btaf45 , to Politics in Remember When Trump Discussed Seizing Voting Machines and Invoking Martial Law? Special Counsel Jack Smith Sure Does

Periodic reminder that Steve Bannon confessed about the Start the Steal conspiracy before the election happened.

…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.

mateomaui , to Politics in Republicans Trip Over Their Own Assholes Trying to Take Down Hunter Biden

lol that really is the article title, I love you, Bess Levin.

Comer: Democrats will interrupt him and his fellow Republican colleagues with fact-checks.

Ah, I see the problem. Facts.

CarrierLost , avatar

Those pesky facts are always getting in the way of the agenda.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Donald Trump Should Probably File for Bankruptcy, but Likely Won’t Because He’s Worried It Would Make Him Look Like a Loser: Report

Do you think he's tired of winning, yet?

jordanlund , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani Is Absolutely F--ked, Must Pay $148 Million to the Election Workers He Defamed avatar

And he has more lawsuits from voting machine companies…

Flyberius , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani Is Absolutely F--ked, Must Pay $148 Million to the Election Workers He Defamed avatar

I mean, will this even effect him? Alex Jones had to pay a ludicrous high sum for all the sandy hook stuff he pulled and I’m not sure he’s paid a penny and he’s certainly still hovering around making a living.

lemonflavoured , to Politics in Republicans Trip Over Their Own Assholes Trying to Take Down Hunter Biden avatar

Loving the headline.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

An elephant tripping over its own prolapsed anus is not a visual I enjoy, but you do you

cantstopthesignal , to Politics in Republicans Trip Over Their Own Assholes Trying to Take Down Hunter Biden

They grand strategy is pocket sand

Sanctus , to Politics in How Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg, and Andreessen—Four Billionaire Techno-Oligarchs—Are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality avatar

Why is it everyone always assumes the first thing a superintelligent AI would do is genocide or enslave humanity?

can ,

I mean, look at us.

xuxebiko ,

because humans are creating it in their own image.

floofloof ,

Rather because techbro assholes are creating it in their own image.

ShittyRedditWasBetter ,

They said without a hint of irony while using a technobro site.

Poggervania , to Politics in MSNBC Is Having Its Super Bowl With Donald Trump’s Indictments avatar

Might be off-topic, but I really hate how mainstream media has boiled down politics and news into sports teams. With shit like this headline, it just infuriates me that it’s normal to go “us vs them” for all of the citizens of the same fucking country because the people supporting Team D need to beat Team R, and vice versa. Like, ffs who cares of News Outlet A is having a grand time having their “Super Bowl” on whatever Team R is doing, or if News Outlet B is bashing on whatever random tangent they have going on for Team D?

Yeah, fuck fascism, but fuck whatever mainstream media is trying to do to with this shit, because it’s downplaying politics hard.

Dkarma ,

Lol what a shit take. This could be said for fox or newsmax but there are precisely zero left MSM sources that were left for the sake of being left alone.
Every corporate msm is right of center.

This is just another “both sides” argument you’re making.
Talking about trumps crimes don’t make MSNBC left or part of team Dem.

p03locke , avatar

Every corporate msm is right of center.

This is just another “both sides” argument you’re making.

Dkarma ,

Name one that is truly pushing a left narrative of workers rights and universal health care…I’ll wait.

btaf45 OP ,

Having a left of center source regularly taking their best shots at the other side is a good thing because the opposite is happening regardless. You can always watch centrist sources (and you should) like ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, BBC etc.

So the solution is not to silence MSNBC. They are a critical counterweight to FAUX. The solution is to add some centrist sources to your news.

Wakmrow ,

MSNBC is conservative, guy

PowerCrazy ,

fuck fascism, but fuck whatever mainstream media is trying to do to with this shit

Pageantry, which the media is an integral part of, is an important part of Fascism so you are basically just saying “fuck fascism” twice. No need to either or with this.

massive_bereavement , avatar

I'll say it's more like WWF and the presidentials are WrestleMania.

cabron_offsets , to Politics in MSNBC Is Having Its Super Bowl With Donald Trump’s Indictments

Ima throw a block party when the traitor shitcunt is locked up.

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

I stopped drinking, but I’m tempted to get a special bottle to celebrate. But when, though? Conviction, sentencing, incarceration, the possible fugitive status, capture, and lastly when he dies in prison of old age?

bigkahuna1986 ,

Why not all of the above? Also take a shot everytime he says something that pisses off the judge.

Krackalot ,

Trying to give him alcohol poisoning?

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

Right!? I did see 3 small bottles of Jameson, I think, sold as a set. Maybe I’ll go that route. Still be able to finish a bottle and not hate myself in the morning, lol


My fiance and I popped a bottle of champagne when the announcement came over the radio last Thursday. I’m not optimistic enough to buy a bottle for his actual arrest.

Rootiest ,

But when, though? Conviction, sentencing, incarceration, the possible fugitive status, capture, and lastly when he dies in prison of old age?


Dressedlikeapenguin ,

There should be enough time between events to recover

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