
DampCanary , in This guy was chilling in the middle of road. avatar

My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total

wreckedcarzz , avatar

Man, did you pick the wrong road to chill on...

DampCanary , avatar

Or got dumb luck and found real spicy spiky potato next to road

plactagonic OP ,

Here they have only lices, nothing much to worry about.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I'm guessing rabies can be anywhere. And while I've never heard of anyone getting rabies from a hedgehog, I wouldn't want to be the first.

hOrni , in This guy was chilling in the middle of road.

Now release him back into the ocean!

AbidanYre , (edited ) in This guy was chilling in the middle of road.

That face says he regrets nothing.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That face says "put me the fuck down, I have quills and teeth."

urda , in Radar is the side-eye king avatar

Your outtie likes the sound, of Radar.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar


urda , avatar

Checkout Apple’s “Severance”!

AA5B , in The local dog park has kiddie pools by the water spigots.

Nice. Where do you get one of those for a reasonable price these days?

My first dog, I got exactly that for $4 from a grocery store as a seasonal thing

However, after our second dog was a fiasco, I got rid of that since we weren’t getting another dog.

Now our third dog has not been swimming. She’s a rescue who still reacts against other dogs so we can’t bring her to a lake or dog park. I want one of these pools again to see if she’d take to it, but she doesn’t like to get wet so odds are not in my favor. I think the same pool was $28 last time I saw one, and I’m not interested in throwing away that much money. Almost all “baby pools” I see now are inflatable, which wouldn’t survive a dogs first use. So are there really no cheap plastic pools anymore?

RubberElectrons , in Cow sleeping in someone's lap. avatar

I'm guessing their head is really dang heavy though. Like I want to try this but for the accidental crunch 😂

aeharding , in I think this is an aww. avatar

More nudibranch content please

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

OP will deliver.

z00s , in I think this is an aww.

I look at things like this, on our own planet, and my mind boggles at the thought of what alien species might look like

something_random_tho , in The local dog park has kiddie pools by the water spigots.

I have the same routine.

HEXN3T , in I think this is an aww. avatar

Wow shiny

moistclump , in I think this is an aww.

Top tier puns throughout. Great work.

UraniumBlazer , in Cow sleeping in someone's lap.

Awww so cute! Now lemme murder this beautiful creature so that I can enjoy a good steak for myself! In no storybook would I ever be considered the villain! /s

lseif ,

i also think plants look nice, but i still eat them

UraniumBlazer ,

Animals (cows in this case) feel pain, fear, grief and so on. Plants don't. We can survive just fine without murdering millions of sentient animals.

Killing dogs and eating their meat is animal abuse. Doing the same to cows isn't. Quite hypocritical if you ask me.

lseif ,

plants can feel pain too

UraniumBlazer ,

Are they sentient? The above qualities describe sentience to a certain degree. Do plants feel grief? Do they feel fear?

lseif ,

it depends how u define sentience. we all have to draw the line somewhere. u choose somewhere between animals and plants, and that is fine. agree to disagree

Texas_Hangover ,

I knew there'd be at least one of you twats in this thread.

Ephera ,

Make that two.

UraniumBlazer ,

Awww did we hurt your feelings?

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

I'm vegan and I'm OP. I posted this because people should know cows are delightful and not dinner.

UraniumBlazer ,

Thank you for the post. The mental gymnastics that people go through to justify murdering these animals is crazy

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

And the carnists are all downvoting us because they apparently like torturing and murdering animals and don't want to be reminded of that fact of course. But we're just militant right?

UraniumBlazer ,

But we’re just militant right?

Those EYYVIL hippies! Telling us not to commit murder??? TELLING US NOT TO DRINK COW TITTY JUICE??? HOW DARE THEYYYY

PhlubbaDubba , in Cow sleeping in someone's lap.

I don't know what it is but it seems almost universal that animals will give in and be pacified by da good scritchies

Maybe predator animals are just so angry because they're constantly itchy! Lemme go check!

Immediately mauled by bears

justaderp , (edited )

I know it's just a joke. But, black and brown bears are very intelligent and quite peaceful creatures. I've run into forty or fifty in the wilderness. I've never once felt the bear was considering an attack. They're smart enough to recognize our complex behaviors as a large risk to their safety.

The story of the vast majority of humans mauled by bears:

Your dog has a perfect record of defending the pack. Every single time the target either runs or turns out to be friendly. No other pack member defends. Its primary reason to exist is to defend. A bear has a perfect record of fights with anything but another bear.

One day the bear smells some food, good stuff it can't find normally. It's some campers with their dog. The dog smells the bear, full adrenaline drops for its whole reason to exist, and defends the pack. The bear wins in about one second.

The human defends the dog. The bear fights because that's what it's doing right now. Then, it reconsiders and runs away. Finally, the Forest Rangers track down and kill the bear quietly, preserving the tourism the community relies on.

We're really shitty to bears, at least here in the US. They're not even very dangerous relative an wild elk, moose, or even free range livestock. It's the big and dumb ones you need to watch out for. And marmot. Never disagree with a marmot.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Yeah that was more just me reaching for what was close at hand, not like I'm in a place where I'm likely to run into a polar bear or a russian bear

justaderp ,

I just like bears, know a little bit, and think they're getting fucked over in many parts of the US. I definitely wasn't finding fault with a joke.

If you tried to scritch a wild cat you might just get away with it for awhile. But, you're never getting that hand back :)

FuglyDuck , avatar

So, my parents had this dachshund. Dachshunds are dumb, and will literally pick a fight with anything (and then run and hide behind you.)

One time I was dog sitting- Tootsie was just a puppy, it was wonderful weather for late spring so I went camping, taking her with.

Gonna go fly fishing and catch breakfast, was waiting for the sun to come up with my coffee and this bear comes up the opposite side of the creek.

Tootsie being the dumbass, starts yapping.

The bear looks at her. Its expression is “you know you’re not even a snack, right?”,

It looks at me. “You know she’s not even a snack?”

My expression is “I know, I know. Shut up tootsie. Yer a snack!”

The bear gives this sort of shrug I took as, “Okay. Just do you know.” And moved off down the stream.

MonkderDritte ,

And marmot. Never disagree with a marmot.

Because rodent.

DasFaultier ,

As proven by the fact that dogs exist. I bet wolves were constantly itchy as well, but receiving those excellent scritches over millennia, they turned into the gentle doggos that we know today.
And now I can have one of these 30kg predators in my house, trusting me with their life and sleeping on me occasionally and not mauling me with their sharp teeth, just because of the power of scritches.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Pretty sure it was actually food scraps that got ‘em. Scritches came later.

DasFaultier ,

Nah, that can't be right, I'm pretty sure it was them sweet sweet scritches.
I asked, former wolf agrees.

FuglyDuck , avatar

I dunno. Better do an experiment. Scritches and snacks.

(Oh they deserve all the scritches!)

MonkderDritte ,

Nah, grooming & scritchies is more a social thing.

A_Very_Big_Fan , in Cow sleeping in someone's lap.

Big baby <3

manucode , in Cow sleeping in someone's lap. avatar
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