Books , avatar

I'm all for coming into the office, but I'm no longer commuting on my own dime. You want me in the office, for some messed up reason, my commute is on the clock.

capwiz ,

Same for me getting ready in the morning. You want me to look presentable when I come in? I'm clocking in while I shower. And I take LONG showers.


KevonLooney ,

Do you… not shower normally? Like a job has to force you?

Please stay at home.

_cerpin_taxt_ ,

My job requires me to come in twice a week. You bet your ass I clock in as soon as my head rolls off the pillow on those days.

MirthfulAlembic , avatar

I always raise an eyebrow when people generally claim remote “just does not work.” This seems to imply they’ve only tried one or two ways to set up a remote workforce because there simply hasn’t been enough time to honestly try several permutations.

I agree that some jobs cannot do it (those where physically it can’t be done, like manufacturing or lab work). But with such a service-based economy, the number of jobs that can be remote is only increasing.

I think it’s ultimately more a reflection of an unwillingness or inability to fundamentally restructure the way teams complete work and collaborate. It assumes the way offices work is objectively correct and must be maintained.

The managing challenges of remote work are just different than in-office; they are not more numerous. In-office environments are littered with ineffective, overbearing, and/or intrusive management styles. Management is always squawking that their workers need to be agile and adapt, but they are rarely willing to do the same.

018118055 ,

If remote doesn’t work, on-site isn’t working either other than the visual appearance of productivity.

donut4ever , avatar

LOL. I love seeing capitalists fight each other. Makes me so happy while working from home. :)

EnderWi99in ,

Who is he fighting with here?

donut4ever , avatar

It is a big fight between the real-estate/banks and the rest of the market that want to save money by not renting massive useless buildings while their employees can function 100% from home

traveler01 ,

Hates remote work, must be a great employer…

These tools are living in the past. Sure there will always be some employees that abuse it, but mostly it has become a success. Can even help lower CO2 emissions since it removes a lot of daily commuters.

const_void ,

Yeah, but think of all the Arby’s and McDonald’s restaurants that are no longer getting any business from on-site employees!!1 Will someone please think of the poor Arby’s?!

traveler01 ,

There will always be some jobs that require on site workers. But many already don’t and employers force them to make a commute because they think this way.

Bosa ,

Ya these people are so out of touch (so more likely they want people in buildings so they are getting people to come in so buildings aren’t empty) that’s my guess at least.

Business don’t wanna pay for a lease with no one in there, since work from home can be fine but they seem to despise it. Makes no sense.

Addition ,

This is the same shitbag behind WADU. He can get bent.

Num10ck ,

never had a good experience dealing with Chase, I guess leadership feels the same for the employees?

ablackcatstail , avatar

They say the fish stinks from the head. Jamie Dimon is your typical corporate CEO asshole. I wouldn’t expect any different.

Nollij ,

That vast majority of their former employees that I’ve spoken to feel the same way

donut4ever , avatar

Chase has been mailing me literally the same letter for the past 12 years. I think they send it once or twice a month. It is a cardboard paper with a huge “500” on it, begging me to open an account with. Mind you, it goes directly in the trash. They waste so much paper.

Tankaus ,

He’s right, you know… no smart and successful business owner wants to ensure their employees’ happiness.

/s <- do we need these over here? Lol

bettyspaghetti , avatar

And this is where we diverge culturally. The rest of us in the workforce that haven't been brain-washed to believe that the old school corporate lifestyle/mentality is the way things should be will go find jobs elsewhere for companies that are much more progressive (or start companies of our own). The Jamie Dimons of the world will be left with only their vacant ass commercial real estate still saying "nobody wants to work" or some shit.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

So he's going to limit his talent pool to people who both live within commuting distance and aren't good enough at their jobs to find remote work.

That's a bold choice.

sadreality ,

FEMA camp staffed by Obama death panel

tdawg ,

I completely agree! See you never bucko

Usernameblankface , avatar

Sure thing, boss.

(Shocked Pikachu meme)

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