authed ,

The witch hunt is real…if you think Biden has done no crimes, you are dreaming

spaceghoti OP ,

He’s a politician, so I’m sure Biden has done some shady deals. But what crimes has he committed?

SeatBeeSate ,

All I hear is the sound of crickets chirping.

Im14abeer ,

It’s so obvious too, they would absolutely cream themselves if they had the goods on Biden.

SeatBeeSate ,

Thing is a lot of us wouldn’t mind if they found stuff on Biden too! Take them all down! We don’t have a cult leader.

Im14abeer ,

I’m with you, no one above the law. The only way they’re not pouncing all over Biden if they had anything is trying to muddy the waters in an October surprise after Trump had already been convicted of half a dozen felonies.

deo ,

Oh puh-lease stop and wake the fuck up. The man is a criminal and a wannabe dictator.

999 ,

I would be interested in knowing what crimes they are. Whaddya got?

Granite ,

These guys got nothing but devaluing rubles in their pockets.

WarmSoda ,

And if you’re not dreaming you’re woke!

KevdogFTW ,

Yep, and I’m sure you can’t name one. It’s just how you feel.

Alto , avatar

Go find us proof and I'll be just as happy to see him rot in prison too

iAmTheTot , avatar

if you think Biden has done no crimes

Prove he has, then let's send his ass to prison.

appel ,

Even if what you’re saying is true, which there is currently no evidence for, what exactly is your point? Are you saying Trump should not be prosecuted for his many, many crimes because “Biden also committed crimes”? Honestly asking.

HuddaBudda , avatar

The difference being provable claims and speculation.

For example, I speculate that Biden appointed the french ambassador because she may have bought Hunter Biden's artwork.. But I can only speculate because I have no evidence to match my speculation.

I don't hate Trump, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when he was first impeached. I sided with republicans and thought that was a bit out of character.

That being said. More evidence came out. One point doesn't draw a conclusion, but a bunch of dots start forming a line.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

He did it, and I wish he hadn't, but he did. No one that is innocent that is as rich as Donald Trump gets that close to prison without screwing up majorly.

RubiksIsocahedron ,

Donnie Darkbroom has his own fucking coven. And you seem to be one of his obedient familiars.

Steve ,

That’s not an argument defending Trump. In fact it’s an admission that you believe Trump is a criminal.

Biden should also be investigated, and indicted if evidence is found.

I would argue most members of the three branches should be impeached. Mostly for insider trading.

ubermeisters , avatar

Then get some charges against him? Stfu until then though

Snipe_AT , avatar

What a stain on American history. Good riddance.

KevonLooney ,

I like that this article starts with:

As rumors swirl of a possible third indictment against the former president in Fulton County

This old fatty has already been indicted a third time. This would be the fourth. He’s being indicted so many times they haven’t updated the article to match it.

chaogomu ,

The second indictment in Florida was a superseding indictment, It replaces the previous indictment to add in new charges. It has to reaffirm the previous charges as well.

So it's currently true that Trump currently has two indictments against him, even though he's been indicted three times.

WarmSoda ,

He’s so “good” at what he does the charges need to be amended lol

Corkyskog ,

The president in particular is very much a figure head - he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership, but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a fascinating character. On those criteria Donald Trump is one of the most successful presidents the US has ever had. He has already spent 4 of his 8 potential presidential years being investigated for fraud.

WarmSoda ,

The president in particular is very much a figure head - he wields no real power whatsoever.

Yeah, I used to think like that in high school.

Corkyskog ,

It’s a modified quote from Hitchhiker’s Guide. I am being a little dramatic with keeping the quote so tight, but in many ways I view it as mostly analogous and true.

The US, as well as most countries just seem to be a few corporations in a trench coat right now. The president or PMs largely do act as a figurehead and just giant distractions from the ineffectiveness/corruption of congress/parliaments and the corruption of corporations running things behind the scenes.

cedarmesa , (edited ) avatar


chaogomu ,

I forgot the state level indictment from New York... The fucking criminal has too many crimes to keep track of.

cedarmesa , (edited ) avatar


Madison420 ,

A newborn he would later go onto make incestuous comments about on TV multiple times, and then bragged about buying a beauty pageant so he can watch preteens undress.

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Fuck a mugshot, show me pics of him in Sing Sing.

shiveyarbles ,

He’s a terrorist, a real threat to free society. Let me know when he’s in Guantanamo, or better yet tired Into the sun.

Got_Bent ,

If the GQP somehow wins out in all of this and turns us into an autocratic monarchy, there will be jobs galore smashing the history eraser button.

They’re already trying to expunge the two impeachments. Gonna be tough to globally eliminate a mugshot.

whatisallthis ,

Makes you wonder how many times in the past the bad guys won and it’s just been framed as the good guys winning in history books.

Got_Bent ,

Probably significantly more times than anybody cares to admit. People aren’t exactly nice to each other today, but holy hell the known atrocities of ancient people. Who knows what got omitted or hero washed?

Alto , avatar

To a certain extent, but most those ancient societies didn't exactly shy away from actively highlighting the atrocities they committed.

LeadSoldier ,

Being a retired soldier my perspective is thus: the winners that are writing the history books aren’t necessarily the winners, but those who killed the most.

Often those who deviate from the laws of war in order to cheat and win in horrific ways then get to write about the other side being the bad guys…

Those cucumber farmers in Iraq sure didn’t seem like the Al-Qaeda/ isis that I was told they were. Afghanistan was similar. Nobody was the hero involved in that.

zkikiz ,

America still exists and writes its own history books, so (remember, good means us, not objectively more moral)

jballs , avatar

Trump never got a mugshot from his first indictment, but his campaign actually created one themselves to put on merchandise for fundraising.

These fucking clowns think committing crimes and acting persecuted is a viable campaign strategy.

zkikiz ,

It worked for Hitler, and the Republican Party seems to be taking straight from his playbook. (“Mein Kampf” means “my struggle” and was written in jail in ~1924 during his 5 years in prison for a failed coup attempt. Trump appears to be trying to speedrun the whole thing.)

In order to stop Nazis you have to stop the ideology of fascism which is unfortunately sorta baked into America’s racist puritanical capitalist genocidal origins. Hitler even took notes from American Jim Crow policies and racist/poisonous border controls. We have to fight this colonialist abusive mindset at all levels, from uncles and stepdads and cops to CEOs, investors, and politicians.

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