diamonddozen , to Japanese Language in Why doesn’t Japanese just get rid of Kanji?

This is above my skill level, can you give a tl;dr? I'm interested in the overall message.

DigitalAudio OP Mod , avatar

Basically: Japan has tried to get rid of Kanji for convenience several times since the mid-19th Century. However, the first attempts which were mainly supported by the idea that regular civilians had low kanji literacy, amounted to nothing as kanji literacy among regular Japanese civilians was higher than expected.

For a while in the 20th century the 常用漢字 was actually named 当用漢字 or "provisional kanji list" as there was yet another push for education reforms that would gradually diminish kanji use. This was especially poignant before the arrival of personal computers, as there were no convenient input methods for kanji with typewriters.

But this was halted, once again, as personal computers provided a convenient and easy way for typing Kanji. Which meant that there was no real need to stop using it.

Ultimately, Japan hasn't abandoned Kanji because it hasn't been necessary. Most people already know how to read it, and it provides easier access and understanding of their historical texts.

Personally, I also think Kanji provides several advantages, such as an immediate understanding of vocabulary based solely on its kanji, or the ability to transmit more information in fewer characters.

kat_angstrom OP , to aww in A Chipmunk in my birdfeeder

Original YouTube link here -

Edited with piped link cuz why not

GiuseppeAndTheYeti , to aww in A Chipmunk in my birdfeeder

Hahah, his little feet sticking out when he goes back in! 😂

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

Highly disturbing and obviously the next step in this Christian fascist bullshit - only a matter of time till they start rounding up and charging women who have EVER had an abortion with murder.

Bdata71 , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

That is just it Roe vs Wade was about privacy, that the government has no right to know what you do. By elemiminating roe vs Wade the Supreme Court has said that it is ok for the government to know what it’s citizens are doing with out probable cause.

j4yc33 , avatar

It was telegraphed super hard when they attacked Roe and not Casey but claimed it was about abortion, and in the ruling they managed to take aim directly at the 14th amendment, which they have slowly been doing in other cases.

It's not about abortion, abortion is an easy way to tug on heart strings, it's about absolutely destroying due process and privacy. Without due process and privacy there is no protection... really from the government at all.

borkcorkedforks ,

Privacy is a factor and part of the basis of the argument in Roe but that idea doesn't really hold up if you consider abortion to be a crime. An example in the medical setting is how some injuries have to be reported. It would be reasonable to point out how substance abuse isn't necessary reported but I doubt prolife people like that policy either.

To be clear I am pro-choice and there should be federal protections if not a full blown amendment for abortion, birth control, and other medical procedures but currently those protections are limited. That is how some states think they can do shit like demand medical records from other states. In general the idea of protections for privacy seems to be more limited than it should be.

For this particular issue the obvious thing outside of what should be legal would be that the states have no reason or jurisdiction to know anything. If there was a crime going on in that other state the demanding state has no grounds to charge anyone with anything. No crime was committed in their state even if a crime did happen. Said crime would be the business of the state in which the crime took place.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Shit this gets tricky because I wouldn't want states to not talk to each other about domestic violence if a person is trying to buy a firearm in a new state...

borkcorkedforks ,

The background check is a federal thing with federal laws regulating it. The states are supposed to report things to the feds for things to show up on the NICS. There have been failures related to the NICS due to states or military not reporting things to the feds but they don't really report stuff to other states for the background check. And if states are asked about things it's the feds doing the asking. The FBI manages the background checks and NICS.

There is also a big difference between states sharing info about convictions and a random out of state police department, ag, or governor asking a hospital to violate HIPPA for something that isn't a crime in that state.

Nhickz , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

They can demand all they want , but atleast in blue states they won't comply with releasing medical records to states that have no right to private information like that . They need to learn to keep their noses out of other peoples business , their was a time when that was the norm , sad to see the republican party devolve into having them noses so far up everyone else's asses , they can smell what you had this morning , and loving every minute .

parrot-party , avatar

It's not that simple. Most hospitals are in mega corps so the assholes can pressure the ones operating in their state to give them open access to the data in other states.

Haus , to Star Trek in Star Trek tech explained: starship navigation lights avatar

One of the joys of being a deck officer on oil tankers is going out and changing nav lights that have burned out after navigating the ship for 4 hours. A tiny, minuscule fraction of the audience would be extremely entertained seeing this tradition carried on aboard federation ships.

scaredoftrumpwinning , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

We need to vote out the party of hate greed and power at all levels. This will get worse until we are living in a handmaid’s tale with a non functional environment.

buran , to Star Trek in Star Trek tech explained: starship navigation lights avatar

Because everything has to be a video now. Ugh.

Ship navigation lights and aircraft lights.

The intended purpose is to indicate a vessel’s current location and course so that other operators can see and avoid, especially at night.

Larger aircraft are also fitted with collision avoidance systems that automatically prompt pilots to climb or descend (and synchronise with the system on the other aircraft).

Bonus: day shapes are displayed on vessel mastheads to indicate the operating status of a vessel during daylight hours.

Pancito , to Star Trek in HOW TO PLAY | Star Trek: Away Missions avatar

Looks very interesting.

FelipeFelop , to Star Trek in [spoiler] Discovery season 5 sneak preview avatar

“This video is not available”

ValueSubtracted Mod , to Star Trek in [spoiler] Discovery season 5 sneak preview avatar

This is a repost, but feel free to add the YT link to the comments of the original if you like.

mnvoronin , to Sysadmin in AI in F1. Agree or Disagree with Team Principals.

Probably the wrong community to post a video link and expect people to watch it to provide you with insights.

If it were in a text format, then maybe...

Hanabie , to Japanese Language in Is 「はぁ?」a universal word? - A study on "huh?" avatar

It’s basically a sigh. I use it sometimes.

adonis , to Linux in [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... avatar

fedora-tippers call the "hardest system"

Said no Fedora user ever.

I, a Fedora, user switched away from Arch, but not bc it was the "hardest system", but bc I wanted something I don't have to babysit myself.

Speaking of "hardest system"... Arch is a toy compared to Gentoo or LFS. Give these two a try and then come back.

thingsiplay OP , avatar


He is talking about Gentoo and LFS (being harder) in the beginning phase of the video. And in general he does talk a lot meme talks and don't mean it literally. It's probably just a joke or a wink to a friend of him using Fedora.

Other than that I appreciate his take on the installation, explaining all the things along the way. And with the 3.5 million subscribers, I think it will reach and teach a lot users to Arch and Linux in general. His content isn't even Linux centric, that's why this tutorial on the main channel is a highlight to me.

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