georgetakei , avatar
Garst , avatar

@georgetakei If they say they are going to "broadcast" the Olympics, shouldn't they actually "broadcast" the Olympics? Using buzz words to try to get people to watch their round the clock advertisements isn't going to get me to watch "sports!"

JeffS , avatar

@georgetakei pass.

landley , avatar

@georgetakei why have people started to say "an AI voice" instead of "deepfake"? This smacks of Philip Morris becoming Altria...

staringatclouds , avatar

@georgetakei Do the words "Fuck no!" adequately convey how I feel about this ?

The_Incredible_G , avatar

@georgetakei If they have his permission to do so, all the power to them. If not though, I'd say no. ^_^

MeKobi , avatar

@georgetakei Fuck no.

sjsmac , avatar

@georgetakei it’s fucking horrific.

ezrasf , avatar

@georgetakei as much as I have nostalgia for him as the voice I think of for the Olympics... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

disky00 , avatar

@georgetakei How would you feel about Paramount using your voice/likeness for whatever Star Trek purpose they choose?

MatthewChat , avatar

@georgetakei ghoulish. If stuff like this isn’t stopped, every science show will be narrated by Albert Einstein, every news documentary by Walter Cronkite, every entertainment or racy documentary by Marilyn Monroe, etc etc.

GregoryDoodles , avatar
ponder , avatar

@georgetakei I turn off AI generated media the instant I recognise it as such. If it was advertised I'd just avoid it completely.

GGMcBG , avatar


There's surely some sneaker-wearing NBC executive turd in an Italian suit worth enough to feed thousands of red-state schoolkids for a summer, dreaming of a world where they ensured Bob Costas was never even born, all for the glory of disgustingly expensive digital non-reactions.

Your world is very badly made, humans.

maniaclives , avatar

@georgetakei I mean it’s weird, but if they paid him for the right to use his (audio) likeness I don’t see a problem with it.

Sonofasailor , avatar

@georgetakei If the voice talent is okay with it and compensated satisfactorily, and the use of the AI is disclosed, then... it's probably okay? 🤔

femme_mal , avatar

@georgetakei Will you allow your voice to be licensed for use when you're no longer able to speak?

I don't have a problem with voices being used provided 1) consent was obtained in advance, and 2) the audience is clearly advised the voice is synthesized and not human, and 3) secondary and tertiary use of synthesize voices are not permitted.

galad , avatar

@georgetakei It’s extremely unethical and in poor taste.

jwcph , avatar

@georgetakei F**king why? It's. Not. Him.

Seriously, I don't know what else to say. It's not him.

Would we consider doing this the old-fashioned way, with an actor in full lookalike makeup etc.? No, we wouldn't; if you suggested it everyone would laugh you out of the room & rightfully so.

So, why do it with an AI?

I don't even know how to begin asking what people think this accomplishes, what value it creates, because it's so boundlessly, head-explodingly stupid & pointless.

noksucow ,

@georgetakei just so they don’t have to pay someone to do it?

smallstar , avatar

@georgetakei hell lets resurrect Frank Gifford and John Madden

ericgjovaag , avatar

@georgetakei If they're going to use an AI voice at the Olympics, let's go REALLY Old School and use Jim McCay's!

VE2UWY , avatar


Not interested, Comcast.

salva_pl , avatar

@georgetakei it's creepy, and it's inmoral.

artologica , avatar

@georgetakei How about no

junecasagrande , avatar

@georgetakei If AI is so much better than humans, why does it keep trying to imitate us?

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