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CheshireSnake , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path avatar

I just checked it out after seeing this post.

I just don’t understand why most are dead set on moving to discuit (?). I have absolutley nothing against that site but…

Come on. Reddit kicked your balls. Squabblr just basically suddenly decided to fuck you in the ass. And now you’re moving to another centralized platform where things can drastically change at the whims of a few individuals who are in charge? Haven’t you had enough? Smfh.

Edit: oh it seems they also changed the TOS to be more reddit-like. IE: your data is theirs. Lol.

gabe , in FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen…/our_city_subreddit_600k_has_been_ban…

It’s a backend gitch that’s being resolved potentially. Getting some serious twitter deja right now…

firecat OP ,

Looks like reddit is making changes to banned users/subreddit all without telling anyone. Yet I do not know what the new banned rule is because all the subreddits are different in rules and topics.

eroc1990 , in FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen avatar

And it’s back. Same thing happened to r/ComicBooks, and it’s back.

Emperor , in FGO subreddit banned, no word on what happen avatar

It’s back now.

Arotrios , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path avatar

This is why when a social media site gets past a certain size, the admin team and the moderation need to be clearly defined, and siloed from each other's core responsibilities, so the admin team focuses on running the site and the mod team focuses on making it sing.

Looks like the people actually moderating clearly had a handle on the situation. The admin was clearly overworked and didn't agree with the direction the community was taking, and made a quick decision that was poorly thought out.

The reason admins are admins is because they're good at running machines. You can turn a machine off if it's broken, and change how it runs with the flip of a switch.

A community requires a much different approach, and never, no matter how wise the decision, reacts well to being told how to act. It takes a different skill set to properly moderate and run a community than it does to run a server - in fact most admins I know make notoriously bad moderators (myself included, although I'm no longer an admin).

To be honest, the admin here is acting exactly like your stereotypical libertarian tech-bro computer guy who pays lip service to the left while pocketing the more palatable pieces of the philosophy of the right. I've worked with a lot of them in tech. LGBTQ+ is hard stretch for these guys in general - they'll declare gays have rights but won't march in Pride, use slurs when in like company, and generally see LGBTQ+ as a lifestyle choice and not an inescapable biological state of being.

They don't understand that it's not a switch you can flick on and off.

Just glad I'm on the Fediverse where this particular admin's meltdown doesn't matter too much, but I have a feeling Squabblr's fate is going to be the same as Voat (which was cool for about two weeks before the alt-right overran it).

JowlesMcGee , avatar

Very good points, especially on siloing the admin from the mods. Like you said, the mods had been doing a great job performing damage control from the last few rounds of drama.

I've said this before, but I don't envy an admin for a social media site. I certainly wouldn't want to do it. So I get he was stressed, and had been getting a lot of backlash, but again he could have stepped back and let his team handle it.

wjrii , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path avatar

Gross. Once kbin stabilized after those first few days full of Reddit refugees, I stopped going to squabbles, but I made a point of deleting my account today. The dev was oddly secretive and non-collaborative, had a weird cadre of posters extolling his virtues, and his only presence on Reddit was half-baked shit in an entrepreneur subreddit. Now, I have to admit I was expecting a more mainstream enshittification as he tried to monetize, not a full-on (and super quick!) Voat situation.

Blakerboy777 , avatar



my experience is eerily similar to yours. Used it a bit in the first few days, popped in on occasion. Deleted my account today. When I first went on, one of the questions I asked was "is this FOSS or privately owned" and got bombarded with that cadre of users explaining why it's better and safer for it to be owned by one person and that Jake would never make bad decisions like this exact one. At one point a user was being so agressive about how I should just trust Jake that I said I must be talking to his mom.

I also briefly had a Voat account when I thought Reddit was cracking down too much/too arbitrarily, and quickly realized that I was not in good company. I’ve been very optimistic about this Reddit exodus because it really.

soyagi , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path

Can you provide more context? Maybe the posts that are being linked to in that screenshot?

lemann ,

Here’s the link:

That site is really difficult to use.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path

Welp, looks like that's the end for Squabblr. Most of the front page is people hating on this decision and announcing plans to go to Discuit (another non-fediverse Reddit alternative). Turns out that, if there's an equal alternative to go to, people WON'T stick around when you let in fascists and bigots.

Hypnos9 , in does anyone regret deleting their Reddit accounts during the failed protest?

Wow, even u/spez is on the fediverse!

MonsieurHedge , in Squabbles, another recent reddit alternative, seems to be taking the doomed "free speech" path avatar

I went on to check the news out and one of the first posts I saw was from user "14ss8bb8" talking about how transphobia isn't hate speech.

Yeah that place just became Voat 2.0. What a fucking idiotic decision.

AtomicPurple , in You know what I DON’T miss from Reddit? Having a 75% chance of having your submissions immediately removed anytime you post something. avatar

I think I had things removed once or twice in the eight years I was on Reddit. I'm not sure why this sentiment keeps cropping up because I've never had this experience. Do people just not read the sidebar before posting things in random subreddits? That's the only way I could see this happening with such frequency.

density , avatar

I would read sidebars most of the time but sometimes I didn't understand the way the mods intended the rules to be understood. For example I posted a link to an on-topic podcast or blog post. But it gets taken down for being "self promotion" even though there is no reason to believe (or even allegation) that I had anything to do with the production. But since the mods have no way of telling apart sock puppets from legitimate third parties, they have banned all blogs and podcasts to be fair. Silly me I thought "self promotion" meant you were "promoting" your "self". But actually they just don't accept blogs, podcasts, youtubes etc.

Other times there are banned domains. Like one time I made a self post in a tech forum that mentioned an item on aliexpress. But aliexpress is banned because there was so much spam. Another time I linked to an image from pinterest in a hobby sub. Both taken down by automod.

Eventually you learn stuff like this although it requires a mod to take the time to tell you. It's annoying how the posts are silently hidden without notification or explanation. I got in the habit of checking posts with no/low comments in incognito. That's how you learn it was taken down but you then have to message the mods to learn why.

timtoon , in You know what I DON’T miss from Reddit? Having a 75% chance of having your submissions immediately removed anytime you post something.

My comments in niche subreddits only ever got upvotes in single digits, so adjusting to kbin wasn't too difficult

Devi , in You know what I DON’T miss from Reddit? Having a 75% chance of having your submissions immediately removed anytime you post something.

Post removed - Title must have a question mark

Try again

Post removed - Short posts not permitted

Try again

Post removed - no links allowed

Try again

Post removed - repost

Fuck off automod!

Penguincoder , avatar

The subreddit should have a list of rules for you to read and follow to prevent this sort of annoying retry situation. Perhaps read them if you want to participate in the community.

HipPriest , in You know what I DON’T miss from Reddit? Having a 75% chance of having your submissions immediately removed anytime you post something.

I don't know what you were posting but I don't think my odds of having things removed were ever that high, lol

But it is nice to not have that feeling yeah

AmidFuror ,

Didn't have enough comment karma.

HipPriest ,

Ah, one of Reddit's more annoying rules.

Neato , avatar

It's mostly people who keep getting banned or keep making new accounts for some reason that fall into this. Or bots posting to generate tons of link karma but never posted comments and never got comment karma. It's to prevent those who get banned or bots from being able to flood a sub.

Titou , avatar

I had the same problem with account age, i was like “bro my account is 1 month old, how many time i’ve to wait ?”

quirzle , avatar

Depends a lot on where you were posting.

/r/nfl was notorious for deleting posts from unknown users when new broke to repost it from a mod's account. Had nothing to do with ban evasion or bots, just leveraging the control they had to make sure they had all the biggest posts.

HughJanus , in 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw.

That’s great but don’t fall under the impression that those same people aren’t here on Lemmy

Very_Bad_Janet ,

True, but if someone were to be banned in one community they can always join and make comments in another similar Lemmy community (or similar magazine on kbin). If they get banned on one instance, they cam join another instance. The Fediverse makes it easy to still contribute even if one avenue is closed.

As far as I can tell, there hasn't been any moderator overreach on Lemmy/kbin. Maybe everyone is starting off on their best behavior. Or mods are aware that the atomized nature of the Fediverse means they have only so much power or influence. Also, it could just be the communities/magazines I'm in but there haven't been a lot of heated arguments.

atlasraven31 ,

People as a whole have been starting over and feeling out their place in things.

Pratai OP ,

That may be so, but they can’t ban me across lemmy for using a different account and posting in the same community.

HughJanus ,

You can be banned here not only from a single “community” but also from entire instances, which the former would be comparable to a subreddit ban and the latter would be even worse.

In any case you can just spin up a new account on either.

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