rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Billionaires aren’t just supporting Trump for the tax cuts.

As Peter Thiel once admitted: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

Make no mistake: The goal of American oligarchy is to tear down democracy itself.

thorne ,
@thorne@rants.au avatar

@rbreich @cstross Democracy and billionaires and modern social^H^H^H^H^H^Hmarketing networks are incompatible:

  1. Never before has it been possible to buy so many votes (for pretty much anything) for so little money.
  2. Never before has so much of the world’s wealth rested in the hands of so few.
pambergren ,
@pambergren@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Then our little buddy, Peter needs to get his butt back to Germany where he came in from. WHO cares what he, an immigrant here, even thinks?

knbrindle ,
@knbrindle@creativewriting.social avatar

@rbreich whenever I read a quote from mil(bil)lionaires, tech-bros, or or others with the same pretensions to wealth & power, I always replace “freedom” with “me doing whatever I feel like to other people”

It gives the same energy, but is far more accurate of the sentiments implied

BLTpizza ,
@BLTpizza@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich it's not a radical idea to redistribute all of the billionaires wealth. Every last dollar

Thebratdragon ,
@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@rbreich he believes only if freedom you can buy.....

chattan ,
@chattan@mastodon.scot avatar

@rbreich According to Trump Democracy makes you free to do what you’re told.

Lane ,
@Lane@dice.camp avatar

@rbreich Orhan.

The unsaid part: It's not freedom in general that he wants, but rather, the freedom to engage in laissez-faire capitalism.

dearlove ,
@dearlove@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@rbreich The incompatibility isn't freedom and democracy. It's billionaires and democracy.

resuna ,
@resuna@ohai.social avatar

@rbreich I think that what he means by "freedom" is actually its complement.

_mosso ,
@_mosso@fosstodon.org avatar

@rbreich ‘We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.’

Louis D. Brandeis

Kierkegaanks ,
@Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

@rbreich billionaire derangement syndrome?

Paulos_the_fog ,
@Paulos_the_fog@qoto.org avatar


Were it not for the extreme danger that huge corporations particularly American ones, pose to mankind's life on earth, I think I would find it highly amusing that an invention of mankind; namely the limited liability company, has taken on a life of its own. These days these monstrous corporations are permitted to act as if they were gods rather that as a contemptible invention of mankind!

For that reason, were I in government, I would introduce legislation that would oblige limited liability companies to put the environment and the welfare of their employees before profitability, by law and the legislation I would favour would impose massive fines on all directors and senior management personally, as well as on the company itself, for any breaches of these regulations.

gmsizemore ,

@rbreich A strategic error, since democracy itself is an evolved mechanism that allows the oligarchy to maintain control (yes, democracies are thinly disguised oligarchies because the oligarchs vet all the candidates) while generating little counter-control ("pushback"). But...if your totalitarianism is brutal enough, and technologically-advanced enough (facial recognition, AI drones - real 1984, "minority report" stuff), you can dispense with the paper tiger called "democracy."

scotty86 ,
@scotty86@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Let me fix that for you: The goal of the American oligarchy is to destroy democracy and freedom itself.
They hate freedom. They want total supremacy.

duanallen ,

regulation mitigates this crap. theil is a loosed but not invincible bezos and musky too for that matter they should not be allow to own the news spigot

tanavit ,


It looks like this thought is also shared by whishing-to-be-billionaire people.

So, who is threatening democracy : billionaires or people ?

nando161 ,
@nando161@theblower.au avatar

@rbreich democracy existed before it was colonized by nazi fascist hypocrites.

murodegrizeco ,
@murodegrizeco@toad.social avatar


These billionaires. We can't afford them.

gmoke ,
@gmoke@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich "As Peter Thiel once admitted: 'I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.'”

Thiel was referring to his freedom, of course, not yours, mine, or ours.

anw_pi66 ,

@rbreich The freedom Thiel speaks about isn't encoded in the US constitution but nonetheless the most important one for him and his ilk: the Freedom to Exploit.

obscurestar ,
@obscurestar@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Thiel is a literal vampire. The guy wants the blood of children to try to extend his own worthless life. This is not hyperbole.


PJ_Evans ,
@PJ_Evans@mastodon.social avatar

They can leave. They'll learn that they're better off here, with democracy and taxes than anywhere else.

not2b ,
@not2b@sfba.social avatar

@rbreich Democracy means one person, one vote. An unregulated capitalist market with a weak government means one dollar, one vote. Hmm: which system would a billionaire prefer?

patcanfield ,

@rbreich Not that the oligarchy won't admit to democracy 'not working for them' as long as They get 10 votes for every vote the 'Lower' classes get

Mallulady ,
@Mallulady@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich Yes!!!

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