rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

In his presidential immunity opinion, Chief Justice Roberts accused Justice Sotomayor and the two other Democratic-appointed justices who joined her in dissent, of “fearmongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals.”

He's wrong. Let me explain. https://t.co/q7LEVH6z0m

DreamingBard2024 ,
@DreamingBard2024@vivaldi.net avatar


It isn't extreme to think that someone might abuse the power to break the law with impunity in a nation where, just a few short years ago, one of the candidates for the highest office in the land incited, willfully, an armed assault on democracy and other officers of their government in direct violation of the oath they took when they assumed the mantle of the presidency.

In fact, it would be incredibly naive to believe anything else. Chief Justice Roberts doesn't even believe what he is saying; he's only mouthing nonsense to try to distract the people of America from what a card-carrying Batman villain he is.

murraymitchell ,
@murraymitchell@mastodon.scot avatar

@rbreich what if Biden , in jest, orders seal team 6 to assasinate his rivals for the November vote? What will the SCOTUS do then?

huntingdon ,
@huntingdon@mstdn.social avatar


The lying here is by John Roberts. He is gaslighting his liberal - women - colleagues and the public. He knows exactly what the most obvious implications are of his carefully crafted opinion.

If anything, the dissents by his liberal colleagues underestimate the potential harm from the path he's chosen.

Why has he chosen to be a closet insurrectionist? Only his patrons know for sure. Whatever the reason, it has SFA to do with the law.

PJ_Evans ,
@PJ_Evans@mas.to avatar

Roberts hasn't talked to enough people outside his political circle, not in the last 20 years (if not more).

cowvin ,
@cowvin@retro.pizza avatar

@rbreich It's not hypothetical when one of the candidates running for the presidency is promising to do those things.

thejohnr ,
@thejohnr@universeodon.com avatar

No explanation needed. Donald Trump is the embodiment of that extreme hypothetical.

TruthSeeker54 ,
@TruthSeeker54@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich Ask Roberts about Project 2025. That’s not hypothetical either.

KateConnors ,
@KateConnors@masto.ai avatar

@rbreich Extreme hypotheticals? What about extreme actuals?!!

douglaswelch ,
@douglaswelch@nerdculture.de avatar

@rbreich we wouldn’t be fearful if we hadn’t had to experience the last eight years of constant Trump turmoil and lack of consequences in any fashion.

TruthSeeker54 ,
@TruthSeeker54@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich “Fearmongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals?” How quickly Roberts “forgets” that Trump was the only president in U.S. history who tried to incite an insurrection and attempted a coup. And he’ll try again if given the chance. Trump is also inflaming his supporters with threats of military tribunals to deal with people who have disrespected him. That’s actual, not hypothetical. Roberts is gaslighting.

lyricismist ,
@lyricismist@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Due to “extreme hypotheticals” coming to pass, Democratic Germany didn’t have an election for 15 years after WW2 was over in 1947.

cowboyminer ,
@cowboyminer@mstdn.social avatar


Hypotheticals .. has already done it .. no hypotheticals! Did!

Hoigwai ,
@Hoigwai@famichiki.jp avatar

@rbreich We should always look for possible abuses of power when granting said power to anyone regardless of how we feel about that individual.

TexasProgressive ,

@rbreich That's rich coming from Roberts. With Biden's new King power maybe he should request Roberts resignation and demand that Alito and Thomas retire?

maikek ,
@maikek@digitalcourage.social avatar

@rbreich Direct link to the blog (avoiding the visit at hellsite):
Worth reading.

dblohm7 ,
@dblohm7@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Trump as president was supposed to be a hypothetical, and yet here we are…

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Where we are now would have been an extreme hypothetical just a couple of years ago.

They're pissing on our backs, and telling us it's raining.

Bon_Jardin ,
@Bon_Jardin@newsie.social avatar

@rbreich Yeah. Extreme hypotheticals, like, this constitution will work unless a thoroughly corrupt individual takes advantage of every loophole or trick he can find, legal or not. Well, that one was ok for a couple hundred years, but guess what ... the horse is out of the barn now

GetMisch ,
@GetMisch@masto.nyc avatar

@rbreich Don't put links to "X" on here. Why are you still on "X"?!? Why are you giving that fascist more money?!? Leave X today. You're smarter than this.

lalahaenzy ,
@lalahaenzy@universeodon.com avatar



What the hell else do they have, except manipulation?

We know better….and so do the justices who see the writing on the wall; who dissented for damn good reasons.

drweb2 ,
@drweb2@newsie.social avatar

@rbreich scum move

junecasagrande ,
@junecasagrande@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich They're treating her like a "hysterical woman." For doing her job better than they're doing theirs. It's disgusting.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich hail to semi king semi dictator biden who can now do many things to stomp on donald maga supreme idiots warmongers rich people rich company profits of the world make things better for the masses and planet health and pay for it from the rich wages rich co, profits and excesive warmonger spending and not get sued or jails for doing semi bad things to do very good things overall, duh

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