Work Reform

SPRUNT , in Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts

The working class is already revolting.


kandoh , in Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts

General Strike in '28

Preparations must begin

SidewaysHighways ,


This seems both far enough way to be attainable and so far away we may all be husks by then, Impaled on spikes by the geth.

kandoh ,

There's a reason for the date! The UAW has called for a potential general strike in the United States on May 1, 2028.

UAW president Shawn Fain has invited other unions to align their contract expiration dates with April 30, 2028, setting the stage for a coordinated national strike on May Day 2028[1][3].

This call comes after the UAW's successful strike against major automakers in 2023. The union sees this as an opportunity to unite workers across industries and flex collective labor power[1][3].

The proposed 2028 strike aims to address broader working class issues beyond just the auto industry. Some advocates suggest focusing on demands like Medicare for All[2][4].

To make this general strike a reality, unions would need to start planning now to align their contract dates. It would require unprecedented cooperation between major unions[3].

While ambitious, this proposal is seen as more credible coming from a large, established union like the UAW rather than social media activists[4].

Critics note that organizing an actual general strike is extremely challenging and rare in the US. However, supporters argue that even the process of organizing towards this goal could reinvigorate the labor movement[2][3].

The success of this initiative depends on whether other major unions embrace the idea in the coming months and years[3].

[1] The UAW Strike May Have Finally Set Us Up for a General Strike
[2] May Day 2028 National Strike: Focus on Medicare for All - PNHP
[3] A General Strike in 2028 Is a Uniquely Plausible Dream
[4] The UAW's 2028 National Strike Should Center Medicare for All
[5] 'We want everybody walking out': UAW chief outlines mass strike for ...

SidewaysHighways ,

Excellent! I will spread the word

tacofox ,

I had no idea about this.

Thanks for the information!

Triasha ,

Gonna have to do a whole lot of union drives to make that feasible. Good luck.

Edit: just read the additional info. If anyone can organize this, it's Shawn Fain. I hope this comes to something real.

AaronMaria , in Uber is locking New York drivers out of its apps and blaming a city pay rule

I thought this was 196 and was confused for a second

9point6 , (edited ) in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

Atlassian have proven (along with a load of other companies and academic studies) that forcing people to work in an office is an anchor on productivity.

CEOs that are forcing their employees to come back into the office are willfully pissing away productivity.

That is arguably negligent from an investment perspective

Edit: fixed the link

Wooki ,

Its got nothing to do with this.

Dell are struggling financially, this is a great method to reduce workforce size with minimal cost.

9point6 ,

And I'm highlighting that it's short-termist and self defeating

Companies like atlassian do what they can to make sure they don't lose their best talent, what I linked is documented proof of that working.

Dell are trying to reduce costs by reducing the reasons an employee would want to stay.

Do you think they're gonna lose the employees they would choose to?

No, they're going to lose their best.

It's pissing away productivity for no tangible benefit and doing so in a pretty permanent way—who is going to work for a company with that reputation?

It's not just them nailing themselves into a coffin, it's basically them pointing the nail gun at their face.

KevonLooney ,

Exactly. Employees are not cookie cutter duplicates. The more productive ones always have more options, even when you treat them all the same. This is worse for the company than firing people randomly.

ArbiterXero ,

Productivity is for companies who want substance.

We only want continuous stock price increases regardless of how much it rots a company from the inside out.

That’s for someone else to carry about after I’m gone.

noxy , avatar

Define "struggling"

Wooki ,

Your existence

noxy , avatar

has nothing to do with Dell's financials

Nachorella ,

I suspect that this has nothing to do with productivity for most companies. I'm not smart enough or really concerned enough with why CEOs are massive assholes to look into this - but I figured it has to do with other stuff like property.

If you own a building and rent out space to cafes and gyms or you charge for parking etc there's a lot of incentives to get your little cash cows back in the building.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

For my company, food is free as is the parking. But basically the same concept: all that food is being prepared and being wasted (donated).

They tried to justify that coming into the office is paying the salaries of the custodians, cafeteria workers, etc.

VelvetStorm ,

Right but the company that owns them likely owns the property or is its self owned by another company that also owns a company that owns the properties these people work in so it's super important for their overall profits to keep these buildings filled.

ramble81 , in Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts

My biggest fear is the first targets will be the “mildly well off, but basically top of the working class” because those are people that are visible and are your neighbors or people you know that can actually take a vacation, and the 0.1% will stoke that as a way of keeping the spotlight off of them.

Evotech ,

First they came ...

xmunk , in Uber is locking New York drivers out of its apps and blaming a city pay rule

So... ban Uber.

PopOfAfrica , in Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts

We just need a little more inflation and a few more Netflix price hikes before we lose our bread and circuses.

return2ozma OP , in California Democrats agree to delay health care worker minimum wage increase to help balance budget avatar

Health care workers in California were supposed to get a raise on July 1, part of a plan to gradually increase their pay to $25 per hour over the next decade. Now, if approved by the state Legislature next week, they could get that raise on Oct. 15 — but only if California's revenues between July and September are at least 3% higher than what state officials have estimated.

If that doesn't happen, the raise won't start until Jan. 1 at the latest.

NateNate60 ,

It sucks, but honestly we have to pick our battles and I don't think a three-to-six month delay is really worth fighting to the death over

zarcher ,

When they got you by the balls, do you like them to twist them too?

Standing up for worker rights is a continuous process.

Jake_Farm , in Study: American workers in labor unions has fallen from nearly 35% in 1954 to just 10.5% in 2018 avatar

What does it look like now?

mozz , avatar

Still pretty much 10% 😢

That’s not the whole story; raw number of members has ticked up but since unemployment is real low now and the rise is pretty slight, the percent of membership is still dropping. I’d love to be able to tell you it’s different, but that is the reality.

Melatonin , in Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts

Hypothetically, how would one do said pillaging?

Shadywack , in LGBT Workers Need Unions, Not Rainbow Capitalism avatar

This is exactly why I call corporate DEI fucking worthless. It's pinkwashing with nothing substantive behind it. We see all the rainbows during pride month, while at the same time companies disregard all protected classes (and unprotected classes) quite equally in the layoffs and unethical worker treatment. Cis, trans, gay, straight, queer, furry, binary or non binary, old, and young are all equally getting fucked.

FenrirIII , avatar

Worker's rights protect us all. We're in class warfare. People get too distracted by social politics and forget who the real enemy is: the rich.

Mango , in For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st

And they can't just say no? What's twisting their arm?

BleatingZombie ,

Employment, a paycheck, and feeding their family

Mango ,

They gonna just fire the whole country?

explodicle ,

It's a prisoner's dilemma

Mango ,

Do they have unions?

raynethackery , in For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st

How is there not more protesting about this? Greeks used to be really good at that.

RageAgainstTheRich ,

To busy dying in heat waves 💔

heavy , in For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st

WWIII should just be the 0.1% vs everyone else. This isn't an issue with borders.

explodicle ,

IMHO it won't be like a world war. The last time something like that happened was monarchs gradually giving way to representatives.

Capitalism is extremely wasteful, filled with bullshit jobs, so a well organized democracy could do much better. We'll out-compete them.

menemen , in For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st avatar

Schäuble is smiling while burning in hell today.

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