Son_of_dad ,

Unionize people. I joined a union and there's no "we're a team" bullshit or the boss going "do me a favor".
4pm hits, you drop what you're doing and go home. You get paid for your job, and the union fees are nothing considering the pay is way higher for union workers in my field.

Boop2133 ,

My unionized company changed our mandated hours from 45 hours a week to 50 hours a week like 2 weeks after I joined it was one of the shittiest jobs I ever had. Pay was good but only because I was forced to sit there for 10 hours a day lol

Dkarma ,

Imagine how shitty that job would have been without a union!

Unions dont make shitty jobs better, dude, get a clue.

frezik ,

I don't think these problems should be dismissed out of hand. There is guidance out there on how to take back a shitty union.

The UAW has long been neutered with poor leadership, and sometimes leadership that gets thrown in jail for good reasons. They've recently rebuilt and are making huge gains.

bizzle , avatar

I'm in the UAW, we used to not be able to vote on leadership. Now we can, and with a guy like Shawn Fain in the big chair I feel like we've already come a long way. I voted for him and I'll do it again.

Boop2133 ,

It's fine though I quit it and got a normal non union job that's incredible. Better starting pay better benefits more time off no forced OT while I can work as much OT I want. Gravy job so glad I quit.

Boop2133 ,

Oh don't forget the matched 401K that's cool

hydrospanner ,

One of the very few interviews in my life that I ended early was the one where in the third hour of it, they usually mentioned that the (competitive) salary was based on a 45 hour work week, with "occasional" mandatory overtime as the needs of the company dictated.

Knowing from earlier that they were very short at the position I was interviewing for, I asked for a more specific answer on what I could expect as "occasional" and the response was, "Well the work for your position has been backlogged since the previous employee quit, so for the first 3 to 6 months you can expect to work 50-60 hours each week, every week. After that, it will probably only be two weeks a month. But you can work those extra hours on the weekends too, so it's not as bad as it sounds!"

I was already done but I did some quick mental math and realized that dividing even their higher salary by that many more hours, not only was it insanely more work but was actually like a 15% pay cut, in terms of hourly rate, than the job I currently had.

I explained this to the guy and asked how much wiggle room there was on salary and he basically said something to the effect of, "Maybe in a few years you can negotiate salary, but coming in you're really in no position to argue for more pay."

So I thanked him for his time and told him the interview was over.

Honytawk ,

They don't just need an employee, they need 2.

BCsven ,

Depends on the Union, sadly. My wife was a Union rep, she had a grievence, the higher up union leaders and the employer met ahead of her scheduled meeting and screwed her over in the grievance meeting. I'm not sure if she was more mad at losing the grievance, or having to pay dues to be screwed by the union.

ReiRose ,

This happens at my job too. Overall the benefits of my union far outweigh how shit they are and the union dues. I'd rather have a crappy union than none at all.

I know my company would screw me over much worse than my union and company combined if there was no union.

John_McMurray ,

I've found having a spine is much more beneficial than remaining at a job a person hates and expected some union rep to do the looking out for yourself on your behalf.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

you don't have a spine or a brain. I bet you vote for Trump.

13esq ,

Being in a union is as much about sticking up for your fellow workers as is it is about "looking after No1".

Sure, if you don't like your job you could just quit and move on, but that's not always a choice. You could organise as a workforce that fights to make work better not just for yourself and your colleagues, but for your fellow countrymen and your children's generation too.

mechoman444 ,

So let me get this straight. People are completing jobs then slow rolling it to the end of the day to turn in those completed jobs so they don't have to do additional work? Is that correct?

If someone could clarify what a quit quitter is that would be great.

yokonzo ,

Sort of? I think the idea is, you do your work, and not an inkling more, by any means necessary

JackiesFridge , avatar

That's...definitionally not quitting, quiet or otherwise. That's literally doing the work you agreed to do when hired.

Drusas ,

Yes, but when they hired you, they planned to overwork and exploit you. It's not fair that they can't do so!

JackiesFridge , avatar

Oh well then I feel so bad for them /s

When I started my current job they told me the position was 45 hours/week. For my salary and task load that sounded reasonable. After that 45 I am gone and they respect my boundaries, which was honestly unexpected.

yokonzo ,

I didn't name the thing

Trainguyrom ,

I think "quiet quiting" specifically refers to a sliding of your norms that remain within the outlined KPIs. For example, if you usually respond to requests within the hour and the organizational requirement is within 1 business day, starting to not respond to requests until they've sat for several hours without any actual change to your workload would be very noticeable, but ultimately its still well within the required timeframe

pyre ,

that's not quitting

Default_Defect , avatar

You understand why its a shitty term then.

reverendsteveii ,

a quiet quitter is someone who does their job. they use a lot of tone, insinuation and connotation talking about it, but if you press them for a definition, a quiet quitter is someone who does their job.

Inucune ,

It is a term for people who do their job, but don't do extra work for free. They are not in violation of their contract.

orcrist ,

You know there's no definition of "quiet quitter" that makes sense to the people seriously using the term. They can't exactly say, "someone who does their job as specified in their official job duties" or "someone we can't abuse because they know labor law". Otherwise, nobody will sympathize with their goals (i.e., asking for things they aren't paying for).

dumbass , avatar

To me, it's doing your job just well enough that they can't actually fire you for anything, but no so well that you're being taken advantage of.

I also call it "proper time management" I properly manage my time so I can get all of MY work done in the time allocated to me, it's not my fault other people have terrible time management.

BlueMagma ,

My understanding is the following: In companies, it is assumed that employees will try to reach for the promotion, getting a higher position for a higher pay. Managers have been trained to use that to push people to do more than what is strictly required of them, letting people think that's how they'll progress their career. Quiet quitter are people that simply stopped aiming for the promotion, they do what their job entail and that's it, no more trying to get more, no extra, no internal politics. They don'tgive a fuck about all this, all they wantis the paycheck and to enjoy their life away from all this non-sense.

They pinned the term quiet quitter, because this is usually the behavior of an employee that is about to quit the company for another position elsewhere, except quiet quitter don't plan on quitting.

reverendsteveii ,

tacit admission that you started a business but you really wanted to start a cult. tell you what: you start paying me as much as you possibly can regardless of our employment agreement, I'll start working as much as I possibly can regardless of our employment agreement.

runeko , avatar

Spoiler: I won't actually work as much as I possibly can.

kureta ,

Yep. I want a reasonable amount of money for a reasonable amount of work. I have a life outside work, which seems incomprehensible to employers nowadays.

uriel238 , avatar

Parkinson's law: Work expands to consume the time available. (1955)

This is just blaming bureaucratic drift on the workforce. Only in the 2020s (or since the late 1980s) companies abandoned any care or concern for their own workers, and are glad to lay them off during growth to maximize profit.

The ownership class will tremble something something. We literally have nothing left to lose but our chains.

Underwaterbob ,

TIL I've been a "quiet quitter" my entire life.

brandon ,

It feels good to be seen.

HawlSera ,

"They asked us to pay them in money and not pizza parties, then the janitor came in and said "Wait you guys are getting Pizza Parties? I can't even get some cleaning agent to wipe the god damn toilet down properly with, I've been spitting on it and waiting for management to notice the smell and order more fucking cleaning agent and they're just giving you guys free pizza?" it's a mystery why they keep leaving., maybe we should try putting in an Air Hockey table that they'll never have long enough breaks to actually us?" - Management

EmperorHenry , (edited ) avatar

Translation: "Oh those poor poor billionaires! It's not as easy for them to abuse their employees as it used to be!"

NoLifeGaming ,

"How dare the slaves have time for other things and not prioritize our profits first?"

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

Get a vasectomy. I don't want to provide more wage slaves to these shitters. Exploited cradle to grave, what a life to leave your children.

stoly ,

The cycle of abuse stops here.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

his penis wishes.

josefo ,

You can always raise quiet quitter to mess with capitalism lol

LostWanderer ,

ROFL This is madness! I’d love to know who is behind this push to gaslight people into believing that having a great work/life balance is something to be frowned upon!

FlashMobOfOne , (edited ) avatar

As organized labor gains more steam, this is the kind of bullshit that's going to be thrust in front of our eyes on the "news" more, and more, and more.

eldavi ,

As organized labor gains more steam

is there a stat somewhere that agrees with this? please say yes and share a link; i would like to believe this is true, but evidence suggests that a union's biggest hurdle is still convincing white people that non-white people need to be in their union too.

TurtleJoe , avatar

Overall, it shows union rates being mostly a wash in 2023, but that's due to a large increase in total jobs that year; raw number of members went up, rate slightly declined. Black workers made up almost the entire grid increase.

The point that maybe relates most to what OP was saying:

These statistics don’t capture the number of workers who want to join unions. Evidence suggests that in 2023, more than 60 million workers wanted to join a union but couldn’t do so.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

This reply came more from the big wins Labor has experienced the last two years, such as the auto, rail, and writers' strikes being resolved, not individual stats.

cruncher ,

I think there's also the problem of certain sectors of work, like tech or retail, which should be unionized but aren't. Either because a lack of a history of unionization or because companies can too easily close a location and open another one across the street.

Showroom7561 ,

Doing your job at a high standard is a problem? Who makes this garbage up?

RedditWanderer ,

It's companies gaslighting us that we are either looking for new roles, or we are working hard to make more money/ask for a raise or else we'll find a new role.

Managers see both these things as "not being part of the fam", but really they just want to take more and give less while playing the victim.

GladiusB , avatar

Because people cannot like you and you still feel obligated to earn your paycheck and you have honor. Unlike the dip shits you are quitting from because they are drunken assholes that can't see past their whiney little emergencies.

gcheliotis ,

Yeah I always thought ‘quiet quitters’ referred to people checking out of their jobs emotionally and doing just barely enough to not get fired, so actually underperforming, not because they couldn’t do better but because they stopped caring at some point. In that sense they have already quit, quietly. But now it seems that anyone who doesn’t go above and beyond can be a ‘quiet quitter’? Doesn’t make much sense to me.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Nah, quit quitting is just the new term for it. Boomers called it working to the letter of your contract. Quit quitting isn’t doing less than your job duties. It’s simply refusing to bend over backwards and give your employer all of your free time. You don’t take on extra responsibility. You don’t come in early or stay late. You come in on time, do your exact job duties as written, then you go home.

But this terrifies employers, who have historically relied on manipulation and coercion to get employees to work beyond the scope of what they were hired for. So they’ve started calling it “quit quitting” in an effort to rebrand it as something negative.

stinerman , avatar

I've known people who are the best workers on their team, but put in like 40% effort. Does that count as quiet quitting? IDK.

To be clear, I'm not excusing the article, which is a bad joke. That being said, there are plenty of people out there that are really good at their jobs, but don't put in full effort. I don't have a problem with these people at all (really who does 100% effort all of the time?).

TexMexBazooka ,

really who does 100% effort all of the time?


SoleInvictus ,

They're just toeing the line for their corporate masters. Capitalists want 150% effort for 100% pay since the profit margin on that extra 50% alone is huge.

aesthelete ,

They don't just want your work output; they want your soul.

They want the old days where people were 100% believers in their jobs at places like WeWork, Uber, Tesla, and Facebook...before the general public became disillusioned with tech companies specifically and companies in general more broadly. They want "evangelists" and the belief of the mid-Obama years back...

The only problem is that many have looked at things over the last ten years and found that the euphoric promises made by the management of companies were lies.

BCsven ,

I think it is meant as satire

Syrc ,

Neither the site nor the author point to any of this being satire, unfortunately.

They’re just that much detached from reality.

BCsven ,

You are right, I assummed it was like the onion, but appears the irishtimes business section plays to the businesses it attracts ( of shitty companies avoiding taxes in their own country)

PiratePanPan , avatar

Quiet quitting is when I do my work

Mango ,

Bro, what can I even say to this??! 😂

Bruncvik , avatar

Irish Times is known for their clickbait articles. Not too long ago, an article that was written just to generate outrage (fake tan is cultural appropriation), was found to be generated by AI, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was also the case. My advice is to ignore anything Irish Times is writing. (I've been living in Ireland for well over a decade, and I learned to regard IT as the low end of the already poor media landscape here.)

RidcullyTheBrown ,

I was just going to say, of all places, this gets published by an Irish news outlet? Hah! It has been my experience moving there that in workplaces in Ireland is you go there, do your job and go home. No bullshit, the workplace is not a family, your colleagues are not your friends. In and out. Very efficient while on the clock, couldn’t give a fuck immediately after.

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