Crankpork , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now avatar

Doge icon… Spez really does want to be Musk, doesn’t he?

aruraios , avatar

Not to mention an r/wallstreetbets icon...

Justice , to Work Reform in DoorDash fired an employee for trying to organize a union, NLRB alleges avatar

In some mythological sane world unions would be mandated in every industry… but even in a less shitty world than ours this should result in firing and jailing of the person who directly decided to fire this person and the CEO. Maybe 10 years and seize all their assets and properties. Also fine the company 5% of its entire estimated value (calculated by some agency and not based on any bullshit accounting tricks. Just straight up add all their assets up, cut 5% off, fuck em).

And yes this IS intended to destroy companies who do this. Kind of being nice if anything since it effectively gives them multiple fuckups before they probably go under- for which all the executive officers would be personally financially responsible. Capitalists should have all their property and assets seized, but barring that, if the hypothetical leaders are too liberal, this would be an effective long term way of destroying them. Or letting them destroy themselves anyway since they’re all criminal scum who couldn’t resist the greed even if it meant their utter destruction.

Unfortunately in reality nothing will happen besides maybe a juicy civil suit but not nearly enough to actually correct for the firing nor enough to force the company to never even think about this again. The law is unenforceable basically if it doesn’t cause the destruction of the ones who break it and the dissolution of the company who allow it. It’s just a fee for them to pay to then be able to squash unions. Shithole country.

CoderKat ,

Yeah. Whoever gave the order to fire these people and those who actuated it (if different) should go to jail. Corporations for whatever batshit reason are constantly treated with kids gloves. They’ll only ever get fined most of the time. Yet, corporations are just groups of individuals. Some individual (or individuals) gave this order. They should be arrested.

This shouldn’t be civil, it should be criminal. If spray painting a statue can get people arrested, so too should illegally firing them (especially in a way like this, which is extremely bad for workers rights as a whole).

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

for whatever batshit reason

Money and greed.

ContentConsumer9999 , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now

Wait, do you actually have to pay for the original icon now? In what world do you make your actual logo a paid option? I hope this is only for the r/place event but with the recent changes I wouldn't be surprised if they made everyone pay to not have the shitty pixel icon.

xc2215x , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Yes. Reddit should have.

StealthToad , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now

I wonder what other third party app features users loved will get locked behind the reddit premium paywall.

deegeese , avatar

Spez is copying Elon so I’m sure they’ll paywall DMs because those can’t be monetized by ads and have a high support load.

HipPriest , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time

I actually think they're cashing in on the media coverage the protests produced. And this article is proof it's worked. But the Verge were covering Reddageddon practically every day

JuzoInui , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Tell u/spez to stuff it where the sun doesn’t shine. No one is going to pay for watching trolls and notsees 1up’n one another. And the kids have gotten wise that u/spez is NOT TO BE TRUSTED WHATSOEVER. Let Rddt BURN

JoeKrogan , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

This is to divide and conquer and to try to control the narrative… Anyway who cares at this stage. Centralized corporate platforms are all going to end up the same way … Milking the users for all their worth and degrading the experience until the place is a cesspool filled husk

crowsby , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

This shit just feels like more work.

What if they miss their standup? Are the admins going to assign moderators tasks in Jira next? What if they don't agree on the story points, should the moderators still consider themselves committed to the work this sprint?

Also, how much will the feedback from these conversations weigh in on the moderators' quarterly performance reviews?

donuts , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

"Feedback" isn't worth shit compared to open, community platforms like Kbin and Lemmy where users have real agency and control.

NevermindNoMind , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Love this one:

So you won’t listen if it’s an outcry from your entire platform but you’ll listen if it’s in a weekly feedback meeting?

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

This is the best one in my opinion, just straight up “Yeah, so you want to take us seriously in your meetings but won’t take us seriously when a huge chunk of your population leaves and the rest have a huge upheaval.”

Jaysyn , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now avatar

How about that, two things I wouldn't use if you paid me. :D

TheRazorX , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

This feels like one of two things;

1- Their threats aren't actually working, and they don't have enough quality mods to replace the ones they've overthrown (as evidenced by subs where the mod teams were nuked remaining frozen)

2- PR move to pretend like they're listening and reduce anger.

Seriously, what is the point of this attempt AFTER they've nuked so many mods and users?

Edit: I feel like this comment is right on the money


better yet, they will listen but only in "small groups" of people "they pick" as to curate the the overall mod "response" and then will claim that all mods across all communities will share this same slated opinion.


snooggums , avatar

Why not both?

samus12345 , avatar

Definitely both.

TheRazorX ,

you're not wrong.

squirrel , avatar

I agree. This is a) a PR move and b) part of their “divide and conquer” strategy: They’ll keep on schmoozing the mods who go along with Reddit’s bullshit and keep on kicking out mods who aren’t.

MaxVoltage , avatar

“We’re sorry 😔 buy reddit premium to remain a mod”

Gutotito , (edited ) avatar

Sounds like they'll be bringing turtle, everyone's favorite boot-licker, back with gusto. Good riddance.

Edit: Clearly @Hellsadvocate is your average turtle fan. Explains a lot, in hindsight.

Crankpork , avatar

Has to be #1, or I think they would have replaced the mods on /r/pics by now. They’ve silently removed mods from other big subs without much, if any justification already, so them not doing it in this case makes me think something is wrong.

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

I have a very bad feeling about this.

I have a feeling that it will really go like this:

A: So here's our feedback as admins to you, the mods, on how you've been running the subs.

M: Actually, we'd like to say ..

A: No, your feedback for us is that you're happy and we're doing great listening to you.

M: Actually, that's kinda the opp...

A: No, that's definitely YOUR feedback to US.


A: Goodbye, ex-mod.

dipbeneaththelasers ,

You left out the last step.

A to users: The feedback we've gotten from the mods has all been positive.

TragicNotCute , avatar

A to users: It seems like actually you are the problems soooo

Tulko , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time avatar

The whole point of r/Place was to happen only so occasionally. I really got hyped for the second one, because I was too late for the first one. It happening every year would kill the hype for me. So thanks, I’ll pass and stay logged out.

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