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reverendsteveii ,

tacit admission that you started a business but you really wanted to start a cult. tell you what: you start paying me as much as you possibly can regardless of our employment agreement, I'll start working as much as I possibly can regardless of our employment agreement.

reverendsteveii ,

a quiet quitter is someone who does their job. they use a lot of tone, insinuation and connotation talking about it, but if you press them for a definition, a quiet quitter is someone who does their job.

reverendsteveii ,

I've been reading Graeber's Bullshit Jobs and evidently they don't fire people in Japan. If they want rid of you, they just give you less and less to do until you're sitting in the office all day getting paid to do nothing, and the cultural expectation is that you quit out of shame rather than just accepting money for nothing.

reverendsteveii ,

I wouldn't recommend anyone become a software engineer but its worked for me

reverendsteveii ,

I'll be honest, I don't know if I have to work. I do, because I like the work and I like the company I work for a lot, but I'm fairly confident that I could just show up to meetings twice a week and fudge paperwork for quite a while before anyone caught on that I'm just a hole they're dumping money into.

reverendsteveii ,

That's a thought I had as well, and based on my extremely limited knowledge and research I think it's the conflict that's being avoided. Rather than dealing with the person directly, you use indirect actions that signal the expected result when taken in that social context and then let the pressure of those expectations generate the result you need without you ever directly doing anything. My understanding is that the pressure is pretty enormous, your coworkers will basically shun you out of fear of being targeted themselves and resentment for all the work you're not doing that they have to pick up instead.

reverendsteveii ,

yeah, I've been really fortunate.

This community might be harmful

This community sends “All lives matter” vibes. I understand that there are issues with how men are treated and there is nothing wrong with talking about it, but it does seem a little bit like a distraction from feminism issues. Women are objectively under a lot bigger threat and talking about women rights more makes a lot...

reverendsteveii ,

Lemmy has this neat new feature you might not be familiar with: to register your disapproval of a post, comment or community, flick your right thumb sharply upward.

reverendsteveii ,

sounds like every business in california is gonna start making and selling 1 loaf of bread every day because of blatant corruption

reverendsteveii ,

That’s the phrase we used for decades to justify murdering innocent people with flying assassin robots in Iraq and Afghanistan. They were “military-aged males” and therefore “presumed to be enemy combatants”.

reverendsteveii , (edited )

I just spent two days debugging a reporting endpoint that takes in two MM-YYYY parameters and tries to pull info between the first day of the month for param1 and the last day of the month for param2 and ended up having to set my date boundaries as

LocalDate startDate = new LocalDate(1, param1.getMonth(), param2.getYear()); //pretty straightforward, right?

//bump month by one, account for rollover, set endDate to the first of that month, then subtract one day

int endMonth = param2.month == 12 ? param2.month + 1 : 1;

LocalDate endDate = new LocalDate(1, endMonth, param2.year).minusDays(1);

This is extraordinarily simply for humans to understand intuitively, but to code it requires accounting for a bunch of backward edge/corner case garbage. The answer, of course, is to train humans to think in Unix epoch time.

reverendsteveii ,

i don’t even care if its wrong, I just want the code to be readable.

reverendsteveii ,

at the resolution of clock drift in milliseconds when I’m running reports that are, at most, only specific to the day?

reverendsteveii ,

I picture this being read by the fred armisen “believe it or not, straight to jail” character

reverendsteveii ,

holy shit, yeah it would have. tyvm, I’ll be putting in a PR first thing monday!

reverendsteveii ,

it does in a way that’s been reviewed, vetted and tested by a lot of people the thing that I’m trying to do with code that’s only ever been seen by me and one other guy and has been tested to this best of my ability, which i hope is quite good but one person can easily miss edge cases and weird coincidences.

reverendsteveii ,

not really time zones either outside the edge case where a data point exists within delta of midnight so that the time zone drift would result in a date change

reverendsteveii ,

it’s simpler and a lot easier for another engineer to look at and understand later, so they can verify that it’s right or change it if it’s wrong or we decide to do something a little bit different. it’s also been reviewed and tested by a lot of people working in a lot of cases that are all a little bit different from one another, so the odds that their code is correct are better than the odds that my code is correct, all other things being equal

reverendsteveii ,

I was transcribing it from memory and that exact problem cost me like two hours when I was writing it the first time. Well spotted, now write me a unit test for that case.

reverendsteveii , (edited )

can anyone tell me what there is to downvote

  1. meat isn’t “95% of the world’s food options”
  2. there is great veg food all over the place, failure to find is a failure to look
  3. you’re framing the choice as to whether to eat meat as some externally imposed thing when it’s simply not. Choosing from among your options doesn’t ‘threaten’ the options you didn’t choose
  4. your tone is just generally gross and defensive

I’m an omnivore too, but your arguments sound less like you considered the possibilities, rationally thought your way through to the best option then selected it, and more like you picked something and then tried to rationalize your way backward through the arguments to the options.

Edit: oooooh nothing like asking for feedback and then getting pissy when you get it.

reverendsteveii ,

Just remember that when everyone else has a problem with you, it’s everyone else that has the problem.

reverendsteveii ,

Depends on your audience. Potential employees will hate RTO and fear bad financial news, customers likely won’t care about either, shareholders don’t really care about RTO but will jump ship with bad financial news

reverendsteveii , (edited )

if we have to pay a living wage fast food will die

Then die.

The Wisconsin plan to overturn an election ( )

Wisconsin Republicans are already thinking of impeachment for the state’s newest Supreme Court justice, Insider reported. Janet Protasiewicz handily won her seat in April on a platform heavily focused on abortion rights, giving the court a 4-3 liberal majority after a long period of conservative control. But it’s her...

reverendsteveii ,

The fact that they repeatedly use the word trial here would normally present an interesting legal conundrum, as the impeached judge would have a constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial. Unfortunately the supreme court would likely end up ruling on what that means, and they’re openly and blatantly corrupt so I don’t expect their ruling to have anything to do with either the facts or the law.

Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight ( )

At the sentencing hearings for the five Proud Boys convicted for some of the most serious crimes related to the January 6 insurrection, the crocodile tears were flowing. Perhaps hoping for mercy from the Donald Trump-appointed federal judge, Timothy Kelly, one member of the neo-fascist gang after another claimed to have seen the...

reverendsteveii ,

This. Fuck a liberal but at Dem rallies no one chants about how I should be murdered.

reverendsteveii ,

I do not volunteer to be sacrificed for your ideological purity.

reverendsteveii ,

Thing is, us “good enough” engineers want to wfh too, and we’re willing to walk because of it

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