Star Trek

Tired8281 , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more!

Any chance for a ShittyDaystrom? I don’t want to mod it (I’m a terrible mod) but I sure would love to shitpost there.

edit: seems like the only active mod on ShittyDaystrom on Reddit has ran a script to edit all their old comments, and Reddit suspended them for it. The sub on Reddit appears to be running fine with no mods. I think it would be a fine candidate for creating a community here, the people in the Reddit sub are happily shitposting Star Trek memes with no active mods at all. If someone who is not a terrible mod, like myself, would like to take it on, I seriously doubt it will be much work.

williams_482 , avatar

There are some huge fans of shittydaystrom on the team here, we’ll definitely be hosting a community for that eventually. For the moment, we’re worried about fracturing users by creating too many different communities.

If you have a shittydaystrom appropriate thing you want to post, stick it in /c/Risa. I’ll upvote it.

Nmyownworld , in Appreciating the Scene Between Q and Picard: Picard S02E10 avatar

“Your griefs, your pains, fix you to moments in the past long gone. You’re like butterflies with your wings pinned.”

I think this is the theme of PIC season 2, and not just for Picard. Processing and accepting the impact of past choices and actions in the here and now. Seven expressing the impact of her post-VOY treatment by others. Raffi admitting to herself that she holds too tightly to those who are important to her in the now because of her fear of loss based on past experiences. Her loss of: Starfleet; her credibility because of her theory about the sythn attack on Mars; and, herself and her family due to her addictions afterwards. Rios’ moment of growth when he moves on from always feeling adrift since the events on the Ibn Majid. Agnes and the Borg Queen bonding over shared feelings of loneliness. A strange combo, but one I think Alison Pill and Annie Wersching’s strong performances completely sold.

I think PIC season 2’s overarching story is muddled because the separate parts seem related more by happenstance rather than being a solid, cohesive narrative. However, I think season 2’s theme is always strong, and it resonates with me.

One of the things I love about Star Trek is when it makes me think about how I think. PIC season 2 has me doing a lot of self-reflection. I enjoy, and re-watch, PIC season 2.

briongloid , in Trek Central reporting that Star Trek Prodigy has been cancelled and will be removed from Paramount+ in coming days. avatar

The removal from the service thing is the most absurd part of these announcements, that was the benefit of VOD, that we could access what we wanted.

Shows have gotten cancelled when they are popular and on a cliff-hanger throughout the last 60 years, but the removal thing is new and a massive decline from the accessibility improvements that were made over the last 15 years.

Fortunately for me, my personal server doesn’t have this issue.

CeruleanRuin , in Trek Central reporting that Star Trek Prodigy has been cancelled and will be removed from Paramount+ in coming days. avatar

Canceling it is one thing. Pulling the show down from the service is absolutely abhorrent behavior.

tymon , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

I largely quite like SNW, but this episode had some extremely questionable eugenics apologia laced into the narrative.

I think the broadest problem with nu-trek (though it’s strongly reined in in SNW) is the heavily maudlin over-scoring and the bathos-laden dialogue. When almost every exchange between two characters sounds “perfectly written” and is dripping in score, it’s hard to take seriously.

If SNW employed like, 20% more restraint in that regard, it would sing.

Tired8281 , in What would a modern Enterprise series look like?

First season set in 2164. Episodes include depicting the events I linked. Second season in 2165, same deal, depict all these events plus whatever new stuff the writers dream up. By filling in existing canon, half the seasons stories become really easy to break, saving time and money, and people who respect canon will have nothing to complain about. Ten year time jump explains why the actors look older. The only problem is no Trip, but he can easily cameo in a dream story or an alternate timeline, heck they could even Harry Kim him back to life.

edit: added bonus, there’s an opportunity to retcon and apologize for Code Of Honor.

Trekman10 , in The first act of the second episode of season 2 of DS9 is possibly the best scene in all of Star Trek avatar

Had to pull it up but recognised it immediately.

“A party, oh!” - Quark

But for real, you’re totally on the mark on how each of them pivot from each other, how Kira hits eats of them

“these ar- these are my friends” - Kira

Really shows how sh’es grown. I love the double take, and pause when she first is about to blurt it out, then says it more sincerly to Bareil. Thanks for pointing this out and reminding me of how awesome is.

Commod0re , in What would a modern Enterprise series look like?

the thing about Enterprise is even at its worst, it’s not an entirely bad show - the supporting cast is good, they are set in an interesting time period, and the premise is ostensibly interesting.

The main problem for me is that, setting aside the fact that the main theme comes straight from the Patch Adams soundtrack, the show is straight up boring. They came so close to something really interesting with Archer being flawed because he was the first, and perhaps even not really the right guy to be captain. But then the writers had to make him a mary sue, he fails is way to success every episode, and becomes like the ship’s alcoholic dad, constantly getting into the dumbest yelling arguments with his wife first officer — who he is also canonically racist against by the way. You would think/hope they were setting him up for some growth on that, but, instead they chose to try to make a lot of the show indirectly relevant to 9/11

By the time the show finally set the stage to become interesting the majority of its audience had already been alienated

What Paramount ought to realize about it is that Enterprise failed because of the writers and producers and not because of the cast or setting and it should not be very difficult to do significantly better than the original

Zana , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more!

Is there a way to get rid of the space on the left and right sides of the screen and make comments and posts cover the whole browser window like old Reddit does?

Admin OP , avatar

Go into your user settings and set the theme to "mintybubble"

It's completely ugly, but it is full-width. yes, it's in our future plans to have a better theme(s).

Zana ,

Hell yeah, thank you! One more question, are there plans to update to 0.18 so we can use it with Jerboa?

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

V. 0.18 disables CAPTCHA support, which we're not willing to do at this time, as there are a lot of bots on the platform. It's supposed to be re-instated in 0.18.1, so we're probably going to wait for that.

From what we understand, it should be possible to simply bypass the warning that Jerboa sends, and use the instance as normal - let us know if that's not the case.

Also, the instance can be installed as a PWA through Chrome on Android phones - I've found that to be a good experience overall.

Zana ,

That is a fair reason for not updating, thank you for the explanation :) And unless I am missing something it straight up will not let me log in.

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

Ah shoot, I just confirmed this. We had tried it with Jerboa, but we were already logged in.

While we consider our options, I would suggest accessing the instance through your web browser. I don't think you'll have any issues doing it that way, and the mobile interface is pretty decent.

acockworkorange , in How to Watch Star Trek: Prodigy Now That It's Gone From Paramount+

It baffles me to no end that a company will pull their own IP from their servers. It costs them next to nothing to leave that up for stream. That was the whole premise of streaming in the first place!

roofuskit , in How to Watch Star Trek: Prodigy Now That It's Gone From Paramount+ avatar

This is clearly a move by the soulless minions of orthodoxy.

Fixzylicious , in Gizmodo has more to say about the Prodigy cancelation fallout avatar

I never watched Prodigy, but seeing Paramount fall into the same pattern as HBO Max by summarily removing content will guarantee that I cancel my current subscription and take to the high seas.

With physical media dying off or at least not prioritized, this compounds the situation because for a lot of these shows there’s no hard copy of the media that you can fall back on or keep as a personal archive; it’s all up to the whims of whoever’s in charge at the moment.

It makes the alternative far more practical.

infinitevalence , avatar

So much this, we cancelled our HBO sub as soon as all the crap/shit TLC/Discovery stuff was put on the platform. That kind of crap is exactly WHY we ditched cable in the first place, and exactly WHY i was willing to pay more for the quality content HBO was producing and had in its library.

Paramount was always destined to fail, as is Disney+ (though that will take longer). The reality is that what people want is to buy their preferred streaming provider and have access to everyone content on that platform. They are not interested in having to subscribe to EVERY platform just for one or two shows.

iokus ,

I think Disney is one of the few platforms that can survive the streaming bubble. The mouse has acquired an obscene number of huge IPs over the last couple of decades - Marvel, Star Wars, The Simpsons… not to mention Disney/Pixar’s own output. It also helps that even without streaming they make more money than some countries.

infinitevalence , avatar…/disney-plus-loses-its-magic-touch……/disney-subscribers-boycott-streame…

I doubt that to be honest, I can dig up more news, but my understanding is that Disney is already struggling to be profitable, they are finding that customers are not willing to pay for their walled content and are cross licensing with other platforms things that they would have tried to keep in house previously.

iokus ,

Oof, I hadn’t heard about any of that. I’m genuinely surprised that even Disney can’t make a sustainable streaming service.

UESPA_Sputnik , in Canon Connections: Strange New Worlds 2x02 - Ad Astra per Aspera avatar

Hey, it’s USSBurritoTruck! From reddit! 😉

USSBurritoTruck OP Mod , avatar

I don’t think anyone has accused me of being excessive fan service.

tymon , in What "third generation" Trek is worth watching?

As a purist, I’d say watch them all and in release order, but if you really have to be choosy with your time, here’s a list of things you can skip (in my opinion):

  • Star Trek Into Darkness
  • Discovery (whole show)
  • Picard S1 and S2
  • Short Treks

I know suggesting skipping Discovery outright is going to be seen as… extreme, but I suggest doing so only if time is a crucial factor. It’s a dizzyingly uneven show with the lowest points of quality in all of Trek. However, it also has some incredible highs and some truly great characters, so if you find the time to watch it, you should. And I know I’m in the minority on this, but I found Short Treks to be unwatchable.

On the flip side, Lower Decks is incredible, and Strange New Worlds is good. The third season of Picard is excellent. Prodigy is a little weird but it’s got a lot of strength. Star Trek Beyond is also a surprisingly good movie.

LibraryLass ,

It’s a dizzyingly uneven show with the lowest points of quality in all of Trek.

Dude I’ve seen TNG season 1 and Enterprise seasons 1-2. I know we both know it can get worse.

beefcat , avatar

TOS also has some truly awful episodes, but it's pretty easy to ignore them.

I think the low points of DSC and PIC stick out for two reasons:

  1. Recency bias. It's been 15 years since I last watched Code of Honor, and I rarely even think about it except when it's time to make memes about season 1.
  2. Serialization. You can watch TNG, skip bad episodes like Code of Honor or Sub Rosa, and not really lose out on anything. But if you watch DSC and skip a bad episode, you blow a giant gaping hole in the over-arching story.
russjr08 , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x03 "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" avatar

Ah, well I had a more thorough comment typed out, but unfortunately that was on the thread that got locked and the app I’m using on mobile ate my response when it failed to post.

The gist of it though was that I was pleasantly surprised by this episode, as I’m not usually one for the time travel themes. The ending was painful (as in, the writing was very well done) to watch and hit me harder than I expected!

And it was also cool for them to reference DDG instead of Google, I’d be happy to see that sort of thing happen more often on TV.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

Apologies - my own thoughts on the episode also have been lost to time.

We’ve identified the problem, and it shouldn’t happen again!

ShakaWhenRedditFell , avatar

Lost … in time… like tears… in the rain.

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