Ask Science

What part of sunlight causes algae to grow?

I’ve been trying different searches but everything I find just says “sunlight”. Since sunlight consists of multiple parts such as UV, Infrared and the normal visible spectrum, I’m curious which part is actually responsible for photosynthesis to occur? On that note, depending on what part of the light, would it still grow...

Can placebo effect really help you heal faster and cure physical illness ? If so won't someone who works out too little but believes in himself too much get jacked beyond comprehension ?

What are the limits to it ? Exceptions etc. Context i saw vsauces " power of suggestions " video. Is the video scripted or was the kids conditions just not real like i can understand the girls condition may be cured through placebo but come on adhd and migraines immediatly cured ?

Spring Potential Energy

Say a dissolvable spring is compressed with a bolt and nut that do not melt in a sulfuric acid solution. The spring has quite a bit of potential energy at this point since it is compressed. Assuming the spring dissolves perfectly (no breakage, just complete disintegration), what happens to the potential energy of the spring?

Do we have any estimates as to how long it takes for a species of bacteria to go technically extinct entirely via genetic drift?

So, let’s say there’s a species of bacteria that is known to dwell in Greek yogurt. How long would it take before that species of yogurt-dweller only has modern descendants different enough to qualify as one or more new species?

Is the "Tromatz" bioelectric wave toothbrush legit, or snake oil?

I discovered the “Tromatz” bioelectric wave toothbrush, and it sounds too good to be true, which usually means… it is. However, they do link to some journal articles, so it seems it’s somewhat based on fact. There’s very, very little else out there aside from their own website that I can find. Thoughts from anyone...

Why are we so concerned with oxygen production yet we never hear about nitrogen production, though we actually need 78% nitrogen vs 21% oxygen to survive?

Excess oxygen is actually harmful to humans, but all the climate warnings are about losing oxygen, not nitrogen edit: but when we look for habitable planets, our focus is ‘oxygen rich atmosphere’, not ‘nitrogen rich’, and in medical settings, we’re always concerned about low oxygen, not nitrogen....

what is the mass of a cloud?

As the title asks, what is the average mass of each kind of cloud? Ignoring things like overcast days, and only considering clouds large enough to identify. Or maybe rather than “average” it’d be better to say “what is the mass of an archiypical cloud of each type?” Eg an archiypical cumulus, cirrus, cumulonimbus, etc.

Could the fabric of space be the origin of baryon matter?

I’ve been doing a bit of searching for theories on the origin of baryon matter (including antimatter of course) and some seem to hint at quantum particles spawning from the fabric of space (but doesn’t seem to theorize on how this happened) but not many focus on hypothesizing how all forms of baryon matter ether: was the...

How do some animals (or at least humans) manage to generate more force than their own muscles are rated to handle?

Just as an example, there were evidently reports during the 2007 Glasgow airport attack that someone attempting to subdue the assailant and assist police kicked said attacker in the testicles… but somehow managed to do so hard enough to injure one of their own foot tendons.

Can sufficiently energetic EM waves of a specific frequency affect weaker EM waves of a different frequency?

My initial thought is “no,” since our eyes, being receivers for specific wavelengths of EM radiation, can’t see frequencies like infrared, no matter how bright. Likewise, my cell phone’s WiFi and cell modules don’t conflict with each other (as far as this layperson can tell, anyway)....

What is known about Persistence of Vision in various animals?

I’m curious about building cat toys that are impractically over complicated with Arduino/Maker stuff. Thus the casual curiosity about persistence of vision. I wonder if other animals have something like a different internal clock frequency where the image only forms at higher (or lower) frequencies than most humans.

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