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AnonymousLlama , in I don’t understand people who say they can’t figure out Lemmy or KBin avatar

Having "add new post" in the header on kbin it's definitely something that will trip up people coming from Reddit. You need to add a new "article" which isn't very intuitive

AlteredStateBlob , avatar

Took ne a few tries to figure that out. And what is a microblog even and why do we have it?

Eggyhead , avatar

Microblogs are like tweets. I think posts from people you follow on Mastodon and similar federated microblogging platforms should appear there. I wish there was the option to merge the microblog and magazine feed. I don't think having them separated is necessary on a platform like this.

AtomicPurple , avatar

It's for Mastodon compatibility. Articles are like Reddit posts and microblogs are like tweets. You can post either from Kbin. Your articles will show up as community posts on Lemmy, and your microblogs will show up as toots on Mastodon.

thatfuckinglinuxguy , in I don’t understand people who say they can’t figure out Lemmy or KBin avatar

I don’t think that really justifies a lot of the comments I’m seeing in Reddit alternatives threads that it’s hard to figure out.

Haven't been back there and didn't read the comments...

But I think I can understand to a degree:

  • Too many choices: Picking an instance can be confusing for folks that are used to only having to remember 1 name. I personally think this is a bit like people trying Linux for the first time and getting confused by all the choices available. Basically, it's what some people call "analysis paralysis" but add to that the fact that you'll get 12 different recommendations from every 10 people you all (e.g. there's no clear consensus on the "best" one bc "best" means something different to each person). I think one list I saw on GitHub literally had over 200 instances... For non-techies, I could see that being a bit confusing
  • UI differences: some things like making a post on kbin are a bit different (IMO not bad but still different enough that I could see some folks getting confused). Doing searches on lemmy for specific topics (not finding communities but searching for something in a community) is done from a different area on lemmy than on Reddit and IMO is kind of a pain in the ass currently. And on kbin, frankly, I'm not even sure we have that feature at all.
  • Missing features: haven't tried mobile apps (which could again be another point of confusion) but for desktop at least, AFAIK we don't have anything comparable to RES yet. There's no analog to multireddits. And we don't have anything similar to reddit's Saved feature yet. All valid complaints in my opinion. And someone used to any or all of those, might spend a lot of time looking bc they just don't know if it's hidden or does not exist. So, yeah, I could see so confusion there too.

I think there are a lot of advantages they're probably missing too. I like that kbin/lemmy we can choose whatever fucking avatar we want instead of being limited to customizing our snoz or wtf Reddit calls their mascot thing. I saw one guy mentioning how there's no karma bullshit to deal with for new accounts and absolutely agree with that sentiment.

tealdeer; meh, I like the fediverse and it's not hard for me but I'm not shitting on people who don't get it. If they want help, would probably help but not going to push it on people either. It is what it is and that's good enough for me

tal , avatar

I like that kbin/lemmy we can choose whatever fucking avatar we want instead of being limited to customizing our snoz or wtf Reddit calls their mascot thing.

"Snoo". It's a space alien.

valzek , avatar

I like that kbin/lemmy we can choose whatever fucking avatar we want instead of being limited to customizing our snoz or wtf Reddit calls their mascot thing.

You can still do that on new reddit. When looking at your own profile while logged in, there's a little camera with a plus in the corner of your current avatar/placeholder. (There's also a separate icon further to the right for uploading a banner image.)

Edit: Dang, I didn't expect that image to look so big, it's only 600x300

thatfuckinglinuxguy , avatar

Ah my bad then. I really hated new reddit so I avoided it like the plague. Haven't really been on there since either.

keet , in I don’t understand people who say they can’t figure out Lemmy or KBin avatar

Reddit has been around for quite a while. There are those of us who used to be tech-savvy "back in the day" that don't handle change either quickly or well. For a casual social-media only user, this can be similar to the experience of a cave-person discovering fire. There are bound to be questions, especially when dealing with multiple types of instances on the fediverse. If we want this to grow into its full potential, we NEED to be patient and welcoming to even the most technologically illiterate.

detwaft ,

There are those of us who used to be tech-savvy "back in the day" that don't handle change either quickly or well.

I feel personally attacked, lol.

The problem I find with the technologically illiterate is that they immediately blurt out what’s on their mind. They ask the same fucking questions over and over, without searching first. The signal to noise ratio drops way down and every day is the same shit.

I am more than happy to interact with people of all walks of life but the internet is very “Groundhog Day” compared with when techies were the only ones on here. I’m not sure what the solution is that gives us perpetual cake.

density , avatar

this platform doesn't have search and as far as I understand, doesn't want to have search. so where are you thinking people are supposed to search exactly?

I would love to see your tutorial about how to search for information here.

LanternEverywhere ,

Um, unless I'm misunderstanding you, no, there is a search here. At the top of kbin pages is a magnifying glass icon that does search.

Quill7513 ,

I’ve also noticed a pattern of people asking for the fediverse to just behave exactly like reddit and thinking ant architectural decision that differs from a users perspective is an antipattern

static , in I don’t understand people who say they can’t figure out Lemmy or KBin avatar

Anything new is scary
Reddit is complicated, they just forgot.

The digg users said reddit was ugly and they would never use such an ugly site.
I tried explaining reddit to a diehard forum user, why are all the replies out of order? why are upvotes changing the posting order? this is so complicated!

Don't explain, tell them where to start and how to start. then it explains itself.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I can't help but think that people who describe the Fediverse as complicated joined reddit after the redesign...

Kbin is exactly like an old, stripped down version of old.reddit.

Jon-H558 ,

I think this is also the cause of the Vs kbin/Lemmy split. Squabbles is like new Reddit, kbin is like old Reddit. And people like what they know

Bristlerock , avatar

This last sentence is the crux of the matter. People don't like change, but quickly forget that they spent time learning the site that they're so familiar with.

AnonymousLlama , avatar

In kbins case you actually have a responsive admin and can actually find devs on here working on new features and tweaks (hey there!)

Super happy with how kbin has been going so far

Beefalo ,

People also forget that Reddit wasn’t built in a day and digg didn’t die in a day

doctortofu , in Goodbye RIF - Talklittle's Goodbye to Reddit is Fun users avatar

Rif was reddit for me. It was how I accessed it 99.9% of the time. By far the most used app on all my phones for more than a decade. I'm extremely sad that this is how it dies, but all things must end, it seems. Rest in peace old friend. And rot in pieces reddit, for killing the best goddamned app I've ever used...

Kill_joy , avatar

100% agree. It was the only way I viewed Reddit for 11 years.

The day that pop-up appeared saying it was shutting down I set all the (small) subs I moderated to private, deleted my account, and came on over here. What a fucking shame.

ivanafterall ,

Yes, I'm sure Apollo was great, but I never even knew it existed until this whole fiasco, because I jumped to RIF when it was still "Reddit Is Fun" and never looked back, because it did everything I needed, perfectly.

Kill_joy , (edited ) avatar

Word. As an Android user, Apollo wasn't on my radar. Christian certainly made a name for himself throughout all of this - he was a phenomenal David against Reddit's Goliath, but I RiF was the backbone of my Reddit experience and will be dearly missed. Excited to see what apps for kbin rise from the ashes of Reddit.

DBT , avatar

I’ve used both RIF (10-15 years ago) and Apollo (last 8 years or so). They are and were light years ahead of the official app. At this point I’m just like, “OK, bye bitch” with Reddit.

sota2077 , in I don’t understand people who say they can’t figure out Lemmy or KBin avatar

It isn’t hard to sign up for. No one is saying that is the case. It gets confusing when people start talking about adding subscriptions from other instances and how you can copy and paste the link and subscribe. That right there is where 95% of the people on the internet stop caring.

If the developers of Lemmy and the wider Fediverse ever get that fleshed out in an intuitive way I think popularity will go pretty fast.

That and long term if there is a way for information to be collectively backed up so that if some owner shuts down an instance everything isn’t gone.

Zarxrax ,

What is this about having to copy and paste a link to find subscriptions from other instances? I literally just pull up the community browser and set it to “all” and then search.

ninjakitty7 , in iOS Reddit app Narwhal not going anywhere

I already couldn’t imagine paying a subscription for an app, but for that money to be going to reddit after the shit they pulled is unthinkable. I’m surprised users even want to support it at all. I do wish them well though, as Narwhal served me well for years.

withersailor ,

No NSFW posts too.

kurgal , in Reddit is not a safe space

It will never be a safe space as long as spez is around


It will never be a safe space as long as spez is around

period. Centralized systems like Reddit are inherently beholden to the views of the people who own the central hub. Even if the people at Reddit now were “cool”, eventually a piece of shit would end up in a position of power and compromise the site. As we have seen time and time again, both recently and throughout history, we cannot allow our systems to be contingent on the assumed goodwill of the people who run it. Said differently, we need to assume that bastards will take control at some point in the future, and intentionally design our systems to be robust in the face of disturbances caused by bad actors.

Annoyed_Crabby , in I still appear on Google and I edited and deleted all my comments, this is BS!

I think it’s in their cache or something. During the blackout they will still show your comment on private sub when googled

Sidenote: anyone have better way to edit all comment? I tried using power delete suite and it only edit some but not all my comment

Awhiskeydrunker , avatar

cryptosporidium140 , in Reddit is not a safe space

Creeps and weirdos? What the hell are they doing there?

carteblanche OP ,

Breastfeeding fetish….

Thorned_Rose ,

I had to stop posting photos of me feeding my baby on FB (even when you couldn't see shit or only a tiny bit of skin) because I would ALWAYS get random creeps PMing me.

I'm also an admin in a pregnancy/birth group and I constantly have to block scody arseholes from trying to join. It gets depressing sometimes. I can only imagine what r/breastfeeding mods have to endure to keep the community safe.

Hyperreality ,

The reality is that creeps harassing pregnant women is the least of reddit's problems.

I mean, not so long ago reddit hired a paedophile apologist and IRC diaper play furry fetishist as an admin. They claim they forgot to vet them, but this is the site that tolerated a subreddit with pictures of underage girls for years and gave the mod a custom award.

Expecting reddit to be a safe space for this kind of thing, is like worrying about Epstein stealing beer from the fridge, after you've asked him to baby sit.

Honestly, you might as well burn the whole thing down to the ground. That's the only way to make that site safe for women.

Further reading for those who weren't around or didn't get to hear about it because of censorship on reddit:

Big_Dick_Dastardly , in Reddit is not a safe space

That is just sad. Some subs were the only safe place to chat with others with similar issues.

jerrimu ,

/r/bigdickproblems was never private

FuccDiss ,

Never heard of this sub :/

axtualdave ,

At inception I think it was legitimately a place for guys with oversized stuff to talk. Like, there are actual issues guys with giant dongs have to deal with.

But it quickly devolved into lulz my girl says my dick is too biiiggg!!!

FuccDiss ,

Yeah I’ve heard stories. Not as fun and one thinks.

Peruvian_Skies , avatar

If it's big enough, you can't even maintain an erection because it requires too much blood. Or wear several types of pants or underwear, or sit comfortably in certain kinds of seats, or sometimes even get the simple feeling that you're done peeing when you are. But "lol I hurt women with my massive 50-inch pecker" gets more upvotes.

Hyperreality ,

From what I've heard, a big issue is condoms. Length isn't an issue, girth is. Too large or too small and it rolls up and/or is more likely to tear. Like a too small latex glove, except a dick there's nothing to stop the condom rolling up. Cleaning a toilet and the glove tears? Shit happens. Condom tears? Baby or STD happens. Not funny.

But from what I can tell, a lot of people who post in forums like that are roleplaying having a large dick or gay guys who want to creep on guys with large dicks. People are weird.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , in Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st avatar

I really don't get why they're doing this.

Reddit has already showed how much it cares about its users. We've tried going private, we've tried going restricted, we've tried going NSFW, we've tried spamming John Oliver posts, we've tried asking nicely in open letters, and Reddit has consistently given its community the middle finger in every single situation. And now that we've seen the admins change rules, remove mods, ban users, and break privacy laws, the plan is to just do the exact same thing they did before in the hopes that it'll work this time?

If a blackout on the platform was going to get Reddit to change its mind, that would've happened already. The time to induce change was two weeks ago, when the protests had lots of momentum. But it didn't work, and trying to make another stand now is going to be even less effective.

I still think that the best move is to leave Reddit for alternatives like /kbin, Lemmy, and Squabbles. Thankfully, some of the comments on the /r/ModCoord announcement are also saying this. Instead of desperately trying to cling to a platform that doesn't care about you, go somewhere else.

Eisenhowever ,

To be fair, if it wasnt for the blackout it wouldnt have given me the motivation to finally move on to kbin. Im sure this will push others to do the same. If all it takes is to slowly dwindle the reddit user by doing the same thing then im all for it.

Of course, i do see why there shouod be more creative protests to switch things up and see what else works.

stopthatgirl7 , avatar

To be fair, if it wasnt for the blackout it wouldnt have given me the motivation to finally move on to kbin.

Absolutely same here. Because I use Mastodon a lot, I heard about kbin when it first came out, and poked over to look at it, but decided it was a bit too empty and rough around the edges, and stuck with Reddit. Then came the Blackout, and I went ahead and made an account.

As Reddit gets more enshittified and kbin and lemmy get more polished and active, we’ll start seeing a bigger shift.

LemmyStartNow , in Reddit to Teddit/Libreddit Redirect Userscripts

Using the extension, but Both site seems to throw a 500 error

ppb1701 , avatar

@LemmyStartNow I loaded violentmonkey edge addon and copy pasted the script in the add (teddit version) and it works. There is a bit a delay as it redirects. But I'll take the delay over using "dead"it. now just to figure how to automate it from ios safari....


ppb1701 , avatar

Side note: I added UserScipt extension on Safari on my Mac and IOS and copied the script in on it's editer and it works there too. iOS does have a slight delay at the moment before it goes landing on what looks like a Reddit error page. I'm thinking it's where it is attempting to hit the script as it first loads to promote their app. Still works so woot!

@LollerCorleone @LemmyStartNow

LollerCorleone OP , avatar

I am glad it works. Teddit and Libreddit devs seem to be working on switching from API to web scraping. I hope they are successful. Otherwise, old reddit is the only choice.

ppb1701 , avatar

@LollerCorleone I hope so too. I don't wanna lose the wealth of knowledge and tips but I also don't want to give Reddit themselves the time of day.


LollerCorleone OP , avatar

Yep! Btw, I have updated the script and added randomized instances than relying on a single one. Do let me know if you face any issues. At least till teddit and libreddit works.

ppb1701 , avatar

@LollerCorleone will do thanks! Updated them in my browsers. Will let you know.


LemmyStartNow , (edited )

Thank you for keeping me in the loop and for the suggested solution. Much appreciated!

ppb1701 , avatar

Used it multiple times in laptop and iPhone and it works great. Thank!

LollerCorleone OP , avatar


EmptyRadar , in Lemmy & Kbin reaching 100k active users within days.

I'm pretty content with KBin. As time goes on the content level will increase and hopefully remain at a level which makes it easy to curate my feed and reduce noise. Truth be told Reddit has been getting worse for a long time and being here reflects that. This feels a lot like what Reddit felt like 10 years ago.

capwiz ,

I like kbin but I'm hoping to find a fast way to filter out all of the German subs. I have absolutely no issue with them, I just can't understand the content so it's useless to me. It seems to take up about half of my feed

cybersandwich ,

I play this game where I try to understand the ich_iel memes. I usually get close. Some of them are hilarious.

Limitless_screaming , in Random Account Suspension avatar

Darn, I promoted Lemmy and KBin on Reddit, Voted for mods to continue the protest, encouraged people to request their data from Reddit, and linked my KBin in my bio before completely leaving the platform.

I still haven't gotten the message of honor :(

Kill_joy , avatar

Rip off the band-aid and delete your account.

That's the real

message of honor

Limitless_screaming , avatar

I am waiting for my data, so I can request it's deletion.

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