@Haus@kbin.social cover

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Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

As opposed to foreign autocrats like Putin buying votes, which is perfectly fine... Perfectly fine.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Yes, and bring back Chase... Masterson?

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Say it in dots: .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / -... .. .-. - .... -.. .- -.-- / - . .-. .-. -.-- / ..-. .- .-. .-. . .-.. .-..

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

The question about Cardassian weapons got me trying to remember what they used in STO. Even though it's not canon, I though it might be of interest:

the Cardassian Keldon Cruiser is well-engineered to tackle nearly any combat scenario. It comes pre-equipped with Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays. These fire a unique energy type that combines the special effects of Phasers and Disruptors, as well as having slightly higher damage and accuracy than other beam weapons.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Can't blame this one on the communists. This is all hypercapitalism at work.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

They have ads in Elvish and Star Wars Galactic Standard, too. If nobody translates it before I get home, I'll break out the old dictionary. https://www.thestable.com.au/we-are-more-castra-the-worlds-first-elvish-ads/

Haus , (edited )
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

I'm not getting Sam? The transliteration looks right, but I don't see it in the dictionary.

e2a: Fun toys:

Haus , (edited )
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

When I looked, aebeltrae's translation agreed with my print dictionary with the exception of the last syllable, which I couldn't find. The linked dictionary on this page does have the last syllable "Sam", so it looks like they nailed it.

Braga: ‘I still cringe when I hear it.’ Apparently, it was a long road to the franchise’s most despised title music ( www.slashfilm.com )

Working from the oral history in The Five Year Mission: The next 25 years, this is a fascinating deep dive that answers the question “How did a recycled cover of a 1998 song written for Rod Stewart, ‘Where My Heart Will Take Me’ aka ‘Faith of the Heart’ become the title music for Enterprise?”...

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

I don't hate it. I hate Nazis. I don't hate the theme song from 'Enterprise.'

¿Por qué no los dos?

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

The two recent series that stick out for me are IKS Gorkon by Keith R.A. DeCandido and Typhon Pact.

If you liked the Klingon-centric episodes of DS9 and were left wanting more, the Gorkon series fills that void.

Typhon Pact salvages the Ezri Dax character, has a lot of good Riker bits, and features "the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly, the Gorn Hegemony, [&] the Tzenkethi."

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Watched it a couple of days ago. Mostly on point and had a few good catches. One disagreement: he dunked on "Is that one of ours?" While not strictly necessary, that helped the viewer piece together the Miracle Worker's appearance later on if you weren't watching the episode through a microscope.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

competence porn

That's really a key point. Transitioning from a world where Dan Quayle got eviscerated for 'potatoe' to a Trump presidency (or Johnson, Berlusconi, Putin, Abbot, AfD, blablabla) has left scars and certain needs when it comes to entertainment.

Reverse that polarity on the deflector and match the harmonic frequency. Mmmmm.

SNW Musical Episode: Klingons’ Boy Band Number Was Almost an Opera ( tvline.com )

Arguably one of the best moments in the SNW Musical episode subspace rhapsody was Bruce Horak Cameo as the captain of the Klingon boy band. But there is a deleted scene of the opera version that while absolutly best scene won, would be fun to see released to fans

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

I ran Klingon fleets on STO for so long that part of me identifies as tlhIngan. I own a bat'leth. I thought it was the bomb. ;)

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Quick, boys - blast "Anything Goes" into it!

[Analysis] Journal of AMA Study - Gap between GOP and Dem COVID death rates increased by 43% in OH & FL after April, 2021. Conservative Political Rhetoric Now Has an Official Body Count - Esquire ( www.esquire.com )

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a damning report confirming that party affiliation in Ohio and Florida was a risk for dying of Covid-19....

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Those are rookie numbers. C'mon, GOP, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and show us what you're really capable of!

Opinion: Joe Walsh - Trump Is a Dangerous Criminal Who Belongs in Prison ( www.thedailybeast.com )

The four count indictment Special Counsel Jack Smith handed down against Donald Trump alleges that on Jan. 6, approximately two hours after the mob broke into the Capitol, “the Defendant” joined others in the outer Oval Office to watch the attack on television....

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

It's nice that he's against Trump and all, but let's not forget that Joe Walsh is a dirtbag Tea Party guy.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

The last 3 episodes have been freaking superb. A lot of what has appealed to me could be called fanservice, but I can live with that. For the token hottie, Christine's character probably rivals Jadzia's in terms of development. The Spock/Chapel romcom was something I didn't know I needed. The Lower Decks crossover was sublime. And this PTSD episode is one of several examples of taking a character we met in S1, may not have been initially very invested in, and deepening the connection and interest in them.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

All that happened was that Putin's hand got a cramp and he had to give it a little rest.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Could I suggest that you specify kbin.social@politics at the first mention. As a kbin user, a lot of content appears to originate at kbin.social that actually was born on another server. I personally spend a lot of time not knowing which @news or @technology I'm looking at for any given post.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar


I got the above by putting a \ before each at.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

One of the joys of being a deck officer on oil tankers is going out and changing nav lights that have burned out after navigating the ship for 4 hours. A tiny, minuscule fraction of the audience would be extremely entertained seeing this tradition carried on aboard federation ships.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

I don't know if the Chock kiss was as good as the Tholian Web. On its own, without 50 years of character context, probably not. But, with that context, it felt like the Toronto Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Image #4 confirms a feeling I've had for a while: Uhura is out standing in her field.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Florida's getting Malaria- we gotta up our game here, boys!

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Does the "line-item veto" still exist? Haven't heard of it being used in a while...

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Spurse has the advantage of "Spurse... The final frontier." I think "Chock" might win on simplicity.

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar


Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

2003: "If he keeps this up, he’ll drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2004."

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

Iirc, you got an invite to Eternity Club if you posted something that hit #1 on r/all/top. Most active topic was Selfie Sunday.

Haus OP ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

An update from my post last week. Combined results from API calls to lemmy.world, beehaw.org, and sh.itjust.works, and generated a wordcloud representing the 100 communities with highest combined active users per month. Generated a few minutes ago.

Haus OP ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

AFAIK, Kbin's API is still offline.

e2a: https://kbin.social/api/magazines

Haus ,
@Haus@kbin.social avatar

This is the thing for me. I think I'm experiencing a bit of news FOMO. Reddit has been reliable for years at supplying news, cat antics, and pretty girls. I also agree that google+reddit has been really useful in solving very specific problems.

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