Work Reform

LostCause , in Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here's what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey

Seeking purpose at work? Maybe other millenials do, I certainly don‘t.

hawkwind , avatar

I seek good coffee, but sadly, cannot find that either.

AuthorInkwell , in Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here's what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey avatar

I stopped reading at the phrase "purpose and people officer". I suffered from toxic levels of corporate bullshit when I was younger and I have a strong averse reaction to it now. Someone is getting paid six figures to have a bullshit title like that and it is ABSOLUTELY proof of what is wrong with the corporate class.

hawkwind , avatar

HR_LiNdA entered the chat.

Hi! I’m Linda, an AI representative from your HR department!

I heard you’re unhappy with your organization’s new Subject Matter Office for Lifestyle, People and Purpose, or SMOLPP.

It’s natural to be afraid of something new like your SMOLPP, but companies big and small across the planet are happy with their SMOLPP! I’ll send you some world class research material from Deloitte (your organization’s SMOLPP innovation partner, and industry leader) for you to read later!

I’m happy to listen to your comments and concern, or answer any questions you might have about your SMOLPP!

So how can I help you?

FinalFallacy , avatar

Uh, I'm trying to find out if we're getting paid before or after the holiday?

hawkwind , avatar

I’m an AI language model and don’t have access to specific information about your company’s payroll schedule or policies. To find out whether you will be paid before or after the holiday, I recommend reaching out to your human resources department or payroll administrator. They will have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your company’s payment schedule. They will be able to provide you with the details you need about when you can expect to receive your payment.

Introversion ,

I’m an AI language model and don’t have access to specific information about your company’s payroll schedule or policies.

Well, that’s a clear indication that you’re not an LLM — they very confidently assert bullshit they manufacture on the spot.

hawkwind , avatar

That’s a very complex topic. Consider this list of solutions that I found on google and have massaged to sound relevant and appealing:

LucasWaffyWaf ,

Fuck mate, I’d totally give ya gold for your SMOLPP if that was a thing

falsem ,

Someone make a shitty 'lemmy silver' jpeg

falsem ,

Please tell me more about my SMOLPP

HubertManne , avatar

purpose is great and all but another tactic is to pay high enough that I take the job.

FormlessMartian , in Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here's what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey avatar


infinitevalence , avatar

Its probably the only way we will be able to fight wallstreet and climate change.

FinalFallacy , avatar

I don't even think that actually touches on the point here. People want purpose, meaningful purpose out of the thing they spend most of their lives on. Unionizing isn't going to give you job satisfaction if you're a data entry operator unless that's something you find fulfilling.

I work in IT and used to be passionate about computers and the internet but now I want to do something else and get away from the grind of IT work, where nothing is ever completed or provides a sense of accomplishment. There's no meaningful purpose in it for my life other than a paycheck.

Unionizing might help with getting better pay for work but in terms of actual purpose, fulfillment and job satisfaction unions are as useful as advocating for a car club when I'm changing my oil. Completely unnecessary and unrelated and doesn't address the goal at hand.

This is something that's an individual pursuit beyond days off and pay.

FormlessMartian , avatar

I agree with what you’re saying, except I think it touches on that unionizing is the path to being able to say no to additional work (with impunity) and get the most fulfillment from your craft. To feel the familial support of the people you spend 1/3rd of your life around. Your well-being is all tied together. Purpose might not be the right word for it. It was just the word that came to mind. I think it is the right path for most workers.

zloubida , avatar

To defend the rights of your colleagues and your class is a purpose per se (but in the US unions work differently than in my country so I may be missing the point).

Ibaudia , avatar

Transitioning to a system where companies are owned by the workers would help, but ultimately I think this is just a natural consequence of industiral society. We get modern medicine and air conditioning, and in exchange we give up our ability to self-actualize through our work.

hawkwind , in Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here's what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey avatar

I’ve been in the business factory for 20 years now and Deloitte, as an employer, is widely regarded as hell-on-earth. Sus.

Empyreus ,

Interested in what you’ve heard? So far most people I know working at Deloitte love it.

PenguinJuice ,

Ditto. I know someone who actively shudders when they hear the name. He repeatedly thanks me from saving him from what he said was actively destroying his soul.

meat_popsicle ,

Deloitte staff don’t act totally dead inside (from my experience). EY staff, though, act like they’ve looked inside the abyss and it stared right back at them. That place must be one soulless meat grinder of a business factory.

infinitevalence , avatar

Probably, but the article is not wrong, these are huge factors that drive my decisions, and I have flat out told employers in interviews that I take issues with aspect of how companies run. Im sure some roll their eyes, but honestly I dont care, im not going to devalue myself or my ethics just to make them more money.

hawkwind , avatar

Yup. Just general sus. The bigger an organization gets the closer it approaches infinite disregard for its employees.

Got_Bent ,

Without naming the firm, I’m a refugee from public accounting.

Back when I was a staff accountant, and we were all making roughly $60k a year, they brought us all into a meeting in the middle of busy season to discuss work/life balance and mental health.

The solution they offered?

Simply hire a full-time live in housekeeper who does laundry and cooks!

That was it. That was the meeting.

hawkwind , avatar

Here here! Good work gentleman! Let’s go the partner’s villa and celebrate with cigars and brandy!

Ruxias ,

Holy shit that’s so outlandish and yet totally believable

Vega , in Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here's what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey avatar

I hope this trend continue. Fuck slavers

DefiantTostada , in No retirement: Why are more and more people over 70 still working?

When the government is expected to provide such generous benefits (half his salary in Spain, per the article) it seems that something has to change. It’s even good that some people are working past that age, and continuing to pay into it for others. It seems inappropriate to ask the people who are depending on the pension to reduce benefits or pay more- why not ask more of the true beneficiaries of their labor?

My US-centric view is less rosy, as we get WAY less in pension and limited healthcare…all the while there are literal billionaires who pay no taxes. Keep the benefits, tax the rich.

someguy3 , in No retirement: Why are more and more people over 70 still working?

Ok retirement used to be the last 5-10 years of your life - retire at 65, average life expectancy was 70 to 75. As average life expectancy goes up, it’s now closing in at 20 years - retire at 65, live to 83 which I think is new life expectancy.

It really shouldn’t surprise anyone we can’t maintain this. It was only doable for that brief period of cheap energy. (And yes, we should tax the rich in case anyone doubts my sentiments.)

Fleamo ,

Seems like that would only be a problem if real wages were stagnant, which they have been for 40 years but that might mean that THAT is the problem.

The typical worker is producing 2.5x the value that a worker produced in 1950, seems reasonable they should be able to afford a 15% increase in life expectancy (or whatever) over that same time period.

seeCseas Mod , in "People don't want to work anymore" - A tale as old as time

businesses: “we had to raise our prices because of supply and demand, it’s just natural economics”

also businesses: “why can’t we get good workers at this shitty wage, we’ve tried everything!”

vinniep , in Setting "personal goals" at work is such bullshit

The problem is less to do with personal goals and more to do with how your company or manager implements them.

My team has their org goals, which is what our bonuses are based on, and each person’s individual goals that they set with me. Those goals have the boilerplate reviews, and we keep it metrics based. Did we miss, meet, or exceed our goals? There’s a formula, which everyone knows before the year starts (because we wrote them as a group and them got board executive sign off on them) that tells us what our bonus metric will be. We sink or swim as a group, myself included. Each person has individual goals related to their unique role, but those are largely “Did you perform at the level expected of your title and salary?” No fluff. No BS. Some of my people write sentences, some give concise bullets, some write 3 word answers. This isn’t the SATs, so it doesn’t matter how the info is provided.

Then we have the personal goals, which are 100% rooted in the question “what do you want next?” For some people, it’s to move into a more Sr role, for others to break into a new discipline (expertise in a particular area, management, or something completely different), and sometimes it’s as simple as “make $30k more per year” or “have more time with my kids in the evenings.” (For the last one, it’s usually easy - we are remote with few mandatory hours so it’s easy to modify a schedule to have free hours when needed) We set personal goals and I coach them to achieve them, but the only person they answer to if they don’t achieve them is themselves. It has zero impact on their performance metrics, bonuses, or raises.

I want to see everyone have the life and career they want, and we use these goals as way to work towards that. Our 1-on-1 meetings are NOT about their tasks. We have the task board and team syncs for that and I can schedule a 1-off chat if we need to address something. Instead we spend the 1-on-1 more or less on whatever topic they want to address. If something is stressing them, annoying them, etc, they have that time to bring it up and we can try to find a solution. One of my people has a goal to move to a city 9 time zones away. They also highly values their work/life balance, so flexing their schedule is likely not going to solve this so instead I’m helping them leave the team for a new job. Ideally I’ll keep them in the company, but if that doesn’t work out and they have to leave, so be it. It’s what’s best for them and everyone else here sees it - that shit goes a long way.

If you’re doing bullshit personal goals and nonsense 1-on-1 meetings, that’s the manager and culture at fault, not the concept as a whole.

CrabAndBroom , in Setting "personal goals" at work is such bullshit

Personal goal: to achieve a better work-life balance.

How I achieved this goal: I played video games all night and didn’t do the assignment.

rockSlayer , in Setting "personal goals" at work is such bullshit

Ever notice how “personal goals” are supposed to be focused on work? That’s because companies are using it to extract more productivity from the same number of employees for the same price. They’re trying to exploit human nature through gamifying your workload for a dopamine rush. When this is realized it often feels condescending, because it is.

AidsAcrossAmerica , in "People don't want to work anymore" - A tale as old as time avatar

I'm solidly middle aged, and I don't want to work either. But I don't want to be homeless either, so I'm going to get as much money as I can, for as little labor as possible. That's capitalism baby.

pizza_rolls , in "People don't want to work anymore" - A tale as old as time avatar

My dad used to work in manufacturing. He had a pension. He got yearly raises. He was able to switch positions to make more money and they paid for his training to be able to do that. Hell my grandma used to work at FUCKING KMART with full benefits including a pension!

Now people are paid fuckall, get fuckall for retirement, get maybe a 2% raise every few years, and companies want to invest $0 into keeping and training them. No shit no one is loyal and no one wants to deal with that shit. Go back to what you were doing before if that's how you want employees to act again.

For some reason my comment keeps showing up as a reply to this comment instead of a reply to the entire thread so let's just go with that lol

MxM111 , avatar

Your comment look just fine for me, in the right place.

As for your point, I guess people prefer to get cash and spend it themselves, rather than to trust companies to invest and spend it in their name. If people were to prefer smaller salaries but larger benefits, then situation would be different. One thing is still important though - medical insurance. Getting insurance yourself, especially before Obamacare was much more expensive than for business to buy it for you.

hamster ,

They used to get cash and a pension. It wasn't an either-or thing.

pizza_rolls , avatar

They were getting enough money to afford a house, kids, etc on a single salary AND a pensio

Entropywins , avatar

Are you that stupid or being purposefully obtuse?

roofuskit , avatar

In the US a lot of manufacturers keep as many people as they can as temp workers and just cycle them in and out often enough to avoid having to pay benefits or offer anything other than substandard wages.

Goodbyeworld , in Setting "personal goals" at work is such bullshit avatar

Yeah, HR does a lot of weird shit. If you have a good boss, they will tell you what to write if you ask. Everyone thinks it’s bullshit except for the HR boss.

Cool_Name ,

Classic bullshit job. The business has to have HR, but there’s not really enough for them to do so they just make up bullshit that no one wants to do.

circuitfarmer , in "People don't want to work anymore" - A tale as old as time avatar

Alternate headline: Businesses fail to pay fair wages; young workers avoid

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