
akai , in Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”
@akai@kbin.social avatar

I guess "Love thy neighbor" is an optional part of the commandments for conservatives...


Well, given the amount of infidelity amongst conservatives, I suspect that they get around not coveting their neighbor's wife by showing her some lovin', if you know what I mean.

chrisd ,
@chrisd@kbin.social avatar

“Loving thy neighbor” is probably going to make you gay too.

harmonea , (edited ) in Extremist brains perform poorly in complex mental tasks and analysis shows that
@harmonea@kbin.social avatar

Link to the study since the article didn't bother.

I think this is the one anyway. Seems like it points to "cognitive inflexibility" rather than the interpreted version of "performs poorly," so I'm not sure if this is just the journalist stirring up shit with an inflammatory headline (oh my word how unheard of) or there's another study I couldn't find.

Machinist3359 ,

I agree the journalist and arguably the researchers themselves are representing these results poorly.

Participants across the studies were evaluated on their likely hood to die for the in-group or kill the outgroup. The groups in question appear to be nationality. So "Extreme ideology" is better read as "extreme nationalism" imho.

The finding is, as you said, more rigid cognition. Less lateral thinking. Not "extremists are dumb", which is a feel good line that undermines the threat of certain extremists.

harmonea ,
@harmonea@kbin.social avatar

I really want to give the benefit of the doubt and assume there was a followup study with the things the article brings into the discussion: liberal vs conservative thought patterns, or cognitive inflexibility correlating to poor analytical ability.

But I have no idea and wasn't invested enough to do more than google "zmigrod extremism study" honestly.

May , (edited )
@May@kbin.social avatar

I dont get why articles would cite a study and not even put it there. I mean i get it bc i guess some ppl who do that they might be trying to lie about the study and hope no one looks but it isnt nice

frustratedphagocytosis , in Moms for Liberty's focus on school races nationwide sets up political clash with teachers unions
@frustratedphagocytosis@kbin.social avatar

Fucking hell, just reminds me again that if they lose the election anyway, the state can just come in and replace the entire elected board as they see fit--see Houston TX for example. Why the fuck did I put effort into researching and voting for not-insane, education-experienced school board members just to watch them get removed against the will of the people in the district?

BurnTheRight , in Man cited in Supreme Court LGBTQ rights case says he was never involved

Strange. It's almost like conservatives are liars who delight in the oppression of others.

Conservatism is a plague of deception, bigotry and oppression. It always has been.

sonori , in [News] Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival
@sonori@beehaw.org avatar

Why do I get the feeling that the God of universal love and compassion probably isn’t too happy with them, even before we get to Matthew 6:5-8.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

chemical_cutthroat , in Opinion | As New York’s mayor, I watched Trump evade consequences for years — until now
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

“For years I was part of the problem, and now that someone is finally holding him accountable I’ll tell you that I knew it all along.”

Evotech ,

And not in in a position of power anymore

Spiralvortexisalie ,

Reeks of didn’t read the article because everything mentioned, such as a 1974 discrimination case, Central Park five(1989), and his dad’s casino chip purchase (1991) predated Bill de Blasio’s term (2014-2021)

chemical_cutthroat ,
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

He stood idly by and did nothing except for when he himself was running for president against Trump and started an attack campaign against him that fizzled once he couldn’t get into the primaries. The same campaign where he spent $300,000 of the city’s money on his campaign and didn’t repay, racking up a $150,000 fine. The same campaign that he took inappropriate donations on, and was fined another $50k by the FEC. Is that what you are talking about? The upstanding citizen Bill de Blasio, the towering pillar of virtue that dedicated his career to fighting corporate and political greed. You’re right, I didn’t read the article. I didn’t fucking need to.

btaf45 , in Eligible voters are being swept up in conservative activists' efforts to purge voter rolls

["I believe it's what God wants me to do," Lee said. "He knows what's right and what's wrong ]

Wow you totally got that wrong. What Yahweh wants you to do is to not spread false reports of election fraud.

You disobeyed God all 3 times here, hypocrite.

Exodus 23:1-2

"Do not spread false reports. Do not help a wicked man by being a malicious witness.
"Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong."

gravitas_deficiency ,

So, my imaginary friend is telling me to pull down as many voter records as possible for swing states and build an analysis pipeline to determine which voters are conservative and then automatically file challenges to their registrations.

If these chucklefucks really want to fuck around, I and many others are perfectly happy helping them find out.

Pratai , in [Analysis] What is no-fault divorce, and why do some conservatives want to get rid of it? | CNN

Without even reading that article, I’m going to guess that no fault divorce is something that benefits women. I’m basing this solely on the fact that conservatives don’t like women much- as most of their policy seems to be designed to hurt them in some way.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

You are correct.

admiralteal ,

It's also classic "XYZ behavior that most people agree is not a preferable outcome is against our preferences, but instead of creating a safe and protective society that prevents people from ending up in bad situations in the first place we'll instead legislate the preference directly."

See: abortion, war on drugs, the entire carceral system, etc.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS OP , in Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access

Tell me again how Republicans respect democracy? This was its purest form and these Republicans, unhappy with the majority's decision, would rather destroy the legitimacy of democracy than abide by it.

potterpockets ,

The “good” news here is that the Supreme Court of Ohio almost assuredly will not go along with this (even though it could result in a constitutional crisis in the state of sorts).

If they were to cede the power of judicial review to the legislature then if the Dems ever did manage to take the legislature here in Ohio they could pass things like (gasp) gun control, gerrymandering regulation, etc.

And that doesn’t even take into account public outcry/protest.

quindraco , in "Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. " - GOP 2025 Mandate For Leadership

The 1A won’t abide that, any more than the 2A will abide banning firearms.

Neato ,
@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Republicans won't even abide that. Red states are the biggest consumers of pornography.

donuts ,
@donuts@kbin.social avatar

Republicans are used to voting against their own interest and then complaining about it when life only seems to get worse.


As far as the GOP is concerned there's only one amendment, and that's the second. And that's only because they know the military could roll over all their tacticool cosplaying supporters who think owning a single AR-15 somehow puts them on the same level as the entire US military.

uphillbothways , in 'There are no victims, except me': Trump flips out on Letitia James in midnight rant
@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

"We WON on Statute of Limitations...."

Tell me you're guilty while also being morally bankrupt and utterly contemptible.

OmnipotentEntity , in 'There are no victims, except me': Trump flips out on Letitia James in midnight rant
@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

So, if I recall correctly, the judge threatened him with the possibility of arrest and jail time if he did it again.

Fingers crossed.

Nougat ,

It'll be another fine, if that. Because it's only illegal for poor people.

Sabata11792 ,
@Sabata11792@kbin.social avatar

Spoiler warning: The judge dose not have the spine to jail him.

athos77 ,

If I recall correctly, the gag orders specifically allow attacks on the judges and in at least one case I think the head prosecutor (I want to say New York but I could be wrong).

Heresy_generator , in Mary Katharine Ham challenges Bill Maher & Sam Harris on Russiagate
@Heresy_generator@kbin.social avatar

Jesus. Who would purposely watch those three ghouls talk at each other?

JonEFive , in [News] Gaetz says he will seek to oust McCarthy as speaker this week and calls for new House leadership

This is the state of the republican party in the US. Effectively impeaching their own leader in the house because he dared to work to create bipartisan approval on legislation. An effort that was only needed because the same asshats were willing to tank their own party not to mention paychecks and services for thousands of Americans just to win a political showdown.

Fuck Gaetz and all these neorepublicans. Good for McCarthy on this one tiny specific case. This fracture in the republican party is desperately needed and I hope it continues. I like that the only option to pass legislation is to negotiate and meet in the middle - the way things used to be before US politics became nearly 100% polarized.

keeb420 , in [News]Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

They act like the biggest patriots ever and then do shit that shows how much they actually hate America.

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