timely fashion. Hence my lonely plea to the two Judges who are presently those "right people" whose actions or inactions now - whether anyone likes it or not - are having a pivotal impact on the course of human history.

    Snapz , to Work Reform in CEOs of top 100 ‘low-wage’ US firms earn $601 for every $1 by worker, report finds

    Feels like this is actually a way to make it seem like less of a gap? Hourly workers (the workers discussed here for the most part) think of wages in, you guessed it… hours. To keep it clear, tell them, “You make $10 an hour, but your CEO makes $6,000 an hour.”

    Or even better, “Your CEO makes more in a single day than you do in an entire year of full time work - Almost double what you make in a year in fact. And that day your CEO ‘works’ is a fairly relaxing day with a long lunch break, a private office and air conditioning,”

    Rapidcreek , to Work Reform in US auto workers strike escalates as UAW president calls on 38 more plants to join

    I heard this morning that the Stellantis negotiations are likely going to be a complete shitshow. They’re already planning to move / shutdown several plants and it appears to be a major pain-point in the UAW negotiations.

    1024_Kibibytes , avatar

    Labor negotiations in the U.S. should be EASY for Stelantis. They’re Dutch. All they really need to do is say, “Hey, we’ll treat our U.S. workers just like our European workers, give them good pay & benefits.” I’m sure UAW would be more than happy to accept European quality pay & benefits

    bdonvr ,

    It’s not like companies are less greedy in Europe, they just know the culture won’t let them fuck around with Union busting.

    If they think they can get away with it here they absolutely will.

    1024_Kibibytes , avatar

    You’re correct of course. I would think that the company that is already adapted to European workers and are themselves European, could see the benefit of saying, “these American workers would like more pay and benefits. Let’s give them those”, rather than “We aren’t as good as Hyundai at EVs yet, let’s shut down plants and lay people off.”

    Why the executives can’t understand that giving a little bit to help others, helps them, I’m not sure. I guess greed and fear get in the way somewhere in their minds. If they would meet the unions demands, and especially if they would actually take the climate crisis seriously, consumers would be falling over themselves to buy those cars.

    DarkGamer , (edited ) to Politics in Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign bankrolled by Republican mega-donor avatar

    I wasn't aware this clown was running as a Democrat. His father would be ashamed of what he's become.

    The only reason both he and his donor are noteworthy and capable of polluting our political discourse is because of inheritance; name recognition and wealth. Were they not born connected and wealthy we never would have heard about RFK Jr. or his terrible, hateful politics.

    hamandjam ,

    He’s a Democrat in the same way today’s GOP is " The Party of Lincoln."

    gregorum , to U.S. News in ‘Psychologically tortured’: California city pays man nearly $1m after 17-hour police interrogation avatar


    bdonvr , to Work Reform in ‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living

    think we're Communists

    It'd be cooler if you were.

    But definitely cooperatives would be a HUGE improvement over what we have now.

    grue , to Work Reform in Shawn Fain, president of the UAW: ‘Workers realized they’ve been getting screwed for decades’

    In Star Trek, Irish reunification and the Bell Riots both occurred in 2024. I used to think that was was a coincidence, but c'mon: you can't have a guy with almost the same name as the Irish nationalist political party who's also an American labor leader without him being the thing that connects the two events somehow!

    Anyway, dude's gonna have a busy rest of the year. I wish him luck!

    htrayl ,

    Welp, civil war, escalating to nuclear war, starting 2026? See you all there.

    Rookwood , to Politics in John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court

    Those billionaires will beat John’s offer handily. Clarence isn’t going anywhere unless the American people wake up and demand his resignation.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Lol. He’d love that.

    Thomas isn’t leaving office without a bribe or a bullet. Making the world worse is quite literally his goal.

    stewie3128 ,

    American people can demand all they want, but he’s not resigning, and you’re never going to get 2/3 of the openly-corrupt Senate to vote to remove him.

    moistclump ,

    Sometimes I work Johns just upped the bid.

    nkat2112 OP , to Politics in Ohio Republicans accused of trying to mislead voters with abortion ballot wording avatar

    The new lawsuit accuses the ballot board’s Republican majority of presenting voters with a confusing summary of Issue 1 in an attempt “to mislead Ohioans and persuade them to oppose the amendment”.

    According to the lawsuit filed with the Ohio supreme court, the ballot board was asked to “put the clear, simple 194-word text of the Amendment itself on the ballot, so that voters could see exactly what they were being asked to approve”.

    Instead, the board approved a summary of the amendment that is longer than the amendment itself, replacing the term “fetus” with “unborn child”. The summary also does not mention the other forms of reproductive healthcare guaranteed by the amendment, like access to contraception and fertility treatments.


    • they wrote more, the “summary” made longer than the actual amendment
    • to say less, omitting important treatments
    • used alarmist language
    • and were deceitfully ambiguous.

    These Taliban fascists are very special incel idiots indeed.

    Wollang , to Politics in He became the first Black mayor of a rural Alabama town. Then a white minority locked him out

    When people say there is no racism or that black people have it so much better here and now than in the past or elsewhere (like with BG), I just wanna sock em right in the face. Cause clearly they lack any sort of sense and need it knocked into em. Several times.

    solstice , to Work Reform in CEOs of top 100 ‘low-wage’ US firms earn $601 for every $1 by worker, report finds

    If the CEO is making that much wait’ll you find out how much the shareholders are making off those employees!

    It makes for a decent example I guess, but it’s really silly how fixated on CEOs Joe Public is. They’re hired by the board of directors, who are elected by the shareholders. It’s not like the CEO straight up owns the company (usually).

    carl_dungeon , to Politics in No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion

    The hard red states don’t want people living there that aren’t puritanical fundamentalist bootlickers. They want people who disagree to leave.

    People SHOULD leave, let these cesspools rot. I’ll even contribute to a fund that builds a wall around those states. They should also forfeit all federal funding because it’s too “socialist”.

    athos77 ,

    They want to make their states so unpleasant that liberals leave. Then they own the state, and it's Congresscritters, and it's Electoral College votes.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    That’s actually the real danger, assuming the country doesn’t split up.

    _Sc00ter ,

    Kind of feels like you’re calling for them to seceded because of states rights…

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    The country would be better off if they split out honestly. I’ll take a peaceful divorce over looming civil war and genocide.

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