
foggy , in Good hosting?

Digital ocean sucks, bluehost sucks, GoDaddy sucks.

Two cows was great. Idk these days, no Intel there. Namecheap. Namecheap. Namecheap.

Go to namecheap.

Theyve been solid for like 10 years.

mozz OP , avatar

Yeah. For years I was happy with DigitalOcean and had no issues, but this is the interaction I'm currently in the middle of:

  • I can't reach some particular other server; both of us can reach everyone else on the internet, just not each other
  • Contact support sending traceroutes
  • Support asks me to send mtr output (I mean... it's a little more detailed than the traceroute I guess, sure what the hell)
  • I do
  • Support asks if I'm running a VPN on my Linux server
  • Support tells me to disable my VPN
  • Support asks me to provide mtr output from a third place on the internet (which... he could do himself... I consider telling him to do it himself but decide not to). I send the mtr output
  • Silence for 2 days

I mean, it's far from an emergency but it doesn't inspire a ton of confidence. 🙂

foggy ,

Digital ocean changed the IP of a VPS I had like 30 clients on without my go ahead.


possiblylinux127 , avatar

Namecheap is kind of obscure and doesn’t have transparent pricing

foggy , (edited )

Idk man namecheap has been doing it for a LONG time. 24 years.

Not clear on Vps probs because they want to know if you’re trying to run a home server, or a web hosting business where you’re going to house 47 clients, or if you’re trying to run a fucking public education system or something.

Name cheap ain’t obscure. Two cows was obscure. They were fucking awesome. But again I have no current Intel on them.

Edit: I don’t know man, I just checked, the pricing seems pretty clear to me

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Maybe I’m just out of the loop. The pricing page seems clear but I still don’t trust it. Additionally I don’t care if the server is running on Raid 10 or not.

Shadow , in Good hosting? avatar

I’d recommend against ovh. We host there and that’s been fine so far, but I had a friend whose production server was down for 3 days due to a switch problem.

lemming741 , in Good hosting?

I just realized this was /c/sysadmin and I’m just using it for homelab stuff so ymmv

lemming741 , in Good hosting?

I was very happy with Vultr, but they weren’t happy with my Linux isos.

Using linode now, the backup system is more expensive and the emulated terminals don’t seem as nice as I remember vultr but I’m still very happy with it, especially for the price.

mozz OP , avatar

Got it, thanks for the recommendation, I poked at both of them a little and it seems like what I'm looking for.

Also, out of curiosity I looked at Vultr's GPU options and said "oh sweet they offer options with tons of GPU RAM if I want" and then looked over and saw it was $3,500-$14,000 a month.

alchemy88 , avatar

Also used Vultr for a few years with no real issues!

mozz OP , (edited ) avatar

Okay, I just signed up and from the tiny bit I see I really like Vultr.

Also, for new customers they have discount codes. I went with $250 credit for new customers, and then after I signed up, learned that it only applies to money you spend during your first 30 days.


Edit: Also, this is the kind of thing that tends to inspire confidence:

$ wget
--2024-01-31 17:23:44--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 25960271 (25M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’          100%[===================>]  24.76M  --.-KB/s    in 0.1s    

2024-01-31 17:23:45 (194 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [25960271/25960271]

const_void , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese

Lenovo is garbage

randomaside , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese avatar

Everything they made during the pandemic just ends up failing within the year.

betterdeadthanreddit , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese

I used to have that issue, my screen would flash 6 times and display a bunch of symbols like those. Gave me a burning headache and next thing I know, I’m waking up in an alley of an unfamiliar city halfway across the globe with somebody else’s blood coating my hands and clothes.

Technology these days, it’s some crazy stuff.

Hubi , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese

Oh, that’s a really simple fix. You just need to 我不知道我在说什么。

taanegl ,

Have you 将其关闭并再次打开?

boredtortoise , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese

Apparently not a Lenovo issue. Spotlight lock screen has Chinese or Norwegian language strings getting pulled

jnplch , in Lenovo starts displaying text in chinese

Has been happening to me on a non-Lenovo W10 desktop for the past few weeks.

Guajojo , in Anydesk 8 removes TCP Tunneling from the free service.

Rustdesk supports TCP tunnels, tried it.

possiblylinux127 , in Anydesk 8 removes TCP Tunneling from the free service. avatar

Rustdesk still supports it. Spin up your own server and you’ll be golden.

5714 , in ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain

Abolish ICANN.

Supermariofan67 ,

Explain what’s wrong with this. I’m out of the loop, seems like a good idea to me at first glance.

5714 ,

It’s the SPOF for most of the internet, it’s function should be democratic and distributed.

Registering TLDs costs absurd amounts of money last I checked.

owen ,

SPOF = single point of failure

Shadywack , in ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain avatar

Porn sites would like this.

possiblylinux127 , in ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain avatar

Please no

It would be nice to figure out a way to get local SSL certs for .lan and .local domains though.

Supermariofan67 ,

What’s wrong with it?

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Internal is 8 letters while lan is three

duplexsystem ,

You can do this, I already use .internal and you can male your own root ca and make your own certificates with that

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Time for your own CA

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