
eltimablo , in Recommend me a linux compatible laptop please

I just got a Framework and everything works out of the box in Fedora. Battery life sucks, though. I only get about 6.5 hours out of mine, but I also have the 55Wh battery and not the new 61Wh one. I'm planning on upgrading as soon as they make the battery upgrade available on the store, though 10% more isn't really going to be enough for me to say this thing has good battery life. There's allegedly a BIOS update in the works that's supposed to help with idle power draw, so I'll see how that shakes out, I guess.

oo1 , in I realized why I enjoy Linux so much and why I've stuck with it all these years (slight vent)...

a breath of minty fresh air

Spazman0 , in screenshot software with hotkey support

I've used KShare for a while. Not sure if it's still under active development, but it's the closest thing I've found to ShareX, and works well enough for me

ShaunaTheDead , (edited ) in screenshot software with hotkey support avatar

There's a few, but I really like Gnome Screen Recorder if you're using a gnome-based distro. I've also used Peek before which I believe has shortcuts as you said. To install Peek if you don't have the repository on your distro.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peek-developers/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install peek

oo1 , in Bazzite is a SteamOS Clone That Supports Gaming PCs and the Steam Deck

fair play to them.
obligatory video abut nvidia

ono , in Alright, you know what? I'll be switching.

KDE in 8GB RAM won’t leave you much room for applications. If you can’t get more memory, I suggest trying a lighter desktop environment, or maybe using ZRAM or ZSWAP.

Destragras , avatar

8GB of RAM for KDE Plasma should be more than enough. I'd say starting at 4GB and below that you'd run into problems. I'm saying this as somebody that has Firefox with several tabs, Libreoffice, two heavy electron apps, an email client and other miscellaneous bits and bobs open while only using just under 6GB of RAM.

Spiracle , avatar

I’ve used KDE (including Plasma) on 8 GB RAM for years. Never had an issue, though I did only play old/indie games. On old hardware like this, I’d probably try it and maybe switch later if I notice that RAM is the bottleneck.

Clithzby , in Systemd: Hidden Gems for a Better Linux avatar

Thanks for posting. I didn't know systemd could do all this.

nicman24 , in WebCord - an OSS Discord wrapper with Linux audio screen-sharing

ffs include screenshots in your projects it is not that hard.

mrbigmouth502 , in WebCord - an OSS Discord wrapper with Linux audio screen-sharing avatar

I've heard of this before. Stupid question, but what's the risk of being banned from Discord for using it?

mrbigmouth502 , in AlmaLinux gives up being 1:1 RHEL compatible avatar

2020 was such a shit year in computing. So many things got killed off. CentOS, Windows 7, Flash, and Python 2.x, off the top of my head, and probably some other things as well.

I mean yeah, most of these things were getting long in the tooth, but they were widely used and it would've been nice if they were all supported longer.

Pogogunner , in Stuck between distros right now. avatar

Maybe a stupid question, but have you power cycled your networking equipment?

mihnt OP , avatar

Not recently, but when I was back on ubuntu cinnamon everything was all snappy and quick. It's back to being all slow on Mint.

ProtonBadger , in KDE users who value your sanity and CPU.

Yeah, first thing I do on a new install is "balooctl disable".

cypher_greyhat OP , avatar Section 5 shows how to disable it without installing anything.

e_t_ Admin , in Whats the magic word?

silver plate

dowath , in Linux - video editing software? avatar

easy. open up terminal. launch vim. start writing a MLT-compatible XML file with your edit choices. exit vim (you know how). run the melt export timeline command. video done.

i use arch btw.

Vuipes , in Linux - video editing software? avatar


Slartibartfast ,

It's got a learning curve to it, but the sheer amount of stuff you can do in Blender is actually kind of mind-blowing.

eltimablo ,

I don't think that's what OP is looking for, unless Blender added a really good video editor recently.

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