U.S. News

sic_semper_tyrannis , in ‘Moscow Marjorie’: Republican accuses Marjorie Taylor Greene of irresponsible Ukraine rhetoric

The US government is a clown show

HAL_9_TRILLION , in ‘Moscow Marjorie’: Republican accuses Marjorie Taylor Greene of irresponsible Ukraine rhetoric

Oh she's governable all right. She doesn't take those talking points from the Kremlin for nothing.

e_t_ Admin , in A new kind of activist journalism: Hunterbrook investigates corporations (and hopes to make bank trading off its reporting)

Is that really new? It seems like I've heard stories for years about short sellers putting out negative press releases to tank one stock or another, making good their short position.

Pistcow , in Washington Strippers Win Bill of Rights

Panic buttons installed on all 2003 Nisan Altimas.

Zworf , in Alabama town that hasn’t held elections in decades sued to allow voting

This is not news at all. In fact it was sent every single time until something broke in Apple’s validation servers and nobody could launch any app a few years ago. That brought this whole phenomenon to light and Apple changed it to reporting once per week. Edit: Ah I see this is also an old article. That makes sense now.

However they should just send a blacklist to each system obviously. That’s a much more privacy-conscious method. Their stated goal is to be able to block malware, but there can’t be that many.

Predalien ,

I think you hit the wrong thread lol

Zworf ,

Oops yes. Sorry.

Miakols , in Large Grocers Took Advantage of Pandemic Supply Chain Disruptions, F.T.C. Finds

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  • AbidingOhmsLaw , in Man to plead guilty to helping kill 3,600 eagles, other birds and selling feathers prized by tribes

    Would you really hire an attorney named Dwight Schulte? I mean does Mr. Schrute think he can just change a letter or two and move from paper sales to Attorney?

    drwho , in The College Solution to Rural News Deserts
    @drwho@beehaw.org avatar

    Maybe somebody should be them in touch with Indymedia.

    UFODivebomb , in "We shouldn’t make workers choose between going to work sick or going without pay:" Lack of paid sick days is still a real problem for many workers in the US - [November 2023]

    Right in hand with tying healthcare to a job. Can’t work? Well then, die.

    Weakens our great nation. Makes us less resilient as a whole. Horrible for smaller companies. Which is why the GOP loves these policies.

    tardigrada , in US disabled Chinese hacking network targeting critical infrastructure

    US officials deliver warning that Chinese hackers are targeting infrastructure

    Hackers linked to the Chinese government are targeting critical U.S. infrastructure, preparing to cause “real-world harm” to Americans, FBI Director Christopher Wray says.

    Water treatment plants, the electric grid, oil and natural gas pipelines and transportation hubs are among the targets of state-sponsored hacking operations, he told the House of Representatives Select Committee […]

    “They’re not focused just on political and military targets. We can see from where they position themselves across civilian infrastructure, that low blows aren’t just a possibility in the event of conflict, low blows against civilians are part of China’s plan,” Wray said.

    charonn0 , in In San Francisco, Tenants Use Labor Tactics to Challenge Their Landlords
    @charonn0@startrek.website avatar

    Tenants don’t have the same rights with respect to their landlord as employees do with their employer. So unfortunately I can’t see this ending well for the tenants who participate.

    alyaza OP Mod ,
    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    while understandable, i think this position is ultimately self-defeating–the rights that employees have against their employers pretty much all exist because they were won through political struggle originally (usually at great social or economic expense to early workers). the same can probably be said of tenant rights, and that therefore the only reason they aren’t as good as employee rights is because there’s not really a broad tenant activist movement yet. and that would of course have to be built through actions like this, even if they might in a specific case end poorly for tenants

    philo , in 21 Bodycam Videos Caught the NYPD Wrongly Arresting Black Kids on Halloween. Why Can’t the Public See the Footage?

    TBH, what good does making guesses amount to?

    mosiacmango ,

    What do you mean? No one is making any guesses.

    The author is following up on an instance of police abuse he personally witnessed, was gaslight about, was confirmed to have happened by 21 different pieces of video evidence, and was then swept under the rug by the NYPD.

    philo ,

    Are you for real? Read the title of the damn article. It’s a freaking leading question? So to as who’s making guesses or hypothesizing is kinda of silly when that is what the article is all about.

    mosiacmango , (edited )

    Its not at all about guesses. The civilain review board watched the footage and confirmed they hit the teenager they were chasing with their cop car, held several unrelated teens at gunpoint, and arrested those unrelated teens unjustifiably. They then recommended the harshest action possible.

    The NYPD hand waived it away for 4 of 5 cops, with the 5th only receiving any action because of “swearing.”

    How is officially released records about civil rights violations the reporter and his family personally witnessed “a guess?”

    We know why the police won’t release the footage. It’s because it proves they act unlawfully. The authors experience, that the article explains in full, explains the “leading question.”

    t3rmit3 ,

    This dude is just a pro-cop troll.

    YeetPics ,
    @YeetPics@mander.xyz avatar

    Is making guesses at what’s on the footage they won’t allow citizens to FOIA is more damning than the abuse of children by police I would be fucking SHOCKED.

    ericjmorey , in House panel advances debt commission without shields for Medicare, Social Security

    Solution? What do they think the problem is?

    sonori ,
    @sonori@beehaw.org avatar

    Needs at least another 10% off the corporate tax rate. Biden’s 21% rate(assigned in Trumps signature 2017 tax cuts act)is killing american corporations, unlike the far lower 50% rates during the fifties that oversaw the largest economic boom in American history. /s

    rottingleaf , in The vast majority of state and local tax systems are regressive, or upside-down, requiring a much greater share of income from low- and middle-income families than from wealthy families, study says

    So-o it seems that if I offer to replace all the plethora of taxes with the same income tax for everybody, I’d be offering an improvement even in leftist terms. Good to know.

    And you know, that’s how any complexity works in bureaucracies and central regulation. It gets bent by interests and power, because those are easier to focus on every small part, and public attention is not.

    Moira_Mayhem , in The vast majority of state and local tax systems are regressive, or upside-down, requiring a much greater share of income from low- and middle-income families than from wealthy families, study says

    Wealth inequality is one of the legs of discontent that will tear this nation apart in the next 30 years. We are starting to hit Depression level inflation on food and housing, and it won’t be long before a bunch of angry parents can’t feed their kids.

    I have a protest bag already packed and waiting.

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