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Pratai ,

This had better be your phone wallpaper or everting I know is wrong!

Seattle cold snap continues with temps in the teens, high of 25 ( )

Temperatures fell to 14 degrees overnight in Seattle, ushering in a bleak and biting chill the city hasn’t seen for over a decade. Temperatures are unlikely to surpass a high of 25 degrees Saturday as a blanket of clouds settles over the city....

Pratai ,

If we are going to get the cold, at least give us a bit of snow. This freeezing with nothing pretty to look at is a bummer.

Pratai ,

Cowards respond positively to threats? Imagine that! It’s no wonder conservatives hate free-thinkers so much.

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  • Pratai ,

    Of course she was. Everyone, including her- knew the coward are going to struck back from the anonymity of shadows.

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  • Pratai ,

    I suppose it’s good that they’re no longer hiding their traitorous ways. Makes the inevitable that much more justifiable.

    Nikki Haley walks back Civil War comments after backlash ( )

    Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is facing backlash after she was asked on Wednesday what caused the Civil War and failed to include slavery in her answer, instead saying the conflict was about state's rights. On Thursday, she attempted to walk back the comments, saying that slavery was an "unquestioned" aspect of...

    Pratai ,

    Soooo… She has an even more zero chance of winning now? Seriously. Did anyone even remotely think she had a chance? Nothing she says will damage her chances to win if she has no chance to win.

    Pratai ,

    Without even reading that article, I’m going to guess that no fault divorce is something that benefits women. I’m basing this solely on the fact that conservatives don’t like women much- as most of their policy seems to be designed to hurt them in some way.

    theodewere , to Politics avatar

    all Trump voters expect a pass for being stupid.. you all expect a fucking Excuse Me card at the end of the day, for being fucking stupid enough to vote for that piece of shit.. and you only voted for him because he's a piece of shit just like you, so fuck all of you.. every last Goddamned one of you..

    Pratai ,

    100% agree, but this isn’t news. There are other places to post this.

    Pratai ,

    While your butt-hurt musings are incredibly entertaining. I’m still going to go with-

    It doesn’t belong here. And based on how you chose to respond- YOU don’t belong here. So, not only am I reporting it for spam, I’m reporting you for being a toxic little child that schools whine and cry your way back to Reddit where you belong.

    Pratai ,

    You’re incredibly butthurt.

    Pratai ,

    “Trump and sons rage……”

    Music to my ears.

    "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor ( )

    Donald Trump has been on a prolific Truth Social tear, calling for the execution of a top US military general, vowing revenge on NBC Networks and demanding that Republican leaders take action against automatic voter registration to protect him from once again losing the popular vote. All of that was over the weekend. On Monday,...

    Pratai ,

    Yeah. American politics have been turned into a shitshow by all the brainwashed cowards in the GOP. It’ll never be the same.

    Pratai ,

    It’s relevant. That’s why it’s being brought up.

    Pratai ,

    Other people. You know they exist, right? They’re the people that aren’t you while you’re out and about.

    Pratai ,

    A Florida board picked by Gov. Ron DeSantis to run the area around Disney World defended stripping park employees of their perks — moments after a pastor invited to speak urged attendees not to “resist authority.”

    First paragraph.

    Pratai ,

    Since they’ve been shrinking down the size of their meals and raising the prices along the way- I’ve no sympathy for them at all. Let them go under. We’d be better off.

    Republicans Already Told Us Impeachment Is Revenge for Trump ( )

    In December 2019, when he was facing impeachment for his scheme to extort Ukraine into smearing his leading political opponent, President Donald Trump warned that his party would take revenge when it had the opportunity. “Some day there’ll be a Democrat president and there’ll be a Republican House, and I suspect they’re...

    Pratai ,

    Remember when the cowardservatives all claimed that the left would lose their collective shit if they didn’t win the election? And that if the conservatives lost, they’d do it with class and dignity?

    Seriously…. Is there anything they say that actually honest?

    They need to be dismantled, brought to justice, and exiled for weaponizing our system of law because they didn’t like the outcome.

    Pratai ,

    This isn’t an age thing- it’s an intelligence thing. He’s a huge dumbass. His college professor even said he was the dumbest kid he’d ever seen.

    It’s no wonder he’s the front-runner for the Conservative Party- because only morons would think that ignorant pissfart has a viable wagon hitch.

    Pratai ,

    Just what a bunch of half-evolved brainless primates need in a leader. Someone who is just barely smarter than they are.

    Pratai ,

    They don’t oppose it. Their idiot loyalists do. And they need their loyalists to be dumb and submissive so they can get votes. So they play into their voter’s ignorance and this is where we end up.

    I guarantee the politicians don’t care one bit about reproductive rights.

    Pratai ,

    ”Ron DeSantis is afraid……”

    We know, he’s a conservative. They’re all cowards.

    Pratai ,

    Prior to his sentencing, Pezzola told the judge, “I stand before you today as a changed and humble man. I have never denied what I did on J6.”

    And then-

    While being led out of the courtroom after Kelly had departed, Pezzola turned towards the audience, raised one fist and shouted, “Trump won!”

    They will NEVER be sorry for what they do. This requires a conscience. They have no conscience. They are only sorry they get caught.

    These people deserve no mercy, no compassion, and no sympathy.

    Pratai ,

    So, the cowardly conservatives are not getting their way on this. I wonder how many people they will kill because of this.

    Pratai ,

    I’m 100% in favor or climate change awareness, but this is not how it’s done. These people need to be in jail.

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  • Pratai ,

    Surely the antics of an innocent man.

    Pratai , (edited )

    This is a dumb meme. We can’t chose to NOT fund the military. The two can’t be compared.

    Pratai ,

    That’s not an option.

    Pratai ,

    Go ahead and try and vote against government spending in the US.

    Pratai ,

    Aaah… the optimism of youth. Listen, you’re not going to do a damned thing about government spending. Period. Full stop.

    Many generations before yours have tried, and it’s worse now than it ever has been. Wishful thinking doesn’t make changes any more than chastising those who tried and failed before you.

    I have control over wether or not I give a homeless person money to by booze. I don’t have control over the government using my taxes to buy more weapons.

    This is the fundamental reason why I and many others have told you how this meme is fucking stupid. You refuse to accept it.

    Pratai ,

    No one here said voting doesn’t create change. Don’t be so naive. The fact that you so easily create blanket arguments where there are none shows your ignorance in discussing these topics.

    What IS being said is that your taxes WILL pay for the military. And you have NO choice in this.

    No politician believably platforms on lowering military spending. It would be career suicide. They are all for it- every single one of them. But you go ahead and keep believing your vote will change militarily spending. And hold on to that shit as long as you can, because once you stick so much as a toe into the pool of reality, things go downhill very rapidly from there.

    Good luck kiddo.

    Pratai ,

    Stop with the blanket statements. Not everything is black and white. I’m surprised no one has told you this yet, but life happens in the grey area, otherwise known as the in-between area of extremist views like yours.

    You vote changes SOME things. SOME. NOT ALL. You WILL NOT change government’s usage of your taxes to fund the military.

    Again, because you can’t seem to grasp this simple concept:

    One example doesn’t encompass the entirely of of a thing. Such as the old saying ”all thumbs are fingers….

    Because your vote POTENTIALLY changes SOME things, it does not by default change ALL things.

    At this point, I cannot simplify it any better for you. You’re going to need to read a few books on the subject. I’d recommend you start with the definition of “some,” and then move on to more complex things like the ideology of blanket statements and why you shouldn’t make them.

    Best of luck.

    Pratai ,

    Maybe you should start with the definition of blanket statements. You CLEARLY don’t know what they are.

    I would refrain from responding any further to avoid embarrassing yourself any more than you have.

    Pratai ,

    Yeah, what’s funnier than that is everyone in the comments disagreeing with you and your every comment to me is being downvoted. Take the hint, kid.

    You’re wrong here. There’s no shame in admitting it. Just walk away and try and be better.

    Pratai ,

    ROFL your comment history is almost -4000 downvotes kid. It seems to me that the entirety of lemmy disagrees with seemingly everything you say.

    You should probably just post content and shut up about it. Because the moment you so much a breathe a word, people seem to hate it.

    But that’s everyone’s problem, right? You can POSSIBLY be wrong about something.

    You’re somewhat fascinating. I’m now wondering what psychological condition you suffer from. Please. Let’s continue this. I’ll bet I can figure it out.

    Pratai ,


    The minute I pointed out out your downvotes, suddenly - everything you said was miraculously upvoted exactly three times each comment.

    You’re so pathetic you pad your own comments with alt accounts.

    We’re done here dude. You’re fucking embarrassing. Blocking this shit.

    What we know about Mitch McConnell’s health and his future in the Senate ( )

    McConnell’s term is up in 2027, and he’s ensured that if he were to retire before then, anyone who replaces him would have to be a Republican. In 2021, he pushed for the passage of a new law in Kentucky that requires the governor to appoint a Senate replacement from the same party as the previous senator and from a list of...

    Pratai ,

    I won’t say there’s no such thing as a good Republican as I am adamantly anti-blanket statements, but I’ve yet to see one. Having said that, it’ll just be more of the same. The turtle will pass and a new dipshit bootlicking clown will take his place.

    Pratai ,

    Conservatives want pure red states to live in, and they’re getting their wish granted. Though it should be noted that they were wanted that research has shown that tech and academic fields were dominated by liberal leaning people. What did they think would happen when they went full Handmaid’s Tale?


    All the smart-brain folk left. Only dumb folk remain.

    Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It ( )

    A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll found that 80 percent of voters oppose a federal abortion ban, including 65 percent of Republicans. And what’s more, their base knows that’s exactly what their party is trying to do. Another poll from Navigator found that a majority of voters also “believe it is likely that...

    Pratai ,

    They know they’re wrong on EVERYTHING. But they also know their voting base doesn’t care. And that’s where the money is.

    Pratai ,

    And the money.

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