arstechnica , avatar

Elon Musk: AI will be smarter than any human around the end of next year

While Musk says superintelligence is coming soon, one critic says prediction is "batsh*t crazy."

ohmu , avatar

This is frustrating.
Why report this? WHY? I thought media learned this lesson from Trump in 2016.

Elon Musk says random sh#t as a way of grabbing attention and marketing. It has about as much attachment to reality as what any random person says. You don't report what my neighbor says about AI. You shouldn't be reporting what Elon Musk says just because he says things.

twoframesperminute , avatar

@arstechnica Gas anyone tallied the predictions of Musk? My bet is he gets about 90% of his predictions wrong, and 99% of those about technology in the coming year.

Elon is not working on AI, and I doubt he has more insight than most.

Of course it all depends on what you measure 'smartness' by.

JayLittle , avatar

@arstechnica What does it take for everybody to realize that Musk is completely and utterly full of shit?

Probably more than this. Sadly.

distractal , avatar

@arstechnica Simply look at the rest of his predictions and you can guess how this one will end.

Spoiler: He has the same level of accuracy as religious people predicting the end of the world.

video_manager , avatar


...and Elon shows, once again, what an arrogant braggart he is.

mcsquank , avatar

@arstechnica was only one critic asked?

monsoonrains , avatar

@arstechnica AI is not intelligent!!

gavin57 , avatar

@arstechnica If they're talking about AI smarter than Space Junk Karen here, I can believe it. Siri already makes far more sense than him. 🤣

rebolek , avatar

@arstechnica one critic? Anyone who already stopped laughing at the stupidity of this "prediction" says that.

montetrecarte , avatar

@arstechnica although my knowledge of coprology is very parochial, I think the batshit diagnoses is correct.

fl0_id , avatar

@arstechnica so we know what’s definitely not happening

thedansimonson , avatar

@arstechnica “guy who’s wrong all the time speaks publicly again” fixed that for you

jmax , avatar

@arstechnica In fairness, it's likely that AI is already smarter than he is. Low bar.

freevolt24 , (edited ) avatar

@arstechnica And people still think of this guy as a role model figure or something like that?

koosswart , avatar

@arstechnica Finally I get some time off.

EverydayMoggie , avatar

Bear in mind that this is the same guy who was totally confident that fully self driving vehicles were only a year away.


Minski , avatar

@arstechnica Any human he knows, maybe.

skippy442 , avatar

AI has been smarter than Musk since its inception ... 😎

MylesRyden , avatar


"AI" might be smarter than Elon by next year, but it won't be smarter than actual human beings.

brennansv , avatar

@arstechnica He’s really good at predicting what will be ready by next year. He’s predicted Tesla FSD will be complete next year for over 8 years now.

Christo , avatar

Most AI is smarter than Musk

pkprotoplasm , avatar

@arstechnica To be fair, Elon Musk only considers Elon Musk. And in that context, he’s probably not wrong.

Gargron , avatar

@arstechnica Maybe smarter than one human.

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