
TheBat , in People in this community... avatar
FlashMobOfOne , in In Poland firefighters were called to a house fire. There were no people inside the house but there was a terrified bunny that the firefighters rescued from the flames. avatar

This is why there isn’t a firefighter equivalent of the song ‘Fuck the Police’.

RealFknNito , avatar

They all have savior complexes the only difference is one has to fight unruly people and the other has to fight unruly nature. Less margin of error shooting liquid life onto spicy air.

Owljfien ,

In Australia there are dickhead ones that light bushfires so they can have their saviour fantasy by putting them out

AngryCommieKender ,

There’s a satirical version

rockSlayer , in A boy and his hors- err... Dog

What is it about big dogs that make them think they’re lap dogs?

Talaraine , avatar

I think they remember doing it when they were puppies xD.

Of course I can fit. duh

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , (edited ) avatar

This is actually what it is.

People always let puppies on their lap and the dog doesn’t understand why they’re suddenly not allowed in the lap it’s always been allowed in.

In fact most training is best done as a pup because that’s when they learn the best

AeonFelis ,

Okay, but how is that related to the picture? That’s clearly a smol pup.

AnneBonny ,

I’m sure it has never occurred to them that there is any kind of dog that is not a lap dog.

dejected_warp_core ,

The couch is the only “dog bed” that’s a comfy size. The fact that it’s already occupied is just a minor inconvenience. Plus, dogs like to be close.

TheOneAndOnly , in Food doesn't crawl into mouth

This is the part where someone comes along and tells me this bird is suffering from some neurologic disorder that will lead to it’s starvation and eventual death.

Schmuppes ,

Bird scientist here. In scientific terms, we say “That lad is proper fucked”.

blx ,

Bird scientist? Are you an ornithologist? Or are you a bird wearing glasses and a labcoat?

The_Helmet_Stays_On , avatar


WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

He’s a chicken, I tell ya! A giant chicken!

Anticorp ,

Nah, it’s just very young and hasn’t learned how to eat yet without its mother feeding it.

krotti ,

Bird software engineer here, he is just calculating whether to take another bic mac or not. Happens when the bird is on a diet trying get ripped.

qyron , (edited )

Is that proprietary software or you FOSS it out?

Archer ,

Proprietary Raytheon drone drivers are the worst

qyron ,

You’re uploading that to pidgeons now? I’ve been seeing owls going through them like a breeze.

Thteven , avatar

It’s probably still young and learning everything doesn’t just get vomited into your mouth when you grow up.

electrogamerman ,

it’s the gays!

jk. im gay

echodot ,

Leave that poor bird alone

echodot ,

Yeah it is.

This bird you see, is real dumb.

betterdeadthanreddit , in Reddit mods claimed my buddy was stuffed

Going to need a few more photos for proof here too. Can’t be too careful.

Also the video, that sounds adorable like compelling evidence.

SwedishFool OP , (edited )

Couldn’t upload videos here apparently, this is the best I could do.

Also, the 2nd picture is in my profile :)

betterdeadthanreddit ,

I may have gone profile-stalking to find it already. Thanks for posting the video, your friend is very cute.

Patches , in He found a new friend!

If you had a Great Pyrenees (Dog pictured) - you absolutely would not be wondering. They are livestock guardian dogs and some of the most stubborn dogs you will even interact with.

user1234 ,

I had a Border Collie/Corgi mix who lived up to the shepherd skills of both breeds. He once found a baby rabbit about a week old in our yard and brought it in to my wife carrying it without hurting it. She took it out to where she thought it came from and put it back. A few hours later, he brought it back in. So we set up an old guinea pig habitat for it. A little while later, he brought in another. We ended up taking care of them until they were old enough to release. But he would check on them multiple times a day. I'm pretty sure the only way he would ever intentionally hurt something is if it was threatening my wife or daughter.

AnarchistArtificer ,

We had a mongrel from a shelter who clearly had some border collie in him. He showed it in his behaviour too, he'd try and herd me and my brother if we went too far away on walks. If we wandered off while he was on a lead, he'd get really agitated because he couldn't herd us. It was annoying and cute in equal measure.

user1234 ,

I saw a video once of what was supposed to be a race between about 8 corgis. Instead of running toward the finish line, they all just started trying to herd each other.

fogetaboutit , in Which Linux Distro is best for dogs?

Puppy linux?

Blaster_M ,

Beat me to it

umbrella , avatar

awesome if your dog cant afford a good computer.

Diplomjodler3 ,

That lazy fuck should get a better job!

umbrella , avatar

times are tough for dogs!

Gullible , in Chilling with the gang

Q “What’s the pug’s disability?”

A “It’s a pug.”

Stamets OP , avatar

I laughed way too hard at that

coldv , in Discussion: AI Posts

Yeah restrict AI posts. I think cuteness needs to have some notion of soul behind it to be cute and AI images are just creepy and soulless.

Landsharkgun , in The fourth trimester

Humans: Awwww he likes the baby
Cat: Yes, this surface is both soft AND warm, I will sit here

Kolanaki , in Here's my dude. I have no idea what he is. avatar


bighatchester ,

I agree

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Dog expert here, I can confirm it is dog

RizzRustbolt ,


Vilian , in Cat after my own heart

that cat is high af

gregorum , in You ain't saw nothing avatar

in all of my years living in NYC, this has happened on no fewer than 4 occasions— seeing aa missing pet sign and then looking over to see that pet just sitting there or walking around nearby. yes, I called the owners.

Lucidlethargy , avatar

Holy crap, you’ve found four missing pets? That’s pretty damn amazing.

ElBarto , avatar

Found feels like a stretch, seems like NY cats have worked out that those poles are a taxi service just for them, so they just look for their pole and wait till their chauffeur to arrive.

Grass ,

Nah I wouldn’t be surprised. Bastards are smart and assholes.

intensely_human ,

I’ve never even found a four leaf clover. I mean, I guess the last time I tried I was like 9 but still.

Lemminary ,

Impressive! Wow, you go outside that often, huh.

Klear ,

Oh, what am I saying. Of course you don’t.

PhlubbaDubba , in JFK Airport. I'm not taking their advice.

Don't pet dogs that are on duty, you're either gonna distract them from their jobs and dat makadem sad, or they're trained as serious doggo security and you'll be risking getting chomped

Fisk400 ,

That's not what the sign says. If you have to add that much information on your own the sign is useless.

Zorque ,

Well when there's intentionally dense people like yourself, sure...

Fisk400 ,

Signs are supposed to work for dense people or it's a bad sign. I know the things you said and you know the things you said but the sign is for people that don't know those things and for them it's a shit sign.

Pika , avatar

I mean it gets the point across, regardless of the service dog or a pet(which shouldn't be in the TSA security line in the first place cuz generally airports will have a designated drop off or require Kennels) , in this case it doesn't matter how dense you are, it's clear: do not pet the dogs, if the reader wants to say that it means no petting dogs on the entire trip, the airport doesn't care as long as you're not petting the dogs at the airport, and therefor not getting in the way of procedure or causing a potential safety issue for the port

intensely_human ,

What if I’ve frozen the dog in carbonite, and he fits in my carry-on?

samus12345 , avatar

The sign originally also said "TSA K9 teams in use."

11111one11111 ,

Hahahahaha if that ther sign says more than S. T. O. P. I ain't fuckin listenin.

Skkorm , in Bird plays with golf balls

This is a bird called the Sereima, and what you are seeing isn't random behavior: it's how they hunt. They chase rodents and lizards down, grab them with their beaks, then slam their prey down onto rocks repeatedly until they stop moving.

Metal as hell.

Geobloke ,

Probably thought it was an egg

Retrograde , avatar

The bird:


Reucnalts ,

Didnt think about animals getting slamed on the ground. Smaller birds do this with fruita/nuts to break them

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