U.S. News

tardigrada OP , in MSNBC's Lawrence on Biden-Trump debate: "We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner" -- (video, 20 min)

Just stumbled upon this (it's a podcast, 7 min, contains some explicit language).

I apologize for losing my shit here

I just spent 7 minutes losing my shit. I apologize, but No regrets. Because they're doing it again. Trump & his sycophants are spreading lies, attacking our democracy and inciting violence again. On purpose. They are traitors. We must defeat them.

esaru , (edited ) in MSNBC's Lawrence on Biden-Trump debate: "We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner" -- (video, 20 min)

Trump can win a match by lying and playing foul if his opponent looks weak and his sole goal is to convince people. Integrity and experience are not enough to compete Trump. It needs someone in better physical conditions and charisma than Biden to prevent Trump.

Midnitte , in Tractor Supply cuts DEI, climate goals after conservative outcry

The irony of the probusiness party being so against DEI.

It's really not a surprise that having diverse experiences and opinions makes you a better business...

LallyLuckFarm , in Tractor Supply cuts DEI, climate goals after conservative outcry
@LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.org avatar

We get asked by one of our nearby tractor supplies to participate in their market days during the summer, along with several other small businesses around us. I can think of several, besides us, that will tell them to pound sand and won't lend our credibility to their outreach programs - especially if that outreach is only for the benefit of some of our neighbors.

Eff that ish

Kaboom , in Tractor Supply cuts DEI, climate goals after conservative outcry

Tractor supply serves people in rural areas. What did yall expect? That Jose and Tim would think like someone from LA?

LallyLuckFarm , (edited )
@LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.org avatar

Ehh, they serve customers in the suburbs and city dwellers hoping to recapture a sense of not-being-in-the-city too. Us rural folks have dozens of places to go and pick up hay and shave and feed instead, so just like every other time some corp has done the right thing and then backtracked, they've lost the group that got all hurt about being included in a bigger tent, they've lost the group that was newly included, and they're left holding a presumably smaller portion of the market than before they failed to hold to their convictions. Make stupid moves, win stupid prizes.

Powderhorn Mod ,
@Powderhorn@beehaw.org avatar

I went to TSC several times my first year in Texas, mostly for hay and pellets for the rabbitry. And we were not rural. Not exactly downtown on an acre, but in that suburban interface, it was the only realistic choice. I'll certainly not shop there again. Like, I've never set foot in a Hobby Lobby, and the last time I got Chick-Fil-A was in high school, I don't buy Domino's. It is very easy to vote with one's dollars when alternatives exist.

sunzu , in Tractor Supply cuts DEI, climate goals after conservative outcry

DEI = hiring a grifter to tell workers "mission accomplished" now get back to slaving.

autotldr Bot , in Tractor Supply cuts DEI, climate goals after conservative outcry

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

Click here to see the summary

Tractor Supply Company, which bills itself as the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the U.S., will eliminate its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) roles, withdraw its carbon emissions goals and stop sponsoring Pride events in response to criticism from conservative activists.

Robby Starbuck, a music video director and Republican who ran unsuccessfully to represent Tennessee's 5th Congressional District in 2022, launched the campaign against Tractor Supply on X (formerly Twitter) earlier this month.

The company also said it would stop sponsoring “nonbusiness activities” like Pride festivals and voting campaigns, and instead continue its focus on “rural America priorities” such as education, animal welfare and veteran causes.

Starbuck praised the outcome as a “massive victory for sanity,” and said in an eight-minute video that this is the “first Fortune 300 company in our lifetimes to go backwards on ESG, DEI and all these woke causes and donations, in record speed.”

“Tractor Supply’s embarrassing capitulation to the petty whims of anti-LGBTQ extremists puts the company out of touch with the vast majority of Americans who support their LGBTQ friends, family, and neighbors,” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis told The Advocate.

Shaun Harper, a professor of business at the University of Southern California, says because Tractor Supply stores are primarily located in rural communities, “the case-making for DEI should’ve been differently framed and better customized for those cultural contexts.”

Saved 83% of original text.

Kwakigra , in MSNBC's Lawrence on Biden-Trump debate: "We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner" -- (video, 20 min)
@Kwakigra@beehaw.org avatar

I really hope that there weren't many burgeoning conservatives hearing Donald Trump speak for the first time, but I'm not sure how likely that is. For everyone else he's a known quantity. His performance was more or less like his historical performances although for Trump it was probably the worst he's ever performed while being more vulnerable than he ever has been (which could only have been irrelevant in this context). His base liked it, everyone else thinks he's a psycho, and Republican voters are just going to vote for the Republican regardless.

I'm seeing a lot of people upset that the moderators didn't do a better job debating Donald Trump. Joe Biden was supposed to debate Donald Trump, and he was not up to the task. He rebutted many of Trump's lies and said many things that would probably have been effective if he had the energy he had even 4 years ago, but it didn't matter because he could hardly get words out and looked terrified most of the time. Worse still, many of the things he did say which were understandable were word salad (contrasted to Trump who speaks so fluently in word salad his base doesn't notice). The thing is though, most democrats already knew Biden was this bad and are deliberately obfuscating to others and perhaps even themselves this fact even now. No one who was going to vote against Trump is going to change their vote just because it got way more difficult to be dishonest about the Joe Biden's abilities for 90 minutes. Biden is really irrelevant to this election anyway, it's still about whether or not we want Trump in office.

What seems to me was most relevant about this debate is that we have reached a new low which is strikingly obvious to everyone paying attention who isn't pursuing their political party's interests above even their own. We have never had a debate which was almost totally unintelligible from beginning to end like this one was. I can't guess what the effect of that might be.

t3rmit3 ,

I'm sure the Romans were used to seeing performance like this from their leaders towards the end, too.

On a more serious note, thank you for pointing out that the debate was supposed to be between Biden and Trump, not CNN and Trump.

Kissaki , (edited )
@Kissaki@beehaw.org avatar

I think it's a question of how you see the debate. What it is, or should be. Is it between the two candidates, and moderators merely give it structure? Or is it a debate with an expectation of truth and trustworthiness, fulfilling the press code, where the moderators would have to at least point out lies or ask for clarifications?

A debate between two candidates has its value, but we can't deny it strengthens Trumps position as an apparently to many people charismatic liar. Between only two people it's about who is more charismatic and convincing, not about truthfulness, verifiability. All of those only go as far as the other candidate can establish them.

If many citizens watch only the debate, is that enough to inform them / base their voting [or omission thereof] on?

In the end, it may be understandable to wish for moderators to point out lies. It can be irritating and frustrating to see lies on a podium finding success, without successful, conclusive rebuttal. But that's not the moderators' place in the show format as it is.

Disclaimer: I haven't watched it.

Zaktor ,

If our system had an option for "none of the above, find new candidates and try again" it would be leading.

storksforlegs , in MSNBC's Lawrence on Biden-Trump debate: "We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner" -- (video, 20 min)
@storksforlegs@beehaw.org avatar

He's right, the real story should be how badly CNN shit the bed with how they handled this debate. They basically let Trump run wild, didn't challenge or correct him.

And all rveryone can talk about was how energetic trump was, and how Biden "stumbled" etc. The coverage is way more appalling than the actual debate. Hell even in Canada the media is running stories about how Biden 'lost' the debate and "time to panic!" Despite Trump making no sense and lying 100% of the time.

What in the fuck is happening here?

PythagreousTitties ,

They love the drama, that's what's happening.

aleph , (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

What happened is that Biden and his team completely screwed up. They called for this debate and agreed to its terms, which included the fact that the moderator team would not be fact checking Trump in order to avoid accusations of bias.

These terms shifted the onus of calling Trump out on his biggest lies to Biden himself, who would have known that Trump would try to gish-gallop his way through the debate and avoid discussing policy because that's precisely what he did in 2020. The fact that Biden failed spectacularly to counter Trump in any meaningful way is the reason why he lost the debate.

Kwakigra ,
@Kwakigra@beehaw.org avatar

The worst moment of the debate was when the moderators asked Trump about Roe and Trump doubled down on the extremely unpopular stance. Instead of seizing on the single greatest advantage the democrats have during this election, Biden instead decided to make an appeal to racism which I can only imagine was an attempt to capture some of Trump's racist supporters which I could have advised is the dumbest possible strategy for a democrat to employ unless they're running against a democrat to the left of them. He changed the topic from ending federal protections for abortions to one of the Republican's favorite stories of the time a single undocumented person committed rape, and they like the way Trump tells that story way better. Changed the conversation from protecting women to who can make life harder for immigrants, and Trump wins that competition despite the Biden administration's efforts.

aleph ,
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Yeah, that was the single biggest Biden blunder of the evening, IMO. I was dumbfounded.

t3rmit3 , (edited )

That's not how structured debates (Policy, Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, etc) work. Judges don't tell a team their facts are wrong, the other team does. Judges decide which of the teams had better argumentation. If you spout lies and I don't call you on it, as the opposing team, I will probably lose.

But let's say we accept that this is barely a structured debate, and the structure that was there sucked anyways, so hey- maybe it's was really a speech event (like Big Question, Extemporaneous, Humorous Interpretation, etc). That makes it even clearer why people are reacting like this, because those are not about facts at all, they're all about performance (as in 'acting').

My own view is that presidential debates are more akin to throwing the candidates in a gladiatorial arena and seeing whoever comes out least bloody. And that was always going to be Trump. Biden and his team are to blame for this, because it never should have taken place.

Kissaki ,
@Kissaki@beehaw.org avatar

Judges don’t tell a team their facts are wrong, the other team does. Judges decide which of the teams had better argumentation.

I find the judge symbolism interesting and compelling, but moderators are not judges. They're not making a judgement in place of the citizens by the end.

Rather than only letting two people debate, they could ask for clarifications. If you see them as press, and as representing the citizens, you may even think they have to to fulfill the press code and their responsibility.

Truck_kun ,

On the CNN side, my biggest complaint was the mics were not indeed cut at the end of each persons time. If I was undecided, I wouldn't want to listen to two old men bicker, I'd want to actually hear their opinions and viewpoints.

They let it slip to some back and forth with both mics active at the same time on occasion. If they can't manage that, then they shouldn't get to host any presidential debates in the future. Luckily the next and last debate for this election is not them; we'll see how ABC does.

jarfil , in Another monolith appeared near Las Vegas. Who's behind these mysterious objects?
@jarfil@beehaw.org avatar

According to the website MonolithTracker.com, there have been a total of 245 monoliths reported worldwide since late 2020.

That's some dedication. I wonder how it compares to crop circles.

JoShmoe ,

I think you’re onto something

HeartyOfGlass , in Another monolith appeared near Las Vegas. Who's behind these mysterious objects?

It's either:

  1. An artist with a friend at the local newspaper
  2. Guerrilla advertising
drwho ,
@drwho@beehaw.org avatar

If it's advertising, what is it advertising?

HeartyOfGlass ,


Little_mouse , in Another monolith appeared near Las Vegas. Who's behind these mysterious objects?

It's not that hard to fold sheet metal into three sides. I'm not sure why these are notable in any way at this point.

theangriestbird OP ,
@theangriestbird@beehaw.org avatar

i can't speak to all of the monoliths that have been erected. but this one seems unusual because it was "near Gass Peak in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge" (not a location that is easily accessible by car) and it was "made of folded sheet metal and held together with rebar and concrete, authorities said."

That sounds heavier than one or two people could just carry on their own, but maybe I'm overestimating that.

jarfil ,
@jarfil@beehaw.org avatar

One was right at the end of a car road. Another, it says 4 people were needed to dismantle it. But even for the more inaccessible places, there is also helicopters.

JoShmoe , in Another monolith appeared near Las Vegas. Who's behind these mysterious objects?

I’m betting its the same group behind Cicada 3301.

Vodulas ,

Why? One is a physical art installation and the other is an internet based puzzle. Doesn't seem to be any kind of connection other than being mysterious. Not saying it is impossible, but seems unlikely

jarfil ,
@jarfil@beehaw.org avatar

Didn't Cicada 3301 have a geocaching component? Or that was a different game... hm.

Vodulas ,

It referenced existing art, so maybe that is a connection, but seems like a stretch

jarfil ,
@jarfil@beehaw.org avatar

Right. I remember there was a game about "controlling" areas, virtual but based on IRL geocaching. These monoliths that people place in somewhat remote places, then dismantle them after a few days, got me thinking it could be part of a "find it while it's there" or something.

It's interesting to see they're still going after at least 4 years.

Vodulas ,

That sounds like Ingress, the precursor to Pokemon Go

jarfil ,
@jarfil@beehaw.org avatar

Right, that one! I forgot the name. So, I wonder if it could be something like that going on.

Vodulas ,

Could be some ARG for sure.

Ava , in Colorado Is Pioneering A Way To Let Renters Earn Cash Back for Paying Rent

I feel like it would be more efficient to simply give her the same discount (without the middleman's fee) on her actual rent, given that this is a state-sponsored program and she already lives in subsidized housing.

JimmyBigSausage OP , in Willie Mays dead at 93: San Francisco Giants announce death of one of baseball's all-time greats

Say hey kid!

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