arstechnica , avatar

Elon Musk: AI will be smarter than any human around the end of next year

While Musk says superintelligence is coming soon, one critic says prediction is "batsh*t crazy."

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica The stuff people insist on calling AI still lacks either qualifier. It is not artificial -- the data is 100% human works (mostly stolen.) It is not intelligent. It does not understand. It does not learn. It can't apply logic or reason. All it does is match vague patterns.

I admit that with people like him out there pulling the average down it could fool a person, but no, a thing with a literal 0 IQ cannot be smarter than a species with an IQ averaged on a curve to 100. Ever.

keekerdc , avatar

@arstechnica why. are. you. reporting. on. this. clown.

Luna , avatar

@arstechnica Musk needs to lay off what wver drugs he has been taking.

htpcnz , avatar

@arstechnica Musk, Trump et al says dumb batcrap crazy stuff and they have a fine track record of that. Don't report it as news, put in the rich loon of the day section. That goes to what Ars reported yesterday about SpaceX and Mars - it was an obvious PR attempt to deflect any reporting about his deposition that he couldn't get sealed and hopefully get few more sucker VCs to bail his company out.

ramsey , avatar

@arstechnica @lisamelton You can’t associate the terms “smart” or “dumb” with what we currently call AI. The AI has no thought process. It doesn’t think. It’s just statistics and probability.

In the past, I would have thought Musk could tell the difference, but now, I think he’s living in his own reality distortion field.

Maybe there’s a nihilistic argument in here that the human brain is just a really good LLM.

MaybeMyMonkeys ,

@arstechnica arguably, AI is smarter than Musk already, humans not so much

Pepperbike ,

@arstechnica who actually believes what Muskie says given his poor track record: Telsa "Self Driving", any "mission" to Mars or the Moon, underground "roads" in Vegas, and the dumpster fire formerly known as Twitter

gulfie , avatar

@arstechnica just like full self driving is constantly “just around the corner” eh?

BootedUp , avatar

@arstechnica my theory(why he said such a dumb thing) is he was trying to distract people from other news stories about him. Or he is trying to pump up Tesla stock via self driving/ Ai misinformation.

KanaMauna , avatar

@arstechnica He was using himself as the standard.

tony , avatar

@arstechnica Smarter than him, anyway..

peterbutler , avatar

@arstechnica Worst AI prediction I’ve seen yet

squareScarletCougar , avatar

@arstechnica another prediction from a person that famously cannot predict anything accurately? How's this news?

philip_cardella , avatar

@arstechnica somebody is trying to boost his stock value.

This clown needs to be fined into oblivion. He's broken so many laws in so many countries it'd be hilarious if not so dangerous.

VoordeMus , avatar


Compared to his own intelligence this point was already reached with the transistor.

CGM , avatar

@arstechnica "Elon Musk: AI will be smarter than any human around the end of next year" - smarter than Elon Musk, that I can believe! 🙄

SloanStudio , avatar

@arstechnica Just remember he always lies so expect this on the same timeline scale as his autopilot lies.

D1g1talDrag0n , avatar

@arstechnica smarter or more intelligent?

tlariv , avatar

Imagine recognizing that in a year or two AI will be limited by the amount of electricity available in the world and seeing that as just an obstacle to be overcome rather than an indication that the whole entreprise is a colossal waste of resources.

inverseatascii , avatar

@arstechnica there’s a distinct difference between knowledge and intelligence.

TheNovemberMan , avatar

@arstechnica I'm calling , but I will believe that AI might be smarter than next year. 😅

Probably less too. 🙄

iBaz66 , avatar

Batshit Crazy 🤝🏽 Elon Musk
Yeah, sounds about right.

zachvat , avatar


Batshit pretty well sums up Elmo.

antonioserrata , avatar

@arstechnica Did you bother to substantiate that fact given his history of lying or was it something he tweeted? Just kinda seems like CEO said a thing and you guys used it as clickbait. Do better.

skarletkardinal , avatar

@arstechnica Smarter than him and his fanboys, that is.

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