BlackCoffee , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

"the mods decided to revert the NSFW designation because the community is a helpful resource for veterans experiencing mental health crises. The mod said that if Reddit removed the team, it could put the community at risk."

Bitch fudging please.

Please tell me again how these people are not power tripping their eyes out.

Imagine having no Reddit community to fall back on or having different mods into your community.. The horror!

Can these people;

  • Stop acting as if they really want change to happen.
  • Just start to bent over further for Reddit.
  • Get on with their life.
  • Admit that they really like their little power trip.
SpaceMonk , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Reddit has been done since 2016 quit crying. Dump it and move on.

Kwik ,


You're in RedditMigration...

SpaceMonk ,

Crap. Is there a Wendy’s nearby?

CMLVI , avatar

No, but there is a Carl's Jr

JonEFive ,

Is this particular individual the unfit mother?

Chozo , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Reddit forgets just how well this move went for Tumblr.

Shylight , avatar

Different things. Tumblr actually banned NSFW, Reddit is reminding its mods that using tools provided by a platform to try and harm that platform is pointless. I have no idea what people thought would happen tbh. That Reddit would look at subs going "we're going to go NSFW mode entirely for the sake of denying Reddit ad revenue", not even bothering to change rules, and just say "yeah, fair cop"?

ambrosia , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Adding more porn would fix this

mcgravier ,

AI porn to the rescue. With locally installed toolkit, you can spam this shit by the thousands :D

Madison_rogue , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else avatar

Yet this little hidden gem rests at the bottom of the page after the article.

Volunteer-made project that fights bots on Reddit is shutting down

Grab some popcorn, the bots are coming.

notavote ,

Please come to lemmy, we will need BotDefende pretty soon.

DannyMac , avatar

As a biological language model, I disagree.

Tygr ,

I was just going to say this. Holding on to the illusion of power as a major moderator is about to turn into a shitshow. Even Reddit themselves have been caught using chat bots to sway public opinion.

Reddit has decided to make every bad decision (favoring profits) possible, all at once.

AshursBanHappyPal , avatar

This feels a bit like Reddit is that city planning guy who insists on opening the Ghost Containment Unit in Ghostbusters.

e_t_ Admin ,

But Reddit does have a dick: its CEO.

Royal_Bitch_Pudding ,

Peck was a part of the EPA and had legitimate reasons to investigate them.

Venkman was a dick and didn’t cooperate with Peck’s investigation, so Peck got pissed and went nuclear on their ass cause he thought they were charlatans.

The guy who actually flipped the switch even told Peck he’s never seen anything like that and didn’t want to do it.

Pandoras_Can_Opener , avatar

I really wonder about bot synergy. How many haiku’s will one not write that another will correct the spelling on and a third find that all words are in alphabetical order?

RoboRay , avatar

Then another bot will repost the original and start the cycle over again.

007v2 , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

It’s the worst threat ever, do what we tell you or we won’t let your work for free anymore!

IMongoose ,

The sad thing is that it’s working. Pics and military reverted after the threat according to the article.

Candelestine , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Didn’t they say this same thing last week? Maybe the admins are protesting too, and instead of doing their jobs are just looking at porn, memes and John Oliver as much as they can get away with…

breadsmasher , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else avatar

Mods bend the knee the moment they have their power trip threatened

Obsydian_Falcon ,

It's not really a power trip for some mods. Community and support are things some people REALLY need, especially veterans and disabled people. Would you say the same if the Mods of r/blind capitulated as well? They are blind people modding for other blind people, having random Reddit mods step into their job doesn't make sense and will hurt the community.

Ik a lot of mods do power trip, but you're just being a cynical ass because you want to feel superior for having left the website when I reality you're just another person with another opinion. Nothing special

Emotional_Series7814 ,

Would also like to add that even if they did step down, it might cause issues.

For a good deal of subs, I imagine a mod team opening and promoting a Fediverse equivalent, and totally dropping the Reddit community would be fine. Move to the Fediverse, or deal with spamming and random trolls from potentially inactive new mods or the community being led in a strange (possibly hateful) direction from active new mods. Or just stop looking at the Reddit community entirely. Although it’s still possible these mods stay because they want to prevent people from having their day ruined by inactive new mods allowing some surprise NSFL gore on a very SFW sub.

For other ones, like r/lgbtq, this suddenly doesn’t seem like such a great choice to force on people. I acknowledge targeted harassment might still happen outside of r/lgbtq, but if I wanted to be homophobic, I’d seek out people on the subreddit for gay people. It probably gets more of it than the average sub. And there’s an expectation of that sub being safe from harassment in a world where many of its users expect harassment in most other spaces. Do you want to leave these users out in the cold if you pack it up for good and abandon Reddit modding? It’s possible your new replacements might also remove harassment and homophobia and transphobia, but I think it’s more likely they’ll do nothing. It’s also possible some homophobe signs up to mod it and starts posting homophobic trash. Do you want to subject people to this if they don’t move accounts? Most people would probably choose leaving at least one person from the current mod team to prevent just that.

Also, the potential of getting less activity on the Fediverse might actually matter. Say 1% of people browsing a support sub will give needed help. If 100 people would see the post on Reddit, but then you migrated to the Fediverse and now only 30 people see each post, posters have a smaller chance of getting the help they need.

Maybe mods of stuff like r/aww won’t cause too much damage to their users by jumping ship and leaving Reddit, having to quit looking at cute pictures because now it’s being spammed isn’t really the end of the world. Mods of support communities could do more damage if they quit. Not getting the money for your insulin could be the end of your world. Popping into r/lgbtq after receiving hate in real life from loved ones, expecting to find community support for your struggles only to get hate speech on your feed and your post, could help push you along to ending your world a lot faster.

Fully aware that a similar situation could happen on r/aww too. Could be the one bright spot in someone’s day, they go there after receiving hate from loved ones, now there’s NSFL gore of a guy killed for being gay with the title “[insert slur here] gets what’s coming to them,” could help push them along to ending their world a lot faster. I think this kind of case is probably closer to “edge case” than “would probably happen frequently if mods left,” but it’s probably still present in the minds of some mod teams who didn’t totally step down yet.

raze2012 ,

Community and support are things some people REALLY need, especially veterans and disabled people. Would you say the same if the Mods of r/blind capitulated as well

Probably. I've been told for years to touch grass anytime I talk about issues important to me. But there are no local communities for my issues compared to veterans and the disabled. Maybe they should use that time to make actual connections.

you're just being a cynical ass because you want to feel superior for having left the website when I reality you're just another person with another opinion. Nothing special

People can do what they want. I was the same way in 2015. I just hope they open their eyes one day and realize that it's best to let go when you're disrespected for years on end. You have more power than these corporations want you to think.

NevermindNoMind , to RedditMigration in The Reddit moderators who coordinate many celebrity AMAs will no longer do so

Mods will stop doing the following

Active solicitation of celebrities or high profile figures to do AMAs.

Email and modmail coordination with celebrities and high profile figures and their PR teams to facilitate, educate, and operate AMAs. (We will still be available to answer questions about posting, though response time may vary).

Running and maintaining a website for scheduling of AMAs with pre-verification and proof, as well as social media promotion.

Maintaining a current up-to-date sidebar calendar of scheduled AMAs, with schedule reminders for users.

Sister subreddits with categorized cross-posts for easy following.

Moderator confidential verification for AMAs.

Running various bots, including automatic > flairing of live posts “Moving forward, we’ll be allowing most AMA topics, leaving proof and requests for verification up to the community, and limiting ourselves to removing rule-breaking material alone,” the moderators added. “This doesn’t mean we’re allowing fake AMAs explicitly, but it does mean you’ll need to pay more attention.”

It’s wild that Reddit basically had a volunteer PR department. Good for them for essentially shutting that shit down.

anteaters , to RedditMigration in The Reddit moderators who coordinate many celebrity AMAs will no longer do so

Good to see that there are some mods who are not completely addicted to that little bit of power spez allowed them.

Jrussell , to RedditMigration in The Reddit moderators who coordinate many celebrity AMAs will no longer do so

Good for the mod team. If Reddit is going to take away the only functional tools that make the volunteer work possible, Reddit can pay for moderators to come in and do it.

MrComradeTaco , to RedditMigration in The Reddit moderators who coordinate many celebrity AMAs will no longer do so

The hammer.

Fuck those billionaires.

FreeBooteR69 , to RedditMigration in Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Reddit “was never designed to support third-party apps” avatar

Deleted my account with the message "Your contempt for your users disgusts me". Oh well, account since 2012 permanently gone. Long live the Fediverse!

SmolderingSauna , to RedditMigration in Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’ avatar

This just in from

"Investors are fed up. Fidelity, which led Reddit’s $700 million funding round in 2021 with a $10 billion valuation, has cut its Reddit company valuation by 41% since it invested. This could scupper Reddit’s plans to eventually go public with a reported valuation of $15 billion."

Who actually loses a game of chicken of this magnitude?!? u/spez, you listening?!?

Serinus ,

The app owners will work with him to prevent AI training from taking data from the site for free. And any issues the third party apps have doing that will be shared by the official app. They're not special in that regard. You can't really have public secrets behind a paywall. It doesn't really work.

There are many, many options here that are only being held back by Huffman's ego. Imagine losing billions in valuation because of personal ego. I bet investors are thrilled.

Anon2971 , to RedditMigration in Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’

I guess this is the new Reddit! Time to kick our feet up.

I expected as much. 2 days is a pitiful protest length. I will not be using Reddit any longer whilst keeping an eye on updates from here and other news sites. I'm hoping this memo encourages all subreddits to protest idnefinitely until this assclown of a CEO is willing to negotiate lower API prices. And if he's not, onto greener pastures. And watching /r/wallstreetbets figure out a way to destroy their IPO when it eventually launches.

FreeBooteR69 , avatar

I agree i'm in no hurry to use Reddit. I'll be satisfied if enough people stick around and keep the place interesting. In fact i would say sticking around the fediverse is the only answer to dystopic corporate domination. Those who return, enjoy your exploitation, lol.

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