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mrbubblesort , avatar

100% unironic message I received from a family member 😑 (changed some words to keep it anonymous, make it legible, and protect the innocent)

"Trump is gonna own you libs this time, just you wait! Our 4D chess GOD has sat on this report for 3 years. He could have released it right after the election, but you fools just don't see the whole board like he does! This is the perfect time for it so he can watch you dummies seethe in rage and take back the country! I'm so happy to be one of the God Emperor's Chosen! I've donated all I can to his fund, and you should too!"

MrBobDobalina , (edited )

There’s no way this isn’t a joke… Right?? There’s no way… My brain just cannot get around this

mrbubblesort , (edited ) avatar

Southwest Iowa. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy :P

Anticorp ,
MammyWhammy ,

Why wouldn’t he have just stayed in power then? Shown how great he was as a ruler/leader and then chosen his successor in 2024?

mrbubblesort , (edited ) avatar

I've actually asked him that once. The election was obviously stolen from him, but in the end Trump CHOSE to leave to go stop the pizzagate guys (or some other shit, I stopped listening around then)

Just remember kids: QAnon believers can vote!

Arotrios , avatar

This is poetry:

is gonna own you libs
this time just
you wait

Our 4D chess GOD
has sat on this report
for years

He could have released it
right after the election
but you fools just don't
see the whole board

This is the perfect
time for it
so he can watch you
dummies seethe in rage
take back the country

I'm so happy to be
one of the God Emperor's
Chosen, I've donated all
I can
to his fund

and you should

-Uncle Magafash


tihi ( thanks 👍 I hate it )

mrbubblesort , avatar

Holy shit, this is amazing!

CileTheSane , avatar

Sit on this for two weeks, then reply with "so how's that report coming?"

Pons_Aelius ,

Two weeks? They never remember back that far. They have 5 new conspiracy theories to explain to your feeble mind by then.

Anticorp ,

This has to be satire. I’m pretty sure I threw up in my mouth a little right now.

mojo ,

I’m shaking and crying and shitting myself. Please noo not the buff god emperor Donald trump, I don’t want to be owned!

ArugulaZ , avatar

Ask your supremely dumb family member why a billionaire would need donations.

Drusas ,

I like that their bad grammar means that they'll be happy to watch us take back the country.

AFKBRBChocolate ,

I read stuff like this in comment sections and figures it’s just someone trolling for a reaction, but there are so many people who are actually like this. It’s so depressing to think that there are honestly people who think Trump is some great genius. If he goes to jail, they’ll still be saying “Just you watch! Any day now he’s going to spring the trap.”

metallic_substance ,

Fuck Trump, but I genuinely don’t believe you. I’ve seen some wild bullshit come from the MAGA crowd, but this seems custom-tailored to engage this crowd in particular

mrbubblesort , avatar

I appreciate the skepticism, but remember, until very recently this was their congressman. These people chose a literal, actual, real white nationalist to represent them, so imagine how they act in private

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