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Little8Lost , in r/Place 2023: The Good Ending avatar

it is funny but is it true?

Edit: seems true, here is a pic from wikipedia

atocci , avatar

I'm pretty impressed this occurred so quickly, I wonder if it was bots at all.

Look at the serif on that F, dang.

genoxidedev1 , avatar

There were most certainly bots but I'm pretty sure (and I'm speaking from experience since I was there) that there were more than enough real people helping.

Especially the Germans were probably a driving force as usual and then there were the other communities that united on their Discord servers as well, I was part of one that had ~3k members I think (Fuck Spez Coalition 🫡).

PropaGandalf , avatar

Germans do like invading things…

genoxidedev1 , avatar

Wie die guten alten Zeiten! /s

PropaGandalf , avatar

Jawohl Kamerad!

aeternum ,

And yet, people keep using reddit. Weird.

ziggurism , in Boost for Lemmy is coming! Same author as Boost for reddit, I double checked just to be sure, it's the same author! avatar

You wanna try again with that title salad

kratoz29 ,

Good thing we can edit titles here.

ziggurism , avatar

so why doesn’t he?

kratoz29 ,

Maybe he still has the Reddit mindset? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Technological_Elite OP ,

I swear on my left nut I did, not once, but TWICE! Triple checked and is appearing as the correct title. I don't fucking know what's going on.

digitalgadget ,

Looks like you have two posts on my feed

ziggurism , avatar

Seems fixed now

Technological_Elite OP ,

Fucking Finally!

ono , in Damn, the ads…

On old.reddit, ads were being inserted as regular posts when I last visited. It’s like they’re trying to drive people away.

52fighters , avatar

Were you using an ad blocker?

ono ,

I use uBlock Origin, but I guess it’s possible that it malfunctioned that day.

Clovermite , avatar

I use an adblocker, and the ads disguised as posts appeared for me.

Lemmylefty , in What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing? avatar

Remember, this is the guy who said this about his chances in the event of societal collapse:

Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.”

Source from The New Yorker.

ivanafterall ,

Big Dwight Schrute vibes.

Onii-Chan , avatar

Holy fuck, that's a fantastic comparison. Re-reading that quote in Dwight's voice fit far too well.

CIWS-30 ,

Given how much of a douche he's being (and only because he has organizational power, and not because he has people skills) in the event of a disaster, he'd probably be one of the ones to bite it first, or to be sent on an mission for expendables, to be honest.

When you can't just wave around money or org chart power to solve your problems, then people will start showing how they really feel about you. The way he's running Reddit into the ground shows that he's not a good leader, and the way he's pissing everyone off right now by following in the footsteps of a huge failure (Musk) who's also a jerk is just proving that he's an idiot AND a douche that wouldn't do well if society went awry.

LUHG_HANI , avatar

He has a bunker

terath ,

Hah, “I would be around other people!” … “actually not I’m in my bunker fuck you all.”

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

I'll be in there with my bodyguards who can't relate to me and no longer have any need for money, they'll do everything I say!

mysoulishome , avatar

Betting as a child his mommy told him every day “you’re so handsome and smart”! and when people picked on him he told them so.

OctopusKurwa , in U/SPEZ not popular on place

This was probably the most cynical move Reddit could have made. A big part of what made r/place special was that it was so rare. I have such good memories of the first one.

hoodatninja , avatar

It’s also just incredibly boneheaded. The API changes happened three weeks ago. People have not forgotten, they are still removing/threatening mods even today, hell there are almost 2000 subs still protesting. And now they give people a microphone during an incredibly public event that they coordinated with twitch?

Steve is not the only idiot at Reddit right now.

TheRazorX ,

not only that, but /place requires increased moderation for participating subs.....

1chemistdown , in I just wanted to leave this here avatar

Holy shit @ChristianSelig

curiosityLynx ,

If you actually wanted to tag the person, you need to include the instance they're on. In your case I'd have to write @[email protected]

1chemistdown , avatar

I did, it shortened it when I hit add comment. If you press on my @ it should go to mastodon. At least from my end it does.

curiosityLynx ,

On my end it's just plain text. Maybe a kglitch/kbin difference?

ReiWasHere , (edited ) avatar


seems like everything that isn't "" shows a url instead of the shortened mention.

if you mention a magazine that is on, it doesn't even work/show, if you mention a fedia or kglitch magazine at "" it shows a short mention on my side but a full url on your side.. it is broken :,D

left kbin, right fedia, another kbin based instance - so if i post a kbin magazine on kbin it doesnt gonna show, while fedia magazines etc do show, but as a full url vice versa :) really chaotic


Axisential ,

Confirming it does for me also

MortyMcFry , avatar

Works for me

Deez , avatar

Me too

esty , in Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious avatar

what I take from this, though, is that even with the anger against Reddit, there’s no talk of leaving in the comments on that post!

you hate the site and all of their changes so much and it’s only been getting worse… why do you stay? even the content is already worse, and even worse on the subs that have the new Reddit tipping system… why stay?

Izzgo ,

the new Reddit tipping system

I haven't heard about this tipping system. ELI5?

esty , avatar

Edit: holy fuck no one told me it was a blockchain cryptoshit??? That’s even funnier 💀

genoxidedev1 , avatar


FaceDeer , avatar

Ironically you'd need something like a cryptocurrency if you wanted to implement something like that for the Fediverse.

esty , avatar

good thing we don’t want it

FaceDeer , avatar

Generally speaking the solution to these sorts of things when one doesn't want it is "then don't use it." That's especially true in a federated, decentralized system like this.

esty , avatar

yeah but this is the specific kind of engagement bait and whatnot that can stay on the corpo social nets

Bozicus ,

Why? I mean, technologically, why couldn’t a more standard payment platform work, and then just pass around those payments among instances? PayPal is not crypto, but you can use it almost anywhere online.

FaceDeer , avatar

PayPal is not decentralized. None of the "more standard" payment platforms are. If you want to have some kind of cross-instance limitation on things like awards and not have instances be able to just spew them out willy-nilly if they want to then you're going to need some kind of decentralized ledger to track them authoritatively, and that's basically cryptocurrency in a nutshell. This is what cryptocurrency is for.

hakonlo ,

Hahahah jesus christ

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Put anything to a vote
Run weighted polls to make big decisions in your community, like getting input on rules changes or deciding how to distribute Points.

Unlike regular polls, these polls give a larger voice to people who have contributed more to the community. The more Community Points someone has earned, the more weight their vote carries.

This will end well...


What they're really looking for are a bunch of whales to drive engagement.

GizmoLion , avatar

I see you edited your post. That'll be 2 CrYpToBuCkS!

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I will give you 2 shiba inu coins (worth $0.00001574).

GizmoLion , avatar

Aw shit, look out Elon, here I come!

ode , avatar

Call me a cynic but I suspect the biggest ‘contributor’ to r/product will end up being product’s marketing department account, likewise with r/country and party-political apparatchiks. The move is elegant in a way: Reddit Inc can ruin true democratic operation of subs by turning subscribers into shareholders (which wards off repeats of mod activism) and simultaneously provide further cover to astroturfers (lots of points = Time and Effort™ = good faith actor).

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Oh, absolutely this is the case. Reddit could even run bot accounts to gain a lion's share of points for any particular sub they want to control, thereby stifling any sort of protest or activism authorized by sub vote.

nevernevermore ,

the snoos having hair is the real crime against humanity here. who the fuck asked for snoo to be memoji's? what is going on over there?!

fazalmajid ,

It’s beyond parody at this stage.

soundasleep ,

Yeah it's been enabled on the crypto reddits for a while... as a result the subs overwhelmingly changed to "vaguely interesting and/or attention-grabbing but ultimately useless with a race to see who's first" posts, signal-to-noise ratio got way worse.

esty , avatar

Who could’ve called it? Never saw that coming

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

The article comments are linked to Reddit, if you click on "Replies" it routes you to the topic on Reddit where there are posts about leaving the platform.

megane_kun , avatar

I’ve got enough reason to believe that any mentions of Lemmy, are met with shadow banning.

And like the master of gaslighting that it is, it doesn’t happen all the time, but often enough to deliver a chilling effect.

They want the dissenters to leave without a word.

Arotrios , in I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. avatar

I agree - there are plenty of empty magazines setup as subreddit clones. What we really need is a push encouraging content and comment submissions more than anything else. That's what's going to drive the development of a vibrant community on

Generally, unless you have at least 20 pieces of content from multiple users with active commentary, most folks will assume it's a dead community and move on to a bigger community on or similar to find more content. One thing I would suggest for the moderators of growing communities is to always comment on, upvote and boost your contributors' submissions in the beginning stages of community growth. Your personal engagement of the content is the first step in encouraging your readers to do the same.

That being said, I'd love for folks to create more new niche communities that didn't exist on Reddit. There's a lot more freedom here - we should take advantage of it.

Pandantic , avatar

I’m a poster on a small magazine and I upvote and boost all posted content. Also, lurkers of small magazines need to just put some content out there! Put you’re voice in! I can almost guarantee you will be well received if it’s relevant and on topic.

some_guy , avatar

Asking lurkers to be content creators/providers is a losing game. Your community is fighting for their attention, not the other way around.

Pandantic , avatar

It really just depends. I was a lurker (and occasionally commented) in a couple of Pokemon TCG groups on Reddit and I never felt a need to contribute because there was so much content already. I now create posts and comment because I recognize the magazine needs content to thrive. If there are others out there who are the same as me, and want the community to thrive, I don’t think asking them to make content if they can is too much. It’s not anyone is requiring it, but it’s a way to build and give back to your community. And it’s not too hard to do on a Pokémon TCG community, though I can see how it might be difficult on others such as a tech news magazine.

Bozicus ,

This is definitely a thing. I don’t like making a comment or post that has already been made 80 times, and I’m used to that being the case. Once I get used to the fact that I might be the first one to post something (and possibly the only one who wants to, lol), I will probably get used to posting regularly.

ivanafterall , in Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma
e_t_ Admin , in Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma

Why do I suspect that, even if one were to spend 8 hours a day on Reddit, making comments that all were gilded, you'd still earn less than minimum wage?

metalingus ,

I’d be surprised if it was any better than that.

Ashtear , avatar

Zero chance this would pay better than even something like Mturk.

And yet, content quality on Reddit will tank even further because people will shitpost for pennies.

mrbubblesort , avatar

because bots will shitpost for pennies

The site will literally be run over with chatgpt bots farming for pennies overnight.

yunggwailo , avatar

it could be worth it for people in poorer countries

PabloDiscobar , avatar

It is reserved to people living in the USA.

bradorsomething ,

What if we build an automated click ring?

Computerchairgeneral , in Reddit kills awards and coins

Not sure why this is a top priority right now, but I look forward to hearing about whatever horrible idea they implement to replace awards and coins.

stopthatgirl7 , in Reddit kills awards and coins avatar

So they’re getting rid of coins and awards, but don’t have any kind of replacement actually planned yet?

They should have held off until they knew what the replacement would be. As it is, they’re yanking something that made Reddit unique for…what, exactly?

HipPriest ,

The replacement is to pay people with actual money per upvotes awards etc according to some code that was spotted recently

Great huh? That's really going to improve the quality of their content and their profitability... 🙄


Rhodin , avatar

Because paying people to post worked so well for Quora…

HipPriest ,

Quora is an impeccable font of online knowledge and we should be grateful for bwahaha no I can't even...

Basically the amount of karma farming that already happens on Reddit is going to quadruple. And yeah it's going to be a) on the more 'serious' questions like Quora and b) on the more AITA or Confessions posts 'oh you guys have helped me so much, of you can upvote me and give me some awards it'll really help get my life on track'

Part of me couldn't believe they'd actually introduce this but in light of everything this year, whatever. Because what else could benefit Reddit ....oh yeah - grifters!

If they want to add fuel to the fire that's burning down the house fine. I'm over at Kbin. I'm staying.

My only regret is there's some really great health support communities there and I hope they can be allowed to live in peace because I don't think they'll feasibly migrate.

Locuralacura ,

I’m only on reddit for a few select, very specific communities. If I ever find a replacement it’s over. Help with Immigration laws, teach practices, language learning ECT. I’m thinking maybe I’d like to start the teachers group over here.

bradorsomething ,

That’s how this happens. The community is the value, not the platform. Once a critical mass crosses over, the same community can continue.

Locuralacura ,

I definitely don’t have time to moderate, I barely have time to scan headlines.

jon ,

Just curious, what happened there?

itsnotlupus ,

Last I checked, there were at least 3 subreddits where cryptocurrency is being handed out regularly to active participants.
They’re called “Community Points”, and get a custom name for each sub (“moons” in /r/cryptocurrency, “donuts” in /r/ethtrader, and “bricks” in /r/fortniteBR.)

I don’t know how the other subs fared, but /r/cryptocurrency became noticeably gamed by actors attempting to maximize their financial gains.

So… I guess it’s gonna be awesome.

Hegar , avatar

/r/cryptocurrency became noticeably gamed by actors attempting to maximize their financial gains.

I can't tell if that's life imitating art or vice versa but it made me giggle!

stopthatgirl7 , avatar

And oh look, it’s only available for people in the US! Because only Americans know things, amirite? 🙄

All they had to do was do nothing.

Acetanilide ,

Is there a bin for usdefaultism yet?

Ragnell , avatar

For a minute I thought you meant trashbin.

Acetanilide ,


HipPriest ,

It's certainly worth paying to hear American views over the rest of the worlds I would say. Reddit is on to a winner with that one for sure. American Reddit users like u/spez are so wise while we are so stupid.

Sailor_jets , avatar

Reddit is an American website… IDK why this would surprise anyone.

abff08f4813c ,

A company headquartered in the US but it's a website that has a presence in many countries, including the EU.

Maybe not surprising, but they are probably shortchanging themselves by not allowing folks from abroad to contribute into the program. USians aren't the only content creators.

mightysashiman , avatar

but the mentality of the whole platform is very USian centric nevertheless.

abff08f4813c ,

Sure, and that's a problem. r/politics was too US centric which eventually drove the creation of other subs like r/animie_titties

There are (or were) a lot of corners that were an exception to the rule, for example I don't think that anyone would argue that r/de was very USian.

Ragnell , avatar

They're willing to pay idiots to ramble on but they aren't willing to pay international lawyers to straighten out all the paperwork so they can do this outside the US.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Reddit really is done. This will drive spam and discourage people posting original content as they will see it stolen and reposted by the karma farming parts of reddit. They already flood communities with crap; reddit seems to just be taking another giant crap on the moderators who will have to deal with the tide of people trying to manipulate the new system for financial gain.

The best content on Reddit is not by "top contributors" whoever they may be. It's the random helpful posts that you stumble across or find on Internet seaches, or the thought provoking posts and comments that push back against the hive mind. Generally I find most (not all but most) of the up voted and awarded content to be trash or low value. Moving to financially incentivise that show Reddit really don't understand their own site.

gornar , avatar

I actually improved my reddit experience back in the day by blocking the top creators and checking that top list every few months to make sure it was current. Instantly better!

McBinary , avatar

Applying gold and awards will hold posts on the frontpage even if they're downvoted to oblivion. They're likely getting rid of them as a way of manipulating the narrative.

misnina , in Microblogging Platform with an Algorithm avatar

Hashtags exist for that purpose. You can follow them to be put into your home feed. As well, if you use the advanced web interface (like tweet deck), you can create a column with modifiers. Such as, I have a column that searches for both and , but excludes posts with or , as well as (because I have a separate column for pokemon pixel artwork & lowpoly specifically)

I have heard misskey and calckey have a sort of trending feed, but not quite algorithmic, but unsure completely.

DolphLundgren , in I made a tool that transfers your reddit subscriptions to lemmy, thought maybe you all might be interested

Not to steal your thunder but the wefwef web app does this also, you just paste in your profile’s multireddit url and then it gives you a clickable list and each click searches Lemmy for all similar communities and then you can sub to any that you want.

induna_crewneck OP ,

Didn’t know that haha. My script does the same thing pretty much. Just automatically if that maybe is worth something. And I’m not after thunder, I made this mainly for myself (and to train coding) and if someone else finds it useful that’s great

DolphLundgren ,

Certainly! I think it’s important that people innovate and it’s amazing when it’s helpful for others. Keep up the great work! 😀

mrecom ,

Is wefwef iOS only though?

fox2263 ,

It’s a web app. Now called Voyager.

DuckGuy , avatar

No, Wefwef is a webapp, meaning you can use it on anything (even on desktop.) It goes by Voyager now.

Mculbertson , in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?


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