
Maddie , in Texas secessionists feel more emboldened than ever
@Maddie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because that worked out so well for them the last time

PugJesus , in Poll: US Public Support for Israel Wanes as 68 Percent Call for Ceasefire
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Perhaps the only bright spot of this whole fucking disaster. The politically aware often lambast the support of the US government for Israel, but even that is only built on an overwhelming support for Israel in the general US population. Americans being forced to open their eyes to Israel's abhorrent behavior may at least reduce the severity of the next outbreak of retaliatory Israeli violence.

e_t_ Admin , in SCOTUS: Statement of the Court Regarding the Code of Conduct - original document

As to enforcement, well, you'll just have to trust us.

HarkMahlberg OP , in [News] House passes a stopgap bill to avert a government shutdown
@HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

The vote was 336-95, with 209 Democrats and 127 Republicans voting to support it. Ninety-three Republicans voted against it, more than voted against the last government funding bill in September; two Democrats opposed it: Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts and Mike Quigley of Illinois.

Johnson's so-called laddered continuing resolution, or CR, would fund part of the government — including the Agriculture, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs departments — through Jan. 19 and fund the Defense Department and other remaining parts of the government through Feb. 2.

Part of me wishes that Dems would squeeze him harder for more concessions. The other part can't wait to see him get tossed by the MAGA.

Gargleblaster , in Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report
@Gargleblaster@kbin.social avatar

They're not mulling. That's the plan.

bedrooms , in Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access

They should absolutely amend the constitution to protect their right to fuck themselves.

cobra89 , in Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access

Isn’t this the same exact shit they did with the marijuana referendum a couple years ago? These people need to be barred from ever holding public office for failing to uphold their duty to serve.

ares35 , in Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access
@ares35@kbin.social avatar

your self-proclaimed 'god given' rights only apply to you, not me. fuck off, cunts.

PeepinGoodArgs , in Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access

Isn’t the vague language their fault? They intentionally kept it vague hoping voters would be confused. But they weren’t

WHYAREWEALLCAPS OP , in Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access

Tell me again how Republicans respect democracy? This was its purest form and these Republicans, unhappy with the majority's decision, would rather destroy the legitimacy of democracy than abide by it.

potterpockets ,

The “good” news here is that the Supreme Court of Ohio almost assuredly will not go along with this (even though it could result in a constitutional crisis in the state of sorts).

If they were to cede the power of judicial review to the legislature then if the Dems ever did manage to take the legislature here in Ohio they could pass things like (gasp) gun control, gerrymandering regulation, etc.

And that doesn’t even take into account public outcry/protest.

Jaysyn , in Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

The thing about these poll is they don't straight up ask you who you're voting for. They ask a bunch of emotionally charged questions about how you feel.

I may hate the DNC & think Biden is too old, but I understand Game Theory & I'm not voting for a .

Polls have been garbage since 2020.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , in Justice Department Files Statement of Interest in Case on Right to Travel to Access Legal Abortions

The party of "ThE lIbS wAnT tO TaKe AwAy OuR fReEdOmS!!!!1!!" everyone. As if we really needed proof that the GOP has zero interest in people's rights.

Vote people, because these suits will be dropped under a GOP president and we can't trust SCOTUS because the majority has more interest in what they can get out of GOP donors than what the Constitution actually says.

Gargleblaster , in "Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. " - GOP 2025 Mandate For Leadership
@Gargleblaster@kbin.social avatar

My problem is that, anytime anybody says anything about Project 2025, they only talk about one of the many things included.

Let's be very specific about what all is included in Project 2025:

1-Establish that Article 2 of the Constitution gives the president power to do whatever he wants.

2-Fire the civil service and replace it with Trump loyalists.

3-Immediately implement the insurrection act and use the military to fight protesters.

4-Use the DoJ to target critics

5-Weaken the election security agency

6-Reject climate change

7-Remove all LGBTQ+ protections

8-Bring the Bible into government

And all of this is public and written in a 1000-page handbook by the Heritage Foundation.

This raises the question of why I just had to include 9 different sources. That's because the media is only sharing this piecemeal even though it should be news shared with everybody. Their coverage is rubbish.

If we cannot rely on the media to do their job, it means we have to work around them. Please pass this whole post on to whoever will listen.


Truck_kun , in Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report

This is what I forgot about a few weeks ago, in the mess of all the awful things he’s done, as one of the worst and most egregious reasons not to re-elect him.

Everyone remember in cities across the country, him deploying un-marked, unidentified federal law enforcement to protests to essentially kidnap protestors off the street.

These weren’t the governors deploying the national guard either, or your local police/sheriff, if was Trump and his associates deploying federal officers.

I don’t even honestly remember hearing what happened to many of these people, they were extrajudicial kidnappings; they weren’t even read their rights, they just pulled up in unmarked vehicles, no clear display of badges, or identifying information covered up, and pulled people into their vehicles.

This was very much applied to BLM protestors, but could easily be applied to abortion protestors, or really any kind of protestor.


Reading up on it a bit now years later, apparently taken to a secondary location, then read their miranda rights, photographed, and questioned; released with no record of arrest. Very much not the way to handle protests

e_t_ Admin , in The EPA Has Found More Than a Dozen Contaminants in Drinking Water but Hasn’t Set Safety Limits on Them

Water is the source of all life. Seven tenths of this Earth's surface is water. Why, do you realize that 70% of you is water? And as human beings, you and I need fresh, pure water -- to replenish our precious bodily fluids. Are you beginning to understand?

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