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lvxferre , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path avatar

The problem with platforms advertising that they’re free speech platforms is that you’ll get a lot of people who gives no flying fucks about freedom of speech, they care about that specific discourse that got them banned from other platforms, and only a few people who actually care about free speech as a principle.

And that backtracks all the way into

  1. The false dichotomy that freedom of speech is binary (either you have it or you don’t). It’s quantitative - you have more or less of it, never full or empty.
  2. That nasty, robotic tendency of plenty social media users to stick to the words themselves, instead of the underlying concepts. Cue to “ackshyually”. In this case “free speech” makes them think about some random law of some random country, what it allows and what it doesn’t, instead of thinking on the principle itself.
  3. The incorrect belief that only people above you in a hierarchy can lower your freedom of speech, when we do it all the time. (For example: specially stupid users reduce the freedom of speech of the others, as they discourage their participation.)

Once you work around those three, you realise that, in a lot of situations, forbidding a discourse actually increases the freedom of speech of some other group; so sometimes you need to do it to maximise the overall freedom of speech of all parties involved.

RheingoldRiver ,

In other words, "free speech platform" is not actually "free speech platform," rather it is a dogwhistle.

lvxferre , avatar

In other words, “free speech platform” is not actually “free speech platform,” rather it is a dogwhistle.

Often, but not always. It’s a mistake to immediately assume that it is one (the reason is at #2). Because sometimes it’s just the result of cluelessness over the three things that I listed.

What will decide if Squabbles’ admins are genuinely dogwhistling are their future actions. The dogs will get on the garden; let’s see if they shoo the dogs or give them treats. (I think that there’s some chance that they shoo the dogs, based on “With the exception of racist content, the use of slurs (racial or otherwise), targeted harassment, and incitement of violence”).

RheingoldRiver ,

I'd argue, it's always a dogwhistle. You might not realize you're using a dogwhistle, but you definitely are.

lvxferre , avatar

I disagree because any and all words and expressions can be used to bring the dogs to the garden. Coupled with your reasoning, this would mean that all words and expressions are always dogwhistles.

Instead I think that it’s better to see a word/expression as a dogwhistle if it’s within a certain context, and that context is mostly available to a hate group but not to outsiders. This has a bunch of consequences*, but in this specific case it means that we’d need to look for further actions and words from Squabbles’ admins to know if it’s a dogwhistle or not.

Or even a lack of actions/words. If transphobic and related content becomes commonplace in their site, and they do nothing against it, I think that their very silence would be already enough to label it as a dogwhistle.

*e.g. it explains why dogwhistles are often found alongside each other, or why they keep changing, or even how they actually work on a discursive level.

RheingoldRiver ,

so I totally get your point. For example, a therapy group that says, "this is a free speech area" and has 8 members who are all queer, would probably not mean it as a dogwhistle, and in that case, it also probably would not be one. But also, they wouldn't be saying it to anyone other than those 8 members.

The thing is, in this case it legit does not matter the intent, they are saying it on a public chat forum. That makes it a dogwhistle regardless of intentionality, and it will be recognized as such, because if you say that on a public platform on the internet, guess who will hear it.

And now no matter what their intention is, if they didn't want it to be a dogwhistle, it was one, and now their moderation is 10000x as difficult, because look who they've attracted the attention of now - and chased away.

lvxferre , avatar

I don’t care about intent either, and I think that you’re right not caring. I think that our major point of disagreement is fairly small - if being a public area already offers enough context to make it a dogwhistle. I think that it’s still in the area where that implicature (“this is a free speech area” +> “rev up those hate discourses”) can be cancelled.

And now no matter what their intention is, if they didn’t want it to be a dogwhistle, it was one, and now their moderation is 10000x as difficult, because look who they’ve attracted the attention of now - and chased away.

Yeah - regardless of dogwhistle or not, it was a fucking stupid move. Someone mentioned in the thread that nicknames like “arian1488” are already starting to pop up; if they aren’t looking for this sort of user, they just made expurging them 2000% more difficult.

VulcanSphere , in FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen avatar

Apparently it's resolved.

Still, this doesn't inspire confidence towards The Snoo Platform, back-end wise.

Stingray , in Reddit appears to have neutered RSS feeds avatar

Hmm, I'm still getting my reddit RSS feeds.

skepticalifornia OP , avatar

Are they updating? Mine are there but nothing new in a couple of days.

Stingray , avatar

Yeah, I have 6 or 7 subreddit feeds and they have been updating, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

CookieJarObserver , in Reddit Refugee here venting avatar

I just want spez to burn the servers down… And forget to leave the room before starting the fire.

MonkeyScryer OP ,

LOL. Imagine Spez trapped with the servers when the Great Neckbeard Army insurrection happens.

CookieJarObserver , avatar

I hope someone spills a cumjar on him.

Bizarroland , avatar

Unfortunately I'm sure Reddit has no shortage of waifu body pillows to defend themselves with.

BoobiesUnite , in Reddit appears to have neutered RSS feeds

Can someone explain what an RSS feed is? Sorry im not super technically literate 😅

BlackEco , avatar

RSS is a standardized protocol that allows you to get updates from websites when new content gets published. Using a RSS client, you can follow multiple websites in a single interface.

gabriele97 , avatar

In a very simple manner, is a file that contains all the content that a website (in this case a subreddit, but it can be a blog for example) publishes. For each publication, the RSS file contains an entry and each entry contains information like the author of the publication, date, content, summary, media links and so on.

You can use an rss reader to aggregate different RSS feeds from different sources and read them from a single app.

Barbarian , avatar

Really Simple Syndication is a format that allows a program or user to download a bunch of stuff as a simple list of titles, content and tags. RSS readers can also combine different sources into one feed, so you can grab articles from many different RSS capable sites and combine them into one cohesive list.

skepticalifornia OP , avatar

The great thing Reddit had was the ability to turn any subreddit into an RSS feed by just putting .rss on the end of the URL in place of the “/”

Thankfully RSS is built into Lemmy - every community includes an RSS feed.

It’s a good way to see a quick list of all posts in a reader that supports RSS.

HipPriest , in Reddit Refugee here venting

Eh... It's only a website. Believe me you'll get over it quicker than you think. I go back to it every now and then to check up on some old subs and I can't believe how much time I wasted on there.

JonEFive ,

I'm more satisfied with my experience here personally. I don't scroll for hours, I read a couple articles, maybe comment on them and move on. If I come across something interesting that isn't already posted in my community here, I'll actually post it because it might actually get some engagement.

One reddit, my post would either be removed by overzealous mods or generally ignored. I had one instance where I posted a question on r/askScience. I searched before I posted but couldn't find a post that asked the same question. A mod removed it saying that it was too similar to other posts. When I asked which post it was similar to, the mod said "You need to search for yourself, we aren't librarians" then muted me for 10 days so I couldn't respond. The sheer ego trip of the matter just appalled me. I thought that a community about scientific inquiry would be a bit more open, but nope - just as toxic as every other sub.

HipPriest ,

I'm more satisfied with my experience here personally. I don't scroll for hours, I read a couple articles, maybe comment on them and move on. If I come across something interesting that isn't already posted in my community here, I'll actually post it because it might actually get some engagement.

This sums up my experience pretty well too. If I post something, it tends to get a good conversation going, which is nice. But overall I spend a lot less time. I read 3 books last month on my phone using the time I would usually spent on Reddit.

Temperche , avatar

I’d say the only downside that I start feeling in the last days that especially in niche communities, there are hardly any comments or posts aside from my own. Feels a little lonely.

nicetriangle , in Reddit appears to have neutered RSS feeds avatar

Ironically Aaron Swartz helped develop RSS. Feels symbolic.

Tiritibambix , in Reddit appears to have neutered RSS feeds avatar

I was wondering why I haven’t had anything new in my 2 niche subreddits for 2 days. Using Feeder too.

Seriously. Fuck. Reddit.

solifugo , in Reddit appears to have neutered RSS feeds

@skepticalifornia can confirm. I still have a subreddit in my RSS feeds and nothing is showing up for a while now...
It's a shame since there are subreddits that are not moving to any new platform...

ForestOrca , in While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities avatar

Redifugee here. I got here and created a community for Santa Fe, NM, USA (@SantaFe ), and another for Photobiomodulation/ Red Light Therapy (@photobiomodulation ). LoL, it's ain't much, but it's honest work.

Raevyn , in Welp, I just deleted my 12 year old, 240k+ karma Reddit account avatar

I’m holding out on deleting mine until I know my comments and posts are staying gone. I went through PowerDeleteSuite twice and everything still came back, so we’ll see what happens.

I also don’t want to delete it because it’s closing the door on the time I spent there. Folks on Reddit helped me get through a lot of mess and sadness in my life. It feels like losing a friend.

akai OP , avatar

Yeah, that happened to me too. From what I understand, there's like a 5 second cooldown when you edit/delete stuff, but PowerDeleteSuite doesn't take that into account so some stuff just gets skipped. I had to go back and manually edit a bunch of comments.

emrys ,
FinalFallacy , avatar

I feel like playing No Doubt's Don't Speak on repeat. It is a weird collective mourning we're going through.

Helldiver_M , avatar

I was holding onto my account as well. That was until just a few minutes ago. I was browsing /r/all to see if there was any remaining discussion on the API shutting down. I only came across a couple of threads, all of which, to varying degrees, misrepresented what is going on. Comments making lite of the impact of 3rd party apps dying, and completely ignoring the fact that the owner of Reddit is acting with complete disrespect towards those who made the platform what it is today.

At that moment, I didn't give a shit about my account anymore. Are there bots astroturfing the comment section? Maybe. Are there users who are acting a little smug because they don't feel negatively impacted at all yet? Probably. Whatever. They can have whatever is left of the site.

I'm not going to stand for this. It feels like in life, there are so many bad things that happen that we have no control over. This is something I have 100% control over. It's so simple, just never go on Reddit again.

It was never about Reddit in the first place. It was just about hopping onto a forum and talking about games, current events, memes, comics, art, cats, etc. If /u/Spez and his ilk are going to be so disrespectful towards those who want to facilitate said forum, then I'll find another one immediately.

Raevyn , avatar

It’s definitely more about the community than the actual site, that’s for sure. I haven’t been back on since Apollo dropped earlier tonight. Honestly not surprised that there are users being so crappy. They may not feel the impact now, but they will. And it will be interesting to watch the fallout from afar, and also to see how places like Kbin and Lemmy grow.

chanunnaki ,

I totally agree with you… but don’t forget that ≠ lemmy. Kbin (afaik) is just another lemmy instance.

rbhfd ,

Kbin is not Lemmy. It’s a different kind of software that uses ActivityPub. That’s why kbin and lemmy instances can still interact, even if they run different software. Even Mastodon users can interact with Lemmy or Kbin posts, but it’s a bit more convoluted.

akai OP , avatar

Kbin is its own separate software, not a Lemmy instance

chanunnaki ,

yes, i know that now. Sorry for spreading false information.

rckclmbr ,

Yep. Reddit is basically Digg now. I’m actually excited to start new. I just hope we can get past the “we just hate reddit” phase and build a community talking about real things

dmtalon ,

How long did it take for comments to come back?

Raevyn , avatar

It took about four days and every comment was back. I just checked this morning to see if anything has returned from when I cleared last night, and the more recent comments are gone, but I still have comments from last year that I'm working on now. My account is almost 10 years old, so I have a lot of activity to delete before deleting my account. Going to try the link from emrys a little ways up and see what happens there.

dmtalon ,

Oh, wow that long… Guess I didn’t wait long enough to be sure. However 2 days in and I don’t see comments that I saved a permalink to. (I did delete my account yesterday)

Raevyn , avatar

Yeah, I had noticed a few the next day and just manually edited and deleted them. I decided to wait a couple more days to see if anymore would come back and they all did.

I went through the link for PowerDeleteSuite that was posted a few comments up and that seemed to have done the trick. I deleted mine last night. Felt like closing a chapter.

dmtalon ,

I used the time delayed PDS and mine seem to still be gone…

Eventlesstew , in FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen

You should try to get them to rebuild their community on Lemmy.

Gorejelly , in Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive avatar

I browsed around it for a good 20 minutes or so. My initial knee-jerk reaction is that I would not want to join a community with no ability to create or join specific areas that could be narrowed down to more specific topics. “Gaming” for example (and as someone else already mentioned), has to be video games, of all forms (retro, console, computer, homebrew, hacks - from all years) alongside board games, card games, browser games, children’s games, educational games, physical toys, etc. It’s a mess, to me at least. There aren’t even that many categories.

It is also very sterile-feeling. I appreciate a good old-fashioned text wall, but no options for background and text colors even? (Maybe that is an option if you are able to log into the site)

millionsofplayers ,

There are themes, if you scroll down to the bottom I think it’s there. I’ve just stuck to love light since I started using it.

Gorejelly , avatar

Thank you for pointing that out. I just did not see it. At least two of the themes were dark/cool enough to not hurt my eyes, so I do appreciate that option.

raze2012 ,

The idea here is that you have general categories and then you rely on tags to do more granular filtering. so you may be on the gaming group, but if you really hate retro gamess you would instead add games.retro (or something similar) to a filter list.

The idea of only a few groups and no custom group creation is intentional. There were other reddit alternatives that died out because everone was creating new groups willy nilly and it meant no one group could get enough traction. In contrast, Tildes only started with a dozen groups and you start out subscribed to everything.

Bipta , in Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive

Waitlists are almost always just for hype.

Duchess , avatar

yeah, honestly i’m getting frustrated waiting for my invite to beeper :/

HipPriest OP ,

If you go on their Reddit sub (I know) and ask for one you can get one pretty quickly

raze2012 ,
  1. it's not a waitlist, simply invite only. If you can find someone who browses tildes they can give you an invite with no issue. But a semi-common way to "go around" that is messaging the admin, who ofc has infinite invitess, has a business address, and probably has dozens of requests coming in to read.
  2. it's quite the opposite here. The lack of free account creation is to purposefully limit growrth. Tildes doesn't want to be a dumping ground for reddit refugees everytime a drama explodes.
lvxferre , in FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen avatar

“for violating the Reddit rules”

Isn’t it “great” how subreddits often get as much info on why they’re being banned as Josef K. did in The Process?

And those suckers still put up with this sort of abuse.

tinyzimmer ,

I used to particularly enjoy getting banned from subs for being mean - with a link to my comment being a reply to someone calling me an idiot and me telling them why they are wrong.

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