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KevonLooney ,

Clever Hans (German: der Kluge Hans; c. 1895 – c. 1916) was a horse that was claimed to have performed arithmetic and other intellectual tasks. After a formal investigation in 1907, psychologist Oskar Pfungst demonstrated that the horse was not actually performing these mental tasks, but was watching the reactions of his trainer. He discovered this artifact in the research methodology, wherein the horse was responding directly to involuntary cues in the body language of the human trainer, who was entirely unaware that he was providing such cues.

Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. ( )

Big tech companies are still trying to rally workers back into physical offices, and many workers are still not having it. Based on a recent report, computer-maker Dell has stumbled even more than most....

KevonLooney ,

Exactly. Employees are not cookie cutter duplicates. The more productive ones always have more options, even when you treat them all the same. This is worse for the company than firing people randomly.

KevonLooney ,

That's not the definition of renewable.

KevonLooney ,

They wouldn't have to do this if Amazon just paid more. Do investment bankers have a union? Do they work long hours? I wonder why? ($$$)

KevonLooney ,

You may work in Search and Rescue but that doesn't mean they can steal from your paycheck. In workplaces that give you a set amount of time off, that time off is treated like money you are owed. If you are fired or quit, they have to pay you out.

They literally owe you the time off. You earned it. If they don't let you take it when you need it, it's like they're not paying you for work you already did. Would you accept that? I'm guessing no amount of guilting ("it's Search and Rescue!") would convince you to give them back your paycheck.

It's their fault if they don't hire enough people for you to take a vacation. Not yours. You have to be rested in order to do all the tough aspects of your job, or people could die. Think of it that way.

KevonLooney ,
  1. If a problem came up I was expected to text or call a manager. As you can imagine, they did not often reply or pick up.

  2. Many problems require rather immediate solutions.

These are not your problems. If management has enacted a procedure that doesn't work, don't change it or you will be blamed for any failure.

Send a few emails to document your opinion that there are problems. Otherwise, do exactly what was recommended. You want the policy to fail. Don't try to improve it without management support.

KevonLooney ,

deducting points

My friend, everything’s made up and the points don’t matter. Just need to look for a similar job. Ask your friends and former coworkers.

KevonLooney ,

Henry Ford did that as a business decision. He didn’t care about the workers.

He did it because people were quitting after working only a short time. Remember he didn’t invent the car, he invented the assembly line. Working hard wasn’t new. Working in a factory wasn’t new. But doing boring monotonous work was new.

I believe he also demanded that workers not drink during their time off, or other similar restrictions on private life. It was a well paying job, but it demanded a lot. He wasn’t doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

KevonLooney ,

A lot of math involves just moving things around until the problem is easier. It’s just a bunch of tricks that work for relatively simple reasons. But you just memorize them to make it easier.

Statistics is more like magic than other kinds of math. Like when you have more than 30 random unbiased selections from a population you can start guessing at the composition of the whole, no matter how large it is. The explanations require someone who really knows what’s going on.

Then you have modern LLMs that use statistics to produce the next word in a sentence. They can be so complex the designers don’t really know why they do what they do. It’s just trial and error testing the outcomes.

KevonLooney ,

Because there are so many male dominated spaces? There are women-only gyms because many gyms have mostly men working out. Look at any basketball court in a park and count the number of women playing. There’s always random dudes, but very few women. Look at any soccer field, baseball field, BBQ area, etc. These are huge public areas devoted mostly to things men want to do.

I say this as a dude who enjoys all of that. If women want their own baseball league or running club or whatever, it literally doesn’t hurt me at all. Men don’t need “men only” spaces because that’s still the default for everything now. If some women show up to play basketball, that’s totally fine. They may not be as strong but there are plenty of smaller dudes playing too. It makes no sense to exclude them.

KevonLooney ,

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

  • Maya Angelou

Some dudes are just not comfortable around women, and they all seem to be downvoting comments. The funny thing is, these dudes would probably be thrown out of most “male” spaces (sports bars, basketball courts, weightlifting gyms) for being nuts.

KevonLooney ,

Been said before: Frasier is the most boring character on the show.

Just look at the reboot. No Niles = no good.

KevonLooney ,

If you work from home, you can do things during the work week too. Say you have a meeting where you only talk for 5 minutes. You clean or do chores the rest of the time. Just wear and earbud and put yourself on mute.

You can have your whole weekend off. I’m never going back to in office work unless the pay is doubled. It takes up all your time.

KevonLooney ,

That first book seems like conservative whining about being “shouted down” on college campuses. I think this guy is too young to have experienced the 60s, because college campuses were a lot rowdier then.

His ideas don’t look plausible to me at all. It sounds like he just wants attention.

KevonLooney ,

That’s not evil. Lots of dogs were bred for thousands of years to hunt small animals. It’s like asking you not to like eating ice cream.

KevonLooney ,

It’s not mainly “corporate real estate” or “getting people to quit” that motivates CEOs. Regardless of what your personal experience, CEOs do not own the building or want to spend money on hiring. They legitimately think that “meeting in the hallway” is a good idea because that’s the only time they spend listening to the little people.

You know that you can just ask someone for info like a normal person, but they are legitimately isolated. Many people freeze up if they get a call, email, Slack message, whatever from the Executive Team. CEOs need leadership training to manage remote workers.

KevonLooney ,

This is true. My company has afternoons off in the summer (4.5 day work weeks). Basically they acknowledge that no one is doing anything after lunch on a Friday.

The same amount of actual work gets done. It’s actually more efficient because no one is coming up with useless meetings and busywork.

KevonLooney , (edited )

I feel this has to be pointed out to young people: it used to be possible to eat out every day, go to the movies, drink in a bar after work, see a live band on the weekend, and still buy a home and save for the future. This was possible in major cities around the country. This was taken from you.

It is not outrageous for single people living in a city to buy food outside the house. I believe prices have clearly skyrocketed because fewer people know how to make their own food. In the 50s everyone had grown up during the depression, so if something was even a little expensive you made it yourself.

P.S. Not only did many workplaces provide free or discounted cafeterias to eat in, they paid you during your lunch hour! That’s where the phrase " working 9:00 to 5:00" comes from.

KevonLooney ,

“I moved out. Not because of the haunting though. But it was bothersome.”

Definitely something I could hear him saying. Why didn’t he just put down his Earl Grey, look up from his leatherbound book, and say, “You’re being quite bothersome!”? I think that would shut up anyone, ghost or not.

KevonLooney ,

Charitable trusts have to be donated to charity. You can’t pull the money back out. It’s like giving it away that year.

Yeah, a ton of things can be a “charity”. You can donate the money to your friends at a church or a clubhouse for your friends and still have it be a “charity”.

KevonLooney ,

You forget the impact of compound interest. If you invested 1 dollar at 1% interest, you would have a billion dollars in just over 2000 years. So these comparisons based on income are not useful.

KevonLooney ,

Real interest, after inflation.

KevonLooney ,

Which ones? They’re similar for each gender.

KevonLooney ,

Yeah, and those who like cheese. Right?

KevonLooney ,

Yes, the “ghost jobs” are for two reasons:

  • Collect resumes in case finance approves more funding. In that case, they will be read.
  • Appear to be growing to stockholders and analysts. If you say you are growing and have no job openings, they will not believe you.
KevonLooney ,

His 19-year-old daughter remained stoic during her statement, telling Kelly about the positive impact her father has had on her life.“I am everything good that my father has done that you have not seen,” she said.

This doesn’t diminish his guilt. It just emphasizes his craziness. Hitler was a nice guy too: loved animals and nature, painted a bit, was nice to kids. It doesn’t excuse his crimes.

KevonLooney ,

I’m sick of working 12 hours and barely even leaving the house.

If you work from home, no one is forcing you to do that. I leave the house every day to buy groceries or play basketball.

I miss learning from colleagues who are discussing things I’m not super familiar with, looking over their shoulder to learn more.

Oh, you’re one of those annoying people wasting everyone’s time? No wonder it takes you 12 hours to do your own work.

I miss forming real actual bonds with colleagues and becoming friends with them once we’ve quit whatever shithole company we met at.

Have you heard of this amazing invention called a chat room? I think you are upset you can’t bug people all day and call it “networking”. If people want to talk to you, they’ll do it after work too.

KevonLooney ,

You just said that you like learning from other opinions. My opinion is that you should stop bugging people and leave people alone.

If this comment is unwanted, imagine how everyone else feels when you butt in with whatever questions you have.

You said hybrid doesn’t work if other people aren’t there at the same time. You not only want to be in the office, you admit that you want to force other people to be there too.

KevonLooney ,

At least you’re telling me online, not in person where it’s harder to ignore.

KevonLooney ,

Yeah, it’s my attitude that’s the problem…


KevonLooney ,

You need to go back to school professor. All wealth tax proposals are progressive, only affecting those with substantial investments. I used to dislike them, but a tax starting at 1% on $50 million with the highest rate (say 3%) on net worth above $1 billion wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Also, that tax can’t be avoided either. Even if a billionaire moves to a tropical island with no taxes, their money is still invested in developed countries. It’s too much to invest in tax havens. You just need good KYC to know who the ultimate owner is.

KevonLooney ,

“eliminating tax loopholes”

Those words mean nothing without specifying which loopholes you mean. I’m not insulting you, I’m just saying that you are trying to sound smart while not contributing anything.

KevonLooney ,

Have they ever watched Star Trek? It was practically Communism. They broadcast the first interracial kiss on TV in 1968. Dr. MLK literally told Nichelle Nichols not to quit because she was a hero. It was woke af.

KevonLooney ,

I never gave out any of that shit. Gold didn’t mean anything. It’s just artificial scarcity.

Why would you add scarcity online where it doesn’t exist? Only to make money. People will look back on all the stupid shit we put up with online just to make everything “free”.

KevonLooney ,

I like that this article starts with:

As rumors swirl of a possible third indictment against the former president in Fulton County

This old fatty has already been indicted a third time. This would be the fourth. He’s being indicted so many times they haven’t updated the article to match it.

KevonLooney ,

Democrats are not center-right, and comparisons to European political parties are not accurate. The US has a “first past the post” electoral system. US political parties are more like coalitions of smaller parties.

The Democratics encompass all the left wing parties, except the Greens (who are essentially Russian agents at this point). The Republicans are the conservative coalition (immigration nuts, rich dudes, Nazis, people who have experienced a trauma and are taking their anger and fear out on the world, etc.).

If you want to move the Democrats left, you need to get elected and raise money like AOC does. Sorry, shouting on the Fediverse doesn’t count.

KevonLooney ,

They won’t because voting isn’t done with your head. They’ll just vote for another “tough on crime” Republican and kick out the old police chief.

KevonLooney ,

Do you… not shower normally? Like a job has to force you?

Please stay at home.

Republicans try to stop military’s electrification with mind-bogglingly dumb proposals ( )

Several Republican representatives have proposed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act to try to stop the Pentagon’s electrification. The proposals sound so mind-bogglingly dumb that they look like they were written by 19th-century Luddites or the fossil fuel industry itself....

KevonLooney ,

I wonder how they prevent the batteries from burning when they are punctured? Diesel doesn’t really burn, but one bullet in the right place can destroy an entire EV in minutes.

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